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> This kind of DoS only works if the system fails to distinguish good listings from bad.

...if they could do that, why would you need to be able to report listings? They'd just block the bad ones automatically.

I meant the system including human reviewers.

In that case, you're wrong: the Denial of Service is "jamming the human review queue", and it would be very successful. Even Amazon doesn't have infinite money to hire moderators to keep up with the number of [99.99999% automated and illegitimate] reports that would flood in.

(Actually, it's probably a supply problem more than a demand problem — there probably aren't enough people willing and able to work as moderators on the entire Earth, to manually review the number of complaints that would be generated here. It would cost them orders of magnitude less to just hire people to manually review all changes made to product listings! ...which they still won't do, because that's still apparently too high a cost to bear.)

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