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Ask HN: Where can I find a primer on how computers boot?
457 points by mog_dev on March 20, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 94 comments
As a developer, I recently encountered challenges with GRUB and discovered I lacked knowledge about my computer's boot process. I realized terms like EFI partition, MBR, GRUB, and Bootloader were unfamiliar to me and many of my colleagues. I'm seeking introductory and easy-to-understand resources to learn about these concepts. Any recommendations would be appreciated!

Most of the links here help with your immediate questions, but if starting with base concepts and first principles is appealing to you, I have to recommend:

- the MIT Operating Systems Engineering OCW course [^1]

- specifically, Lecture #2 [^2] which describes the bootloader for 'xv6', a reimplementation of Unix v6, which does a great job showing what a solid OS with all the basics look like

[^1]: https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/6-828-operating-system-engineeri...

[^2]: https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/6-828-operating-system-engineeri...

I'd also recommend this. There's even more information on a newer version of this course's site, 6.S081 [^1].

[^1]: https://pdos.csail.mit.edu/6.S081/2020/schedule.html

Ah I like that "for amusement" video.

This is cool, although I wish (and maybe I'm missing them) that there were lecture videos or recordings to go along with this. It seems like good material with not a lot of explanation.

E: Sibling comment posted updated course with videos: https://pdos.csail.mit.edu/6.S081/2020/schedule.html

Here are a couple of resources I think can help you:

- old x86 PCs boot in BIOS mode: https://opensource.com/article/17/2/linux-boot-and-startup

With BIOS, your PC initializes hardware and contains firmware drivers for reading disk drives. BIOS loads the first sector (MBR) from the selected boot drive to a fixed memory location and jumps to it. Everything else is up to the bootloader (BIOS still provides methods for reading disk, interacting with the keyboard/moues and text or (S)VGA video output). GRUB2 is saved to the disk in two stages: Stage 1 is <512bytes and is only used to load stage 2. Stage 2 is commonly saved in the empty space before the first partition. Grub stage 2 then loads it's own drivers for filesystems, searches partitions and kernels+ramdisks... Once you select or manually type the path to a kernel and init ram disk, GRUB loads it into memory and jumps to it (still in 16bit real mode).

- new x86 PCs and some ARM use UEFI: https://hackaday.com/2021/11/30/whats-the-deal-with-uefi/

UEFI works similarly, but is cross-platform (can work on x86, x86_64, itanium, 32bit and 64bit ARM, possibly on RISC-V). UEFI doesn't look for boot drives but for EFI applications (bootloaders) on a special EFI System Partition (uses FAT32 filesystem per spec, but can be any filesystem your UEFI firmware has a driver for). The firmware then loads the configured UEFI application and runs it (it also provides services for input devices, disks, networking, display). GRUB does the same as above.

The only difference is if you are using a distribution that has a signed bootloader (using Microsoft's UEFI CA) probably also check whether the kernel and 3rd party modules are signed using distribution's or your (owner's) signing keys.

- other ARM devices and most MIPS, RISC-V commonly use U-Boot with Device Tree (as without UEFI or ACPI, there has to be a way to inform the kernel of basic non-PNP hardware and how to communicate with it).

Another resource for how Apple silicon Macs boot is the "EFI Jumpstart" chapter of "Apple File System Reference", which starts off with a section about the boot process.


> other ARM devices and most MIPS, RISC-V commonly use U-Boot with Device Tree (as without UEFI or ACPI, there has to be a way to inform the kernel of basic non-PNP hardware and how to communicate with it).

Additionally, UEFI on ARM (and probably RISC-V) will commonly give you a device tree too. The two aren't mutually exclusive and modern ARM SoCs more or less require kernel space to have more information than UEFI is capable of conveying.

As an aside, GRUB here for general purposes is synonymous with other bootloaders such as NTLDR, Windows Boot Manager, lilo, and so on.

https://osdev.org has a lot of resources about this.

Your computer and all of its hardware are built on standards. For the most part, they are adhered to by hardware and BIOS manufacturers. GRUB et al are just abstracting those away because they're obtuse and not very ergonomic to work with from day to day.

I also recommend the OSDev Wiki. It also includes information you’d need to write your own bootloader, if that’s what you want to do.

Isn't a lot of the material there deliberately obscufated and/or wrong but not corrected for the sake of making people figure it out themselves?

No lol, where did you get that idea?

Plenty of good links here already. I'll just add that booting is enormously complex, and starts well before any of the dozen comments so far. I skimmed many of them (not all) and they all tell pretty much the same story whether on real hardware or virtual.

But modern real hardware first boots a Management Engine (or BMC, or T2, or similar), which prepares things and starts subsystems like hardware controllers, before releasing the CPU where the "OS" finally boots, blissfully unaware that it is running on an abstraction.

Watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=36myc8wQhLo from about 10:00 to about 20:00 for a decent super high level overview.

These two are also good for a deeper understanding.



They both cover UEFI, even though the focus is on T2.

I know that's well beyond what you were asking for, but the boot process goes well beyond GRUB.

So much this. Every part of a modern computer contains unseen, non-architectural processors of various kinds. When the main architectural CPU executes the first instruction, that is the last in a sequence of miracles. The only way to be familiar with the whole process is to build a computer from scratch.

Arch wiki is a really good place i learned this stuff from:


P.S I use Arch btw. ;)

I use Arch too.

