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  export GOPATH=~/Projects/go
Has been like this since forever.

Being like that for a long time is not a justification for terrible defaults.

That is a better default than a hidden directory. It is obvious and so you can set GOPATH

Also works better on Windows where .path is not hidden

Also it seems Rob Pike one of the creators of Go and involved with early UNIX thinks that . making hidden files was a mistake. Quote via XahLee http://xahlee.info/UnixResource_dir/writ/unix_origin_of_dot_... - original was Google+ so not existing now.

Sure, hidden folders are a mistake, but less of a mistake than not adhering to standardized folder structures and just littering in people's home folders.

I hate it when I forget to show hidden files on mac.

They had a kb shortcut for it

They still do: Shift-Command-period toggles hidden files visibility.

And then you have a french layout where it's impossible to fire this keyboard shortcut.

Oy. That surprised me. I am quite familiar with the notion of common keyboard shortcut that I can't get on my Norwegian keyboard. Command-(left/right) square bracket is very common, but at least that is usually associated with a menu item so I can assign a different shortcut. But now I learned that on a French keyboard, period is shift-semicolon!? Which makes me wonder: Do the French use the semicolon more often than the period? Oh well, once in a while it sucks not to be American. ;-)

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