Gotta look at which way the cookie crumbles or the beam shears - how stress is distributed in a system.
If you take for granted that there is a large amount of emotional strain floating around, where are the outlets?
Men bottle it up and retake control (school shootings, as an extreme).
People with precarious lives can express the stress as worry and fear (mostly women).
Depression is a luxury version of stress - not happy, but also physically safe and not worried for your well-being. "White liberal female teens" = privilege.
Depression is a spectrum of presentations, and severe cases render you entirely unable to work. In turn that means your physical well being is at risk if you depend on salary to keep yourself housed and fed.
If you take for granted that there is a large amount of emotional strain floating around, where are the outlets?
Men bottle it up and retake control (school shootings, as an extreme).
People with precarious lives can express the stress as worry and fear (mostly women).
Depression is a luxury version of stress - not happy, but also physically safe and not worried for your well-being. "White liberal female teens" = privilege.