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  > Starting some apps takes really long, like 10–20 seconds. I think it’s because today’s apps require more RAM than their older versions.
is it that? i seem to remember something about flash chips wearing down over time and get less and less performance... could it be that instead?

The flash chips in the SSD in my actual computer don't seem to have done this, and they're older and have had higher write traffic. If this is a thing, does this just indicate the phone manufacturers are saving a few pence on each unit at our expense?

>If this is a thing, does this just indicate the phone manufacturers are saving a few pence on each unit at our expense?

Would this surprise you? If, before I bought a phone, I would have some insight into how long the storage chips will last that would definitely factor into my purchasing decision. This is not something reviews cover, or are even able to cover.

Hope LTT Labs sets something up here.

Yeah, this is definitely something I would factor into my purchasing decisions. My phone is showing trouble after just 3.5 years of use, which is unacceptable in my view. It isn't even as if I have used it heavily.

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