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Ask HN: Is AI That Dangerous?
1 point by martin_drapeau on March 17, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments
Lots are saying we should be careful developing AI to avoid a Matrix/Terminator scenario. Keep it in the hands of the few with tight controls. Tethers, guardrails, etc.

Isn't it sufficient to simply pull the plug? I mean AI needs an computer and electricity to survive. Wheras we humans need oxygen and water. AI lives in the virtual world. We live in the physical world.

Can anyone convince me there is a real threat? Aside from "feep fakes" and "misinformation". Humans can do those very well already.

This is a classic precautionary vs proactionary principle situation. Is there danger in AI? Yes. But there is danger in everything we do. Is there so much danger that there ought to be a government-enforced moratorium on AI research and GPUs treated as armaments? Some people believe so but I don’t think that case has been adequately made.

What in your opinion could adequately make the case?

I've looked at this in depth and do not think the case can be made. There are far too many benefits to be had and the risks are too remote.

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