How do you know if a person uses Linux? >They will tell you.

I use Mint :p

I use ChromeOS >:)

2nd this, this is where I learned how computers boot up.

+1, this is also where I learned most of my knowledge

For posterity, some *BSD links that could be useful to gain understanding:




I wondered about an adjacent topic recently ("what IS the kernel actually") and found out that a great way to understand it, would be to start with the boot process. Once I felt less lost, I tried to capture my learnings [1]

The text is not edited yet, but as I had the benefit of learning about it with fresh eyes, it should be very approachable (and hopefully accurate enough)

[1] https://vsupalov.com/demystifying-kernel/

> It’s firmware time. Your machine has a motherboard, there is a chip on it which has had BIOS (Basic Input/Output System) flashed on it.

I wonder if it's worth it to call out the "processor microcode" firmware? Any cool startup things happen at that low level as well?

The microcode is mostly irrelevant, and is also opaque. It might be doing something but Intel won't give you more details beyond the programmer's reference model.

"Microcode" generally looks more like expanding a CISC instruction into other instructions, rather than something that looks like a program.

Extremely low level paper: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/295010710_Booting_a... ; good to confirm that Intel systems still boot at 0xFFFFFF0 in real (16-bit!) mode. It also points out that microcode updates are applied after execution has started.

There is also the fun of "cache as RAM"; it's usually quite a time consuming operation to get the DRAM controller up and running and "trained" to the particular signal properties of the motherboard, so the early boot phase has no RAM.

I knew it would boot at 16bit mode, I need to make an article.

There's indeed a lot of firmware (not just microcode). A bunch of code is signature-checked and executed from the boot ROM and firmware flash in order to bring up the CPU and its various auxiliary cores (starting with the security processor/management engine nowadays), the PCH and the DRAM controller - all before the CPU can start executing any bootloader code from RAM.

Way out of my depth! However, the stuff I saw the folks from Oxide [1] talk about comes to mind. Hardware stuff with Rust. If you want to look at a specific project, Hubris [2] is a kernel for "deeply-embedded" systems.

[1] https://oxide.computer/blog/building-big-systems-with-remote...

[2] https://github.com/oxidecomputer/hubris

Hubris is a part of booting on our systems in that it executes on both our root of trust and on our service processor -- but both of these execute long before the host CPU. To understand how we boot our host CPU (AMD Milan) on an Oxide compute sled, see my OSFC 2022 talk[0][1], as well as the episode of our Oxide and Friends podcast on holistic boot.[2]

[0] https://speakerdeck.com/bcantrill/i-have-come-to-bury-the-bi...

[1] https://www.osfc.io/2022/talks/i-have-come-to-bury-the-bios-...

[2] https://share.transistor.fm/s/24beb248

Thanks a lot for sharing! I ended up watching the referenced "It's Time for Operating Systems to Rediscover Hardware" talk as well. Fascinating stuff.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modern_Operating_Systems Modern Operating Systems by Andrew S. Tenenbaum, this book explains how Operating Systems works in general. Including boot.

+1 on this book. Fantastic resource.

I liked this: https://0xax.gitbooks.io/linux-insides/content/index.html

It explains the boot process from the cpu initialization to a the end of the linux kernel initialization.

Perhaps it's easier to pick an OS and understand its boot process?

And since no one's mentioned let me say that TLDP is a comprehensive, understandable, and the authoritative source on all things Linux.

That said, here's two documents from TLDP.

1. [Boot process, Init and shutdown] https://tldp.org/LDP/intro-linux/html/sect_04_02.html

2. [The boot process in closer look] https://tldp.org/LDP/sag/html/boot-process.html

This one looks pretty good, for all the terms you list. It's refreshingly free of opinionating and just covers the technicalities and the history in a straightforward manner, and has links to good wiki overviews of EFI etc, compares the BIOS vs UEFI boot processes, and so on:


Incidentally I discovered you can learn a fair amount about the boot process by making bad edits to your /etc/fstab file on a Linux system :) e.g.


Also this central page for different bootloaders for a variety of systems, is kind of interesting, there's many different approaches.


Didn't see these two mentioned yet:

UNIX and Linux System Administration Handbook, 5th Edition, Chapter 2: Booting and System Management Daemons

"Code" by Charles Petzold, 2nd Edition, Chapter Twenty-Six: The Operating System

The first one is totally fine to read stand-alone. "Code" makes more sense to read cover to cover, though the chapter on its own isn't totally useless.

"Code" was such a great read even though I already knew a lot of what's in it. I highly recommend it.

I honestly had a very good exchange about this exact topic with ChatGPT not too long ago. It was able to draw connections between the different stages that blog posts/wikis about each often do not. Specifically I was asking about the Linux boot process and it was able to go into enough detail for me to Google for the rest. Hope that helps.

I'd be very interested to know what Ask HN posts will actually be answered by HN better than by ChatGPT. Maybe those will be things that we excel at.

Also, heads up: GPT-4 is night and day smarter than regular ChatGPT and totally worth the subscription price if using it for general research.

searching on GitHub specifically would probably have the best stuff (I didn't look at these very hard):



Every Linux has

Dig in on each of their home/official site e.g: https://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub/grub.pdf

most say Gentoo or Funtoo (its improvement) excel in docs. among them

A good summary of UEFI booting:


Once you're done with the easy-to-understand and are hungry for more, check out https://wiki.osdev.org/Expanded_Main_Page

You'll learn everything you wanted about booting and much more.

