After opening it, the first thing it does is to offer to opt-out of telemetry. That's good enough.
That said, after I denied it, when I go to Settings it says Telemetry: Enabled, even though the checkbox to enable it is unchecked. I have no idea which reflects my current settings.
Furthermore, after I selected to "Initialize Podman", the switcher is still in the "off" position. If I click it again, it says the VM already exists. I'm not sure how to stop it, or if it's even actually running.
I'll stick with colima [0] for now as it's simple, easy, with not telemetry, and I always know what's its state.
Not really. I wouldn’t even say I’m doing anything hugely fancy with Docker (hell, I’m not even using containers in production) and podman desktop as it stands is unfortunately not a drop-in replacement. I pray for the day.
Ive used rancher desktop on macos, works great to replace docker desktop. I dont to complex things, eg. build a container to run a trino db client indtead of installing java locally.
I'll try this to see if it's more stable on Windows than Docker Desktop, which has been giving me constant issues lately. Or maybe it's WSL's fault, who knows.
Last time I tested it on wsl2 it didn't mount volumes in the main Linux distribution but only inside it's own Linux distro which kinda defeats the purpose since i couldn't use the storage accessible by the Linux distro that had all my tools setup. Not sure if that changed, but docker desktop has this functionality and works quite well.
In a previous life, I built and maintained a Dockerized CI pipeline (using Windows containers) for Bluetooth headphone firmware. Qualcomm only provides tools for e.g. CSR8675 platforms for Windows.
What’s worse is in some cases the source code has to be commingled with the SDK itself, so building projects can mean copying your source code and modifications over top of the installed SDK in order to produce a build. Docker’s ephemeral disks are a lifesaver in stupid situations like this.
Building windows client applications that need to talk to a containerized service. The service could run on a remote server, but for development it is convenient to run it on the same Windows laptop that I'm doing the Windows development on. I've already switched to podman on Windows, and I'm evaluating switching to podman on Linux for the sake of being a lighter weight, and looking like a good way to run pods on a single node.
Ok, this one is “interesting”: podman-compose have a dev brach that has some lots of things addressed, but they don’t have any recent tags and it’s not clear if they are going too. There is an issue somewhere, alluding that development is stalled because k8s is the way or similar thing.
Looks like it. Last time I tried it, I wasn't able to use it because of this. I don't use or need kubernetes. I do use docker and docker-compose. A lot. On basically all my projects. It's not optional for me. So, sadly, Podman is not a usable docker desktop replacement for me.
I used qemu for a while on my old macbook with a linux vm that had ssh installed. You can actually make docker use a remote machine via ssh and with some environment variable magic you can actually make things like docker-compose work that way. A bit tricky with mounting volumes and forwarding ports of course but you can make that work as well. You can use ssh to forward local ports to a remote machine and you can setup qemu to share directories to the vm. It is a bit tedious to manage but I used this for several months with some scripts to set this up. So, having done this manually, that raises the question why Podman can't do this?
I reverted back to using docker desktop when I got my M1 macbook last year. It's just easier. But it would be nice to have some alternative if the need ever arises. If Podman improves their docker-compose support I might give it another try.
Sounds like containers could be OS built-in for non-cli applications? Any app can be containerized so that adds a level of isolation and security. I actually use containers whenever I can so I don't worry about left over garbage.
I think it is fair to say that Red Hat devs hate Docker devs. Early in the Docker days, Red Hat submitted multiple patches to Docker that fixed legitimate issues. Docker rejected[0] most of them.
After that, Red Had basically said, "screw you guys, I'm going to build my own container engine with blackjack and hookers!" and Podman, Skopeo, Buildah, etc. popped up.
First: it is ibm. Second: what is wrong with Canonical that they seem hellbent on destroying IBM? What is wrong with Torvalds that he seems hellbent on destroying Sun Microsystems, and IBM?
On ramp into OpenShift since it uses podman underneath. Also, unlike Docker, Red Hat's revenue streams are extremely diversified, so they can afford to do this
Podman Desktop Companion GUI – Parity on All Major Operating Systems - - April 2022 (113 comments)