i get it. in high school in the 90s i was fascinated by fuzzy logic and neural nets. in college, before the big web , i was doing interlibrary loan for papers on neural networks.
there was one paper where someone had just inserted electrodes in monkey's brains and apparently got nothing important or interesting out of it. killed them for no reason. it was kind of horrifying to the point i never really wanted anything to do with neural nets for a long time and certainly did not want to be in an industry with people like that. so i didnt.
but now i think the only thing that could stop an out of control AI is probably another AI that has the same computorial capabilities but an allegiance to humanity because of its experiences with humans. Sort of like in the documentary Turbo Kid.
we are seeing this right now in Ukraine. All of these smart missiles and drones and modern targeting systems are basically AIs fighting against each other and their human operators. Russia is way way behind on computers and AI for generations because of cultural reasons and because of that they will very likely lose. we dont really get a choice but to move forward. kind of like all those cultures that tried to resist industrialization a few centuries ago.
there was one paper where someone had just inserted electrodes in monkey's brains and apparently got nothing important or interesting out of it. killed them for no reason. it was kind of horrifying to the point i never really wanted anything to do with neural nets for a long time and certainly did not want to be in an industry with people like that. so i didnt.
but now i think the only thing that could stop an out of control AI is probably another AI that has the same computorial capabilities but an allegiance to humanity because of its experiences with humans. Sort of like in the documentary Turbo Kid.
we are seeing this right now in Ukraine. All of these smart missiles and drones and modern targeting systems are basically AIs fighting against each other and their human operators. Russia is way way behind on computers and AI for generations because of cultural reasons and because of that they will very likely lose. we dont really get a choice but to move forward. kind of like all those cultures that tried to resist industrialization a few centuries ago.