Booting process of Linux: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Booting_process_of_Linux

Booting process of Windows NT since Vista: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Booting_process_of_Windows_NT_...

UEFI > Secure Booting, Boot Stages: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UEFI#Boot_stages

The EFI system partition is conventionally /boot/efi on a Linux system; and there's a signed "shim loader" that GRUB launches, which JMP- launches the kernel+initrd after loading the initrd into RAM (a "RAM drive") and mounting it as the initial root filesystem /, which is pivot_root'd away from after the copy of /sbin/init (systemd) mounts the actual root fs and launches all the services according to the Systemd unit files in order according to a topological sort given their dependency edges: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/EFI_system_partition

Runlevels: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Runlevel

runlevel 5 is runlevel 3 (multi-user with networking) + GUI. On a gnome system, GDM is the GUI process that is launched. GDM launches the user's Gnome session upon successful login. `systemctl restart gdm` restarts the GDM Gnome Display Manager "greeter" login screen, which runs basically runs ~startx after `bash --login`. Systemd maps the numbered runlevels to groups of unit files to launch:

  telinit 6 # reboot
  telinit 3 # kill -15 GDM and all logged in *GUI* sessions
You can pass a runlevel number as a kernel parameter by editing the GRUB menu item by pressing 'e' if there's not a GRUB password set; just the number '3' will cause the machine to skip starting the login greeter (which may be what's necessary to troubleshoot GPU issues). The word 'rescue' as a kernel parameter launches single-user mode, and may be what is necessary to rescue a system failing to boot. You may be able to `telinit 5` from the rescue runlevel, or it may be best to reboot.

>The EFI system partition is conventionally /boot/efi on a Linux system;

Still often mounted as /boot/efi but physically residing on the root of the hidden ESP volume as EFI/boot & EFI/ubuntu, for distros like ubuntu.

So when mounted you have something like /boot/efi/boot/bootx64.efi and boot/efi/ubuntu/grub etc. if visible and accessible.

I wrote an article on writing a tiny pseudo-bootloader a while back[0] that got a bit of traction on HN at the time; you may enjoy it as an accesible and fun stepping stone into the space. There’s an accompanying GH repo[1] with all the resources you need to run it yourself :)

[0]: https://www.joe-bergeron.com/posts/Writing%20a%20Tiny%20x86%...

[1]: https://github.com/Jophish/tiny-bootstrap

Here's a write up I found recently.

> This is a discussion of what happens when a CPU chip starts. It may be thought of as what happens when a whole computer starts, since the CPU is the center of the computer and the place where the action begins.


I would say start at wikipedia looking up terms and consider a couple of weeks to grasp the simple notions of what's involved. Start with MBR, limits on old drives, dig into various tricks to get around limitations ... not really relevant present day but it's good insight.

Problems with bootlaoders are generally specific to the system it's on and how the drive(s) is / are set up.



I think even old versions of Scott Mueller's "Upgrading and Repairing Pcs" might be of use to you. Digital versions could be found at archive.org.

Nothing beats experimentation when you really need to find out for yourself and documentation is not ideal to begin with.

It might be easier to study something other than an x86 PC, at least to start with. There's so much legacy in x86 that's distracting.

This post[1] has an animated image that's pretty helpful: https://embeddedinn.xyz/images/posts/rvLinuxQemuBoot/bootAni...

It's of course specific to one platform, but the visualization of building up a structures in memory with the right offsets/order and jumping in is pretty typical.

[1] https://embeddedinn.xyz/articles/tutorial/RISCV-Uncovering-t...

The gist is (which doesn't hold universally true), when the CPU is powered up, it initializes its internal RAM, loads in a pre-boot ROM, executes it. pre-boot ROM's job is to initialize whatever it has to, to bring in the initial bootloader which initializes RAM, finds a suitable bootloader program and loads it in. This program, also called second-stage bootloader, is an Operating System in its own right. It can understand filesystems, explore attached hardware, speak multiple network protocols, initialize devices as needed. The second-stage bootloader (there may also be a third-stage) usually then boots into a Kernel. The Linux Kernel invokes the init process and things proceed into the userspace from there.

At each of those stages, the bootloader images, the kernel image, the device trees, and the disk / filesystem are verified ("measured") for integrity eventually anchored on a "hardware root-of-trust".

If you're a visual learner:

How TI Beagleboard boots (33m): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DV5S_ZSdK0s / https://ghostarchive.org/varchive/DV5S_ZSdK0s

How ARM Cortex M boots (9m): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3brOzLJmeek / https://ghostarchive.org/varchive/3brOzLJmeek

Bootloader 101 (embedded devices; 38m): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UvFG76qM6co / https://ghostarchive.org/varchive/UvFG76qM6co

Measured Boot (39m): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EzSkU3Oecuw / https://ghostarchive.org/varchive/EzSkU3Oecuw

Coreboot (38m): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iffTJ1vPCSo / https://ghostarchive.org/varchive/iffTJ1vPCSo

U-Boot (1h 25m): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=INWghYZH3hI

UEFI for U-Boot (38m): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VnsF3uRZzNk / https://ghostarchive.org/varchive/VnsF3uRZzNk

Device Trees (43m): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nz6aBffv-Ek / https://ghostarchive.org/varchive/Nz6aBffv-Ek

ARM Trust Zone (46m): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q32BEMMxmfw

Very Nice; Thank You for all the links !

