I don’t think that model has the properties you think it does. Someone still has to take call to back the operators. Someone has to build the signals that the ops folks watch. Someone has to write criteria for what should and should not be escalated, and in a larger org they will also need to know which escalation path is correct. And on and on — the work has to get done somewhere!
The way those criteria usually get written in a startup with mission-critical customer-facing stuff (like this privacy issue) is that first the person watching Twitter and email and whatever else pages the engineers, and then there's a retro on whether or not that particular one was necessary, lather, rinse, repeat.
All you need on day 1 is someone to watch the (metaphorical) phones + a way to page an engineer. Don't start by spending a million bucks a year, start by having a first aid kit at the ready.
Perhaps they could also help this person out by looking into some sort of fancy software to automatically summarize messages that were being sent to them, or their mentions on Reddit, or something, even?
Yup, twitter monitoring is a thing that I have seen implemented. We did not allow it to page us, however. As you say, some of the barriers around that are low or gone as of late. I wonder if someone has already secured seed funding for social media monitoring as a service. The feature set you can build on a LLM is orders of magnitude better than what was practical before.
Looking at my post up-thread, I wish I had emphasized the time aspect more - of course all of these problems are solvable but it takes both time and money. They have the money now but two months ago the parts of this incident were in place but the scale was so small that it never actually leaked data. Or maybe a handful of early adopters saw some weird shit but we’re all well-trained to just hit refresh these days. Hiring even one operator and getting them spun up takes calendar time that simply has not existed yet. I assume someone over there is panicking about this and trying to get someone hired to make sure they look better prepared next time, because there will be a next time, and if they’re even half as successful as the early hype leads me to believe, I expect they are going to have a lot more incidents as they scale. One in a million is eight and a half times per day at 100 rps.
Since I wrote this, I have seen several anecdotes that support this guess. This is a classic scaling problem. One or two users saw it, and one even says they reported it, but at small scale with immature tools and processes getting to the actual software bug is a major effort that has to be balanced around other priorities like making excessive amounts of money.