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Why is that a problem? If you can’t find black people to hire, it means black people are not having problems finding employment.

Why do we expect the population to perfectly segment itself in such a way that every workplace has the correct percentage relative to some interpretation of the population?

This idea that black people are needed to provide some sort of black perspective on every team is so weird to me. You’re not your race and the type of black people who are qualified to work in top tier tech companies have more in common with the upper classes and college elites than they have with the stereotypical inner-city poor kid raised by a single mom.

> If you can’t find black people to hire, it means black people are not having problems finding employment.

Yeah, no, that's not how that works dude. That's so incredibly far from reality I don't even know where to begin.

> This idea that black people are needed to provide some sort of black perspective on every team is so weird to me.

Of course you can't fathom why an outside perspective is necessary... You don't suffer discrimination. You've never needed to care about how black people are treated, or what opportunities they have, or how their lack of representation in all walks of life hurts them. It's hurting them, not you.

The reason we care and want black representation on our teams, is we care about black people. That's pretty much it. There are other reasons ("diverse experience provides a wider perspective", "better serving customers who aren't white", etc) but the main one is just.... Wanting to be less shitty to black people. Expending slightly more effort to find and hire them is the very least thing we can do to move toward a more equitable world.

> the type of black people who are qualified to work in top tier tech companies have more in common with the upper classes and college elites than they have with the stereotypical inner-city poor kid raised by a single mom.

Um. No... So much wrong with that paragraph... Please don't repