I’m torn on the “writing for robots.” On one hand you’re writing a blog for the internet and people/robots are free to do what they want with that info.
But on the other hand, I’ve written technical training documents on niche topics. A lot of work goes into them. So I sympathize that one would want some reward for it. And ChatGPT probably negates this reward. In the case of a blog the reward is traffic, conversation, notoriety in the community.
The best way for this to be fixed (in my opinion) is that if asked GPT should tell you where it got its info and give credit where it is due.
> I’m torn on the “writing for robots.” On one hand you’re writing a blog for the internet and people/robots are free to do what they want with that info.
Yep. This is true. I wasn’t meaning it in the sense of blocking robots. More of a practical sense, if traffic continues falling and the only traffic you see is robots, in effect you are writing for robots. And that’s when the rewards you outlined no longer apply.
I hope that Bing and ChatGPT can further the work to cite sources. That will go some way towards helping the situation I believe.
But on the other hand, I’ve written technical training documents on niche topics. A lot of work goes into them. So I sympathize that one would want some reward for it. And ChatGPT probably negates this reward. In the case of a blog the reward is traffic, conversation, notoriety in the community.
The best way for this to be fixed (in my opinion) is that if asked GPT should tell you where it got its info and give credit where it is due.
That or something like this:
User-agent: openai
Disallow: /