> You decided that you wanted to use some framework/feature/API and save developer time. Which is odd. Because consider how much time you spend trying to not harm the environment in your free time: shopping for sustainable products, bringing your reusable cup, recycling. And then think of the minutes you save with new programming stuff compared to the number of iPhones discarded because of that.
Me too, and I was disappointed to see this comment section mostly full of people either blaming the author or explaining why their experience actually makes sense.
It's like a positive feedback-loop (though I guess morally negative) between manufacturers, developers, and users, all three dragging/pushing on the other to roll down the hill of faster hardware and heavier apps, none of them really in control or able to stop, and therefore also not directly to blame. The upgrade-train to Waste City has no breaks. Still, it seems to me at least that the manufacturers are the only ones strictly happy about the situation.
Interestingly, I felt the opposite reading that. Probably in the author’s country (I’m assuming the Netherlands, given the name and the prices in EUR) this is a general sentiment, but in America where most of the apps the author is using were written the average programmer probably does not care about this as much as the author thinks they do. This is not saying this for better or worse, just acknowledging the reality of the situation.
These days, everything eventually gets sacrificed at the altar of "developer comfort". Backward compatibility gets thrown under the bus so code can be "cleaned up" and to reduce the testing scope. Software performance gets thrown under the bust so we can all program in Javascript. Platform-specific features get thrown under the bus in favor of a cross-platform framework so we only have to target one API. Download sizes get thrown under the bus so we can ship containers because it's hard to get programs to work on other people's computers. Less-frequently used features get thrown under the bus because it's hard to maintain all that old code.
> You decided that you wanted to use some framework/feature/API and save developer time. Which is odd. Because consider how much time you spend trying to not harm the environment in your free time: shopping for sustainable products, bringing your reusable cup, recycling. And then think of the minutes you save with new programming stuff compared to the number of iPhones discarded because of that.