PS: Your profile which seems to be a cheat-sheet of various HN handles categorized into their areas of expertise is very useful too :-)

Someone else mentioned the Arch wiki under "Arch boot process" specifically. Since you mentioned GRUB, though, also check out the Arch wiki's article on GRUB: https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/GRUB

I found it invaluable when debugging some issues a few years back. Try unpacking the initramfs and reading the scripts contained in there, too: https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Arch_boot_process#initramfs

Decent explanation here, if you scroll a bit: https://www.abortretry.fail/p/an-introduction-to-linux-part-...

Jonathan de Boyne Pollard wrote some reasonably concise descriptions of this and related issues. His overall "FGA" index is at [1], and you might be more specifically interested in [2] and [3].

[1] http://jdebp.uk./FGA/

[2] http://jdebp.uk./FGA/pcat-boot-process.html

[3] http://jdebp.uk./FGA/efi-boot-process.html

As a side note, I found the concept of BIOS/UEFI/Firmware virus fascinating. It might be useful to read a few analysis about them. Of course I understand little about the topic as I don't work in low level.

OS dev forums and wiki have extensive information on, well, almost everything computer-related.


Intel has opensource training on EFI/UEFI and the whole boot process. https://github.com/tianocore/tianocore.github.io/wiki/Traini... Alot of the other stuff is either outdated or not relevant for current stuff. Tianocore/EDK is pretty much the standard for dev on that level and this directly teaches that.

In addition to everything else mentioned here, you might find some useful material in the Grub documentation:


and/or in the Linux From Scratch book:


OSDev might be a good resource: https://wiki.osdev.org/Expanded_Main_Page

This thread almost has all the good resources out there, however a good book I haven't seen mentioned is "Hands-on Booting" [ISBN-10: 1484258894]. It does not go into deep technicalities but if you want a good overall picture(how the microsoft bootloader works and how especially grub works) it's definitely beginner-friendly in my opinion.

That's a good book. A few others from Apress include A few books may help include "Building Secure Firmware" https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-1-4842-6106-4 and "System Firmware" https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-1-4842-7939-7. A couple of older items from DeGruyter are "Beyond Bios" https://www.degruyter.com/document/doi/10.1515/9781501505690... and "Quick Boot" https://www.degruyter.com/document/doi/10.1515/9781501506819....

Installing Arch is a great way to learn. As you go step by step you'll learn the parts of the OS, and kind kind of grok why they're there (and when you'll inevitably skip a step, you'll learn more). It's also a great system to have total control over your OS. And since you built it yourself you can fix it yourself.

First, start by mentally preparing yourself that this mess is the foundation of our technologically based society.

The 80386 System Software Writer’s Guide.


I found this thorough breakdown of how modern Windows boots: https://igor-blue.github.io/2021/02/04/secure-boot.html

If you're interested in a code-walkthrough of the Linux boot process in 2004: https://www.scott-a-s.com/the-linux-boot-process-of-2004/

Quora is also very useful, with lots of good answers (and cat pics): https://www.quora.com/What-happens-during-the-booting-of-a-c...

Can't remember how much of the boot process it covered but I really like https://littleosbook.github.io/

https://handmade.network/p/308/lil-uefi/ - this might be of interest to you

Andreas Kling did an awesome video about the Serenity OS boot process here: https://youtu.be/NpcGMuI7hxk

How Linux Works is pretty decent book. https://nostarch.com/howlinuxworks3

Anyone know where there's good info on how Windows boots? Like how it chooses which partition is booted? For the next time I want to change SSDs.

Suggest starting on wikipedia and spidering your way around the references: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Booting_process_of_Windows_NT_...

I think Eclectic Light had something pretty comprehensive on Mac booting.


When you turn on the power, a capacitor keeps the 6502's reset line low for several milliseconds. This causes the processor to fetch the instruction pointer from $FFFE, and execution proceeds from there.

Modern PCs are a little more complicated. As a users, it seems to me like 20% of that complexity is necessary, such as to configure the DRAM (which definitely has to be done before running any user code.) The rest is all accidental complexity and compatibility with various legacy mistakes.

There are some general/generic things that are the same on most platforms, but even just within Intel-based desktop computers there is a huge variety.

Most links here are very useful describing booting from a firmware perspective, CPU perspective, kernel perspective etc. but it really depends on what level of detail and level of knowledge you want to dig in to.

In general, this is what happens when you plug in the power and push the power on button:

  1. When power is applied, the hardware (so no software or firmware!) makes sure that your power supply is healthy and uses stand-by power (which is always on) to check if you are pushing the button to turn the system on

  2. Once you push the button, the circuit uses its stand-by power to turn on main power, which in turn does some hardware voltage and timing checks of its own, while also 'holding' the main processor and some other components in an endless reset state

  3. If everything checks out, the clock runs and the power is good, it releases the infinite reset and the processor is allowed to run

Those three steps are very generic, and highly dependant on standards like ATX, x86, and whatever component and mainboard vendors tack on to it. Diving deeper into this would direct you into the area of digital electronics, power management, timers, microcontrollers etc. On one hand it might not matter what the electrical details are, on the other hand, it is very much a part of 'booting' a computer. Primers on how this works haven't been shared so far, but I would dig some up.


