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The authors use a GPT model to write Python code that computes the answer to a natural-language query about a given image or video clip.

The results are magical: https://viper.cs.columbia.edu/static/videos/teaser_web.mp4

Does anybody else feel glued to the back of their seat, by the accelerating centrifugal forces of the singularity?

I think tidal forces are a better analogy. As change accelerates, basically any pre-existing organisational structure will feel tension between how reality used to be and how reality is.

Things will get ripped apart, like the spaghettification of objects falling into a black hole.

Tidal implies cyclical, so no. This is accretive in a sense, but not in any gradual way.

I am not referring to tides, but to the tidal forces that generate them. Tidal forces are the result of a gradient in the field of gravity.

When you are close to a black hole, the part of you that is closest, experiences a stronger force of gravity than the rest of your body. This tension rips things apart. Likewise, some parts of our civilization will be more affected by AI than others, causing change there to accelerate. This causes tension with the rest of civilization.

> Tidal forces are the result of a gradient in the field of gravity.

Thanks for clarifying that you aren’t referring to the cyclical temporal variation.

I see your point. AI advances are not accessible or “felt” the same way across civilizations, cultures, industries, nations, or people.

Centrifugal "forces" also imply cycles. The other commenter is correct that it's tidal forces, not tides.

One of the 15 or so "risks" that OpenAI supposedly tested for[1], below things like "Hallucinations" and "Weapons, conventional and unconventional" was "Acceleration."

I thought this was a really interesting topic for them to cover. In the section was 1 paragraph about how they're still working on it. Guess it wasn't, uh, much of a concern for them...

[1] https://cdn.openai.com/papers/gpt-4-system-card.pdf

I had to laugh about this:

"taking a quieter communications strategy around the GPT-4 deployment (as compared to the GPT-3 deployment)"

...maybe if people don't notice we're deploying something potentially dangerous...full marks for effort but are they serious?

Can you name an innovation that had no danger?

If you promote it less you decrease its "acceleration" dangers, I guess.

I've admittedly had very little free time these days, but as someone who's trying to get caught up with the field, I feel like it moves faster than I can keep up with

I work with AI PhD’s who have the same complaint.


I suspect GPT5 most likely will have these capabilities that is to hook into external tools such as calculators and other software applications as needed based on the prompts.

Bing chat already hooks into a web search tool. It shows "Searching for: ..." when it does that. This is kind of the point of Bing chat.

edit: a paper about how to hook up LLMs to any external tool https://arxiv.org/abs/2302.04761

I suspect GPT5 won't have that ability, when used in something like ChatGPT but OpenAI will happily let the people who want to do that themselves do it, and push the consequences to them.

And cut you off when you when the sh*t hits the fan.

BingGPT is currently doing this for web searches.

Pulling in web searches is a lot more benign than calling APIs or executing arbitrary code it generates.

Since the GPT-4 paper didn't reveal any details of their model, it's possible that GPT-4 is already using some variant of toolformer (https://arxiv.org/abs/2302.04761).

If it was, its mathematical abilities would be much better than they are.

GPT-4's mathematical abilities are exceptionally good compared to GPT-3.5.

You can already hook GPT models to whatever tools you need. Open ai are focused on improving implicit performance as much as possible.

They can already be given that ability by using something like langchain. You tell the LLM what tools it has available to it and it can call out to them if it wants.

Except in this case, the correct answer is really one each. No one responsible will feed kids that young four muffins in one go. :)

That wasn't the question asked.

Thought the exact same thing, if there was any actual reasoning going on, that would be the answer.

I know, I know ChatGPT 5...

Man you're going to love this. https://multimodal-react.github.io/ Just incredible

But have you asked GPT yet to write a Python script to ask GPT to write a Python script to ...

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