> I think that I'll give DigiKam another go, against the NAS loaded up.
I'm also looking for something FOSS that can do basic face recognition + maybe even more, but last time I checked DigiKam's detection didn't work so well, or maybe I got spoiled by the detection in Google Photos. If you do give it a go, would be nice if you reported back on your experience :)
Not sure if it has been mentioned already but photoprism added face recognition a few releases ago and it is working well for me: https://github.com/photoprism/photoprism
The quality of this software is overall extremely good. It is a solo-developer as well so you might want to consider sponsoring them if you end up using it.
Seconding photoprism. The face recognition was pretty meh when it was first introduced, more of a gimmick than anything. But (I assume) a recent update pushed it into "wow, this is actually really good" territory.
Thirding photoprism, got it hosted on a raspberry pi and made it accessible outside of my home via Tailscale. Seems to work fairly well... though I could probably make it faster with an SSD vs an HDD over USB.
To photoprism users: do you know how well it handles identifying photos of kids over the span of years?
Google photos absolutely blows me away with its ~1% false positive rate (that is, given a photo, correctly identifying with kid(s) are in it) identifying each of my kids, nieces, and nephews. I don’t really know what its false negative rate (a false negative would be an uploaded photo of John but that doesn’t get tagged as having John in it) is, though.
I can search for each of my kids and see photos of them going back to their birth.
Photoprism is absolutely amazing. It was the quickest donation I’ve ever made to an OSS project.
I have a Photoprism instance running on my home server backed by a raidz1 ZFS pool (1st backup). Photos are periodically synced to a Backblaze bucket with versioning enabled (2nd backup). The source of most photos is an iOS device with iCloud enabled (main copy). I rely on PhotoSync to periodically sync from the iOS device to Photoprism.
What I found in my previous search is that either they're really good at managing large collections of photos, or they're really good at doing various AI/recognition, but none of what I've found have been good at both.
Hence my interest in DigiKam as their management features for large collections is second to none.
Isn't that OK? You should be able to find some reasonable workflow around using the recognizer to tag the photo in its EXIF/IPTC metadata, and then load that into the organizer.
It's not not OK :) Just not what I'm looking for, I spend enough time professionally with writing glue code, that I'm looking for a good out-of-the-box experience for something like this.
There's a difference between face detection and face recognition. Last I checked (less than a year ago) it could find faces, but was abysmal at recognizing them. I spend a few days on it, tweaking this and that, taking to the devs. It was crap.
I'm also looking for something FOSS that can do basic face recognition + maybe even more, but last time I checked DigiKam's detection didn't work so well, or maybe I got spoiled by the detection in Google Photos. If you do give it a go, would be nice if you reported back on your experience :)