  4. Only at this time does software or firmware even come in to play. When a CPU wakes up and comes out of reset, there is one pre-defined thing it was designed to do, specific to the how the CPU was built; usually it is going to have a special location in memory where it always begins to look for things to do: the reset vector. Decades ago, this was very simple, it would just expect you to connect a memory device like a BIOS memory chip to the CPU on specific pins, so that when the CPU comes out of reset it always starts at the top of the memory contained within that chip and just does what it tells the CPU to do. In a way, this could be referred to as IPL: initial program load, something that mainframes used to do (and in a way still do). You have to tell the processor what to do, otherwise if you give it power, it just sits there doing nothing. But you can't tell it what to do if there is no program running to tell it to do anything, hence the reset vector, a hard-wired first-step that it always performs. All you need to do is make sure that you have a chip put at the location it expects which contains some CPU instructions.

 5. Once the CPU has started executing whatever it found at the reset vector, it is actually doing stuff. In most cases, it starts running BIOS code. Various references to information as to how this works are specified in the comments, but also on Intel's website, on the UEFI site, Coreboot site etc. If you were to dive much deeper into this, you would get into Firmware Support Packages, BringUp code, Boot ROMs, Management Engines, SMM etc. Keep in mind that all of this is specific to x86 PCs, if you were to check out x86 servers, ARM systems, PowerPC systems, RISC-V systems, they all do similar things, but slightly different.

 6. At some point during this booting phase, the code the CPU found in the firmware chip (be it BIOS or UEFI) will have configured the DRAM so it can use the actual memory in the system, and perhaps started up the PCIe bus and some other systems like USB, PS/2 etc. This is an important moment because until now, the facilities you can use are extremely limited, there was no memory, no display, no keyboard etc. So after some of those were initialised, the primitive code gets switched out for some more advanced code which performs tasks you might be familiar with: POST codes, devices start showing some activiteit and the system starts powering up things like video output and keyboard input. At this point the system is also 'advanced' to the point where it can load your settings, such as your preferred boot device.

 7. This is the phase where it gets closer to actually using the computer, and most of the events that happened until now might collectively take 1 second to complete. A lot of stuff happens in very little time! Next, once the system has started itself to the point where it can communicate with you, and with peripherals like storage devices, it can start thinking about what to do next. In the firmware settings you can often specify the boot behaviour, for example you might want to have the system boot from a specific disk or file on a disk, or you might want to boot from a network device, or maybe you want to boot and get dropped into a shell. All of those things are essentially the same from the firmware's perspective. 

The first two of four steps described are often referred to 'early firmware' because the things it can do are very limited and serve mostly to prepare the system for more advanced firmware. Some of the steps are 'secret' and are delivered by the CPU manufacturer (like Intel). As a firmware developer you would get a bunch of binary data from them, and some instructions where you need to let it take control of the entire system for a bit, and hope that it gives control back to you. The x86 FSP and Coreboot teams deal a lot with this 'first steps to make the computer work' stuff, and are good starting points if you wanted to dive into that. Other resources are limited, companies like Phoenix and Inside and AMI keep their software secret and even if they would tell you about it, you'd have to pay a lot of money and sign an NDA. Other resources like the EDK and UEFI spec have been shared in other comments.

  8. Let's assume you want to run an operating system; you'd often find that the system has a bunch of files on a disk, using a filesystem. BIOS and UEFI are generally not very good at reading filesystems. The BIOS didn't really read much at all, and UEFI mostly does FAT32, with optional drivers for other filesystems. If you're on EXT4 (Linux) or NTFS (Windows), that's no good, because you can't really assume that your firmware can read that at all. What's more: the operating systems are likely using kernels that need advanced features to run, and a few of those need to be setup beforehand. This is where you'd use a boot loader: a program that is designed to bridge the gap between a firmware that can't do enough, and a kernel that wants too much.

  9. A bootloader is essentially just a program, so it can be loaded into memory, and started. This is a task the firmware can perform: BIOS would use a very rigid approach: read the first sector of the disk you picked, and hope it contains a boot loader. Not very flexible, and also very limited (one bootloader per disk for example). UEFI is a bit smarter: as long as you have a disk with a partition table of the GPT variant, and it contains a partition of the ESP type with a FAT32 filesystem, it can read directories and files all day long. So if you tell UEFI "run from disk 1 using file /efi/boot/banana.efi", it will go to the disk, go through the efi and boot directories, and load and execute the banana.efi program. It doesn't even really 'boot' anything, since an EFI program can be anything (it doesn't have to be a bootloader).

  10. At this stage the bootloader of choice has started, and the firmware can mostly be ignored. The bootloader is likely smart enough to load its own settings, for example what operating systems it knows about and on what disks they can be found. It also prepares things for the operating system, like what devices are known ahead of time, and where in the computers memory the kernel is going to be loaded.

The three steps above are mainly about control handoff and boot discovery. There are numerous standards and references on this, like the multiboot specification, but most of those (including GRUB) have been commented already. This is also the phase in which the computer does more or less what you see and use on a daily basis. Since there are many open source elements available, it is also much more open to exploration, and less 'hidden away' in proprietary secret documents.

Nearly all of this follows a relatively simple pattern: start small and primitive, do a dedicated task, start the next phase which is slightly bigger and slightly more advanced. Almost all steps in this pattern were built from manual processes; the farther back you go in time with older and more primitive computers, the more steps you'd actually be doing yourself. This can be pretty helpful to figure out why those processes or phases exist in the first place. A "manual" startup on a very old machine: https://youtu.be/PwftXqJu8hs?t=244 (edit: I made a mistake, this is not the bootup, but does include the line "powered on, because there is nothing to boot up" -- the machine essentially powers up and does nothing, no reset vector, heck, not even an actual reset! I'll try to find the reference to the actual bootup)

Does anyone have a list of these HN ask-resource threads?


Most of the complexity is from when UEFI and GPT were introduced. Let me define all the terms for you, then the process that ties them together:

A bootloader is what loads your OS. Alternatively, it can load another bootloader: for example, GRUB chainloading the windows bootloader. Even if a bootloader can support both BIOS and UEFI, it must install a matching configuration, because the UEFI boot process is structured very differently from the BIOS boot process. The bootloader also sets Linux kernel flags.

UEFI replaces BIOS. A UEFI will probably emulate the BIOS boot methodology with "legacy mode". These are basically the OS that loads your bootloader. One of the two lives on your motherboard and configures your hardware.

GPT replaces MBR. They are both partitioning schemes: they organize the areas in a storage media where a filesystem can exist. MBR has an overcomplicated partitioning scheme, and a few reserved sectors in the front that tell the BIOS where to find a bootloader. GPT has a simple partitioning scheme, and a special partition for the bootloader. BIOS does not support GPT. UEFI probably supports MBR with its legacy mode.

That special GPT bootloader partition is called the "EFI System Partition" (ESP). A partition is "flagged" as ESP in the GPT partition table itself. It is expected that an ESP partition will be formatted with the fat32 filesystem.

When using BIOS, Windows is infamous for overwriting the MBR to point to its bootloader.

When using UEFI, Windows install media autogenerates the ESP partition alongside multiple backup partitions: if there is an existing ESP partition on any present internal storage media, the windows installer will simply use that one, even if there isn't enough space. If there are multiple ESP partitions present, you cannot tell the windows installer which one to install to.

Since the MBR does most of the work, a BIOS only needs to decide which disk to boot. Usually it saves the order of disks that it will try. Some older BIOSes don't support booting USB media, but you can potentially work around this by loading another bootloader from a floppy/CD and chainloading.

UEFI saves a list of boot entries. It can autogenerate them by scanning storage media, like USB install disks. An OS can save or edit these entries directly, so long as it has been booted with permission (some laptop motherboards overcomplicate this). The Linux kernel can be compiled with a minimal EFIstub bootloader. In this case, the kernel flags are saved in the UEFI boot entry on the motherboard.

The boot sequence looks like this:

1. The BIOS or UEFI initializes hardware, and lets the user interrupt to edit BIOS/UEFI settings.

2a. UEFI has a saved list of boot entries. The default entry is loaded, or one is chosen from the list in the UEFI settings. The boot entry loads a bootloader, a Linux kernel EFIstub, or some arbitrary UEFI program like memtest86.

2b. BIOS must search all present disks for a bootloader. This is expected to be found in the first few sectors of the MBR partition table. The saved order of potentially bootable storage media is followed: the first bootloader found is loaded.

3. The bootloader does what it is configured to do. GRUB will usually present a list of entries configured by the OS it was installed with. The bootloader loads an OS.

There are some more complexities:

Libreboot/Coreboot is both a firmware (like UEFI) and a bootloader. It's made to skip as much hardware initialization as possible, and go straight to the OS fast.

Apple implements their own proprietary "EFI", which is like UEFI, but less compatible, and has a very minimal pre-OS UI. It (at my most recent attempts nearly a decade ago) refuses to boot USB media. The bootloader rEFInd is pretty necessary if you want multiple OS installs.

The world of ARM is different: no UEFI or BIOS. Usually whatever bootloader Android uses, but maybe [libre/core]boot.

I wonder if learning how a more simple microcontroller boots might help you.

I had the same questions as you around a year ago. As other commenters mentioned, modern hardware is incredibly complex and needs to go through many, many steps before it can boot a kernel. Modern CPUs have a bunch of legacy requirements that still exist to keep backward compatibility with older hardware.

One good example of these legacy requirements is the A20 line on x86 [1]. A20 can be considered a boolean flag that determines whether the CPU can access more than 1MB of RAM. The A20 flag was introduced in the Intel 286 because its predecessor, the 8086 had a limit of 1MB of RAM. The 286 needed to access 16MB of RAM, so Intel introduced the A20 flag that determines whether the CPU can access memory past 1MB. The A20 line still exists in x86_64 CPUs today, so it needs to be enabled before the entire RAM address space is used.

There are a TON of legacy requirements like the A20 line on modern CPUs (especially x86_64). It can make it very difficult to figure out what is going on in the boot process. For me, I found it much easier to start learning how simple pieces of hardware works before moving on to x86. The boot process for Raspberry Pi's RP2040 microcontroller is explained in the datasheet [2] and I found it to be a great resource to figure out which hardware needs to be initialized and what that actually means.

Just like x86, microcontrollers have many tasks they need to complete before loading the main program. But these steps are much less ambiguous and are described very well in the RP2040 datasheet. It lists every step that it goes through before the main program starts (including stuff like initializing the clocks to specified speeds). After I felt like I thoroughly understood how the RP2040 boots, it became much easier to understand why the bootloader needs to complete certain tasks.

Not sure if you are familiar with assembly, but you can also checkout part of the RP2040's bootloader here [3]. There are a few different bootloaders for the RP2040, the one I linked is the one referenced in the datasheet. Its purpose is to load the main program from a specified location in the flash memory chip.

Remember that the boot process on x86 processors has been changing for around 40 years, so expect it to take a while before you feel more comfortable with the terms used in bootloading and hardware. I've been learning this stuff for around a year and still feel like I only understand a fraction of the x86 boot process. But I find it so fascinating that I can't help but want to learn more of its complexity.

I love talking about hardware and the boot process, so feel free to let me know if you have any more questions! :)

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A20_line

[2] https://datasheets.raspberrypi.com/rp2040/rp2040-datasheet.p...

[3] https://github.com/rp-rs/rp2040-boot2/blob/main/src/boot2_w2...

The following is a pretty decent historical page about the pre-(U)EFI MBR (Master Boot Record) boot process:


Note that EFI/UEFI -- occurred much later in time than MBR...

The MBR boot process is also called "Legacy Boot" -- and is emulated on (U)EFI -- although it may not show as an option on some (U)EFI BIOS'es if the option is turned off...

Related: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Master_boot_record

You might also wish to check out some emulators, most notably Bochs (https://bochs.sourceforge.io/) and QEMU (https://www.qemu.org/) because they simulate the boot process, and if you're in their debuggers, you should be able to inspect that process step by step -- but also more generally emulators for other machines/platforms/architectures (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_computer_system_emulat...) because in general, most of those emulators should realistically simulate the given machine/platform/architecture's boot process...

The basic theory of booting is that when a system starts, it contains a little bit of persistent memory (BIOS ROM, EPROM?) that contains a little bit of code, which is just enough code to load the data of the first block/sector of the hard disk (or other persistent storage boot device) to a specific address in memory as code -- and jump to it.

This data on the first block/sector -- is a small bit of machine code -- which although fairly stupid -- knows enough about the system to load the next N blocks/sectors of the hard disk (or other storage device) -- again into memory at a specific address -- and then jump (transfer control) to it.

This pattern may repeat several times, for example, GRUB's first bootsector then loads an intermediate length program (a "chainloader") from the next N contiguous blocks/sectors of the storage device, this chainloader knows more about the hardware and filesystems than the initial boot block did, and then it proceeds to do a yet longer/more complex load of the main Operating System into memory.

During the final load, the main Operating System might be on discontiguous blocks/sectors and those blocks/sectors may be part of a filesystem. But that doesn't have to be the case.

But whatever the case, the final load (or perhaps "bootstrap phase") is usually more complex than reading continuous blocks/sectors into memory and subsequently jumping to its start address in memory -- but not always...

Another way to think about it is that a 512 byte program (the bootsector) is loaded that then loads a 32K (let's say) program (the chainloader on N contiguous blocks/sectors) which then loads the multi-megabyte (or multi-gigabyte!) OS from multiple files from multiple file systems from multiple discontinuous blocks/sectors on the physical device (let's say, for example...)

Simple Program (loads) -> More Complex Program (loads) -> Most Complex Program (OS)...

Anyway, there's your basic theory...

Good luck!

I also recommend the Starman for good documentation over the decades.

Basically you're supposed to know BIOS/MBR booting quite well in order to make the best progress on UEFI/GPT.

Originally upon powerup the BIOS would run from ROM and then boot control to a program known as the Master Boot Record which would reside on the first 440 bytes of sector 0 of the HDD. The partition table took up the final bytes of sector 0. The MBR checked which of the 4 possible primary partitions was flagged as active, and then booted control to the Volume Boot Record (Boot Sector) residing at the first sector of that particular partition which would then (usually, but specifically according to BOOT.INI on Windows [BCD today] or GRUB configs for Linux) load the OS contained within that partition. Usually by reading files from the filesystem beyond that point, but capable of being chained directly to other executable sectors.

Starman can be a very good resource on underlying structures:


He's got lots more pages like this, and references too.

Now, straight to modern UEFI:

The MBR code itself is best not there on sector 0, just an imitation partition table in the final few bytes still exists which is considered "protective" and keeps BIOS PC's from recognizing the HDD since they can not handle partitions layed out by the GPT regime.

Sector 1 designates GPT drive parameters, and sector 2 begins the defining data for each partition, which by default extends to sector 33 so you have room to define many more than 4 partitions, and any of them can be booted to from a single EFI folder on a hidden ESP partition, depending mainly on the config files in the EFI folder. There are backups of these defining sectors (not the EFI folder itself) in the final area of the HDD.

In the ESP partition which is often expected by MB UEFI to carry a specific ESP GUID (but often works just fine after changing to a "regular" GUID so you can unhide it for maintenance), the UEFI expects to find it formatted as FAT32, and there behold a recognizable EFI/BOOT folder containing the elusive BOOTX64.EFI file. That's the only thing normally found in the EFI/BOOT folder except for systems having bootability by the rare remaining 32-bit UEFI firmwares, then you might see BOOTIA32.EFI. Lots of times it will do just fine having an EFI folder on an NTFS partition too.

UEFI 64-bit firmware just runs whatever file is currently named BOOTX64.EFI in the BOOT folder. Or falls back to secondary alternatives if not present.

When you install an OS like Windows it adds an EFI/MICROSOFT folder, but each time you add a different version of Windows to a different partition, you do not add additional Microsoft folders to EFI, instead you add additional boot entries to the default boot menu already present in the Microsoft BCD file there. The OS installation procedure overwrites the existing BOOTX64.EFI file with one directing the boot process to continue from the Microsoft folder after that point, according to the NT6 boot menu you have in place at the time.

Installing Linux creates an EFI/ubuntu folder for example, containing most necessary GRUB elements, while overwriting BOOTX64.EFI to direct the boot process to the ubuntu folder and use the GRUB bootmenu accessible from there. Each distinct distro will add its own folder like EFI/debian/, EFI/fedora, with the most recently added claiming the most coveted BOOTX64.EFI prize.

Ideally, you install all the Windows versions you want into their designated NTFS volumes, which naturally builds up your NT6 bootmenu as you go. You will best do some BCDEDITing as you go just to keep the Descriptions in the bootmenu straight as to which entry goes to which Windows version on which partition.

Ideally again, your final Linux install will be a distro that automatically detects all other Linux installations residing on their EXT-formatted partitions, while also correctly detecting & adding a bootentry for Windows, so GRUB can take you to your already-established NT6 bootmenu when you want.

In the EFI/Microsoft folder you will find an os-specific file in EFI/Microsoft/BOOT named BOOTMGFW.EFI. Not to be confused with the basic EFI/BOOT/BOOTX64.EFI.

These are EFI executables, either one will boot the PC from UEFI directly if you drop down to the UEFI Shell preboot using your MainBoard tools. Navigate to fsx:EFI/Microsoft/BOOT and run bootmgfw.efi to boot Windows (even without an EFI/BOOT folder present), or navigate to the main EFI/BOOT folder and run the latest BOOTX64.EFI that your final OS install has overwritten for you accordingly. Where "fsx:" is the filesystem which contains the EFI folder as detected by the UEFI firmware, often fs0. You can even find grubx64.efi files for Linux.

Not only OS installs, but things like GRUB updates and BCDBOOT commands can overwrite BOOTX64.EFI.

Finally, once different OS's are properly installed in a traditional self-contained way on each of their own partitions, you should be able to craft any number of alternative EFI folders or contents such that any or all of the OS choices are presented to you on a bootmenu upon powerup, booting to your established choice of default (or fallback) in case of unattended powerup. GRUB can still boot Windows but Windows NT6 bootloader can no longer boot Linux when using GPT.

But you can even still make a boot floppy you can use to load OS's present on the HDD without having any boot files on the HDD at all.

UEFI can also sometimes do well when it finds a good recognizable EFI folder on an MBR-layout HDD.

>The MBR checked which of the 4 possible primary partitions was flagged as active, and then booted control to the Volume Boot Record (Boot Sector) residing at the first sector of that particular partition which would then (usually, but specifically according to BOOT.INI on Windows [BCD today] or GRUB configs for Linux) load the OS contained within that partition. Usually by reading files from the filesystem beyond that point, but capable of being chained directly to other executable sectors.

You forgot the Windows boot manager, on Windows NT the chain is:

Up to XP:

BIOS->MBR->PBR of active partition->NTLDR (+NTDETECT.COM)->BOOT.INI->Choices->OS

Vista and later:

BIOS->MBR->PBR of active partition->BOOTMGR->\boot\BCD->Choices->OS

The MBR only passes control to the PBR and the PBR only loads the Windows boot manager, it is this latter that does all the actual OS loading and that reads BOOT.INI and \boot\BCD settings and user choices.

Good to see your message jaclaz.

You're another one like Starman who can fill in details like no-one else, in case people are not aware. Please kindly post a link to the message board where your most valuable information still can be found!

What I'm seeing now is when Windows 8+ is installed to an MBR partition, and boots normally from a plain NT6 BOOT folder using BOOT\BCD in legacy CSM mode no differently than Vista (whether the boot folder is on a separate hidden volume or the same partition as Windows itself), the same Windows files on that partition can also boot using UEFI if available, from an alternative EFI\BOOT folder (plus accompanying EFI\Microsoft\BOOT\BCD) on the same or similar media.

In the first case with BIOS it ends up running winload.exe, but under UEFI the firmware runs winload.efi instead, since both the "DOS" executable and the EFI executable are both present in the Windows\System32 folder, you have your choice here too.

Thanks for the comparison, though of course the Starman's site is a much better source than my scattered posts, mainly on:




(on this latter under the nick of Wonko the Sane)

About your Windows 8+ report, yes, what you describe is perfectly normal, what many people tend to forget is that UEFI does not necessarily means GPT, a UEFI can access "MBR style disks" just fine (the opposite, BIOS acccessing a GPT disk needs special provisions, so-called hybrid MBR's and "special" code in them).

You evidenced however yet another aspect of more recent NT Windows booting, until XP NTLDR was both the boot manager and the OS loader, now BOOTMGR (and bootmgr.efi) is just the boot manager and it chainloads a separate OS loader, the WINLOAD.EXE (or winload.efi).

Ignore all these replies and just use ChatGPT-4. Super helpful at explaining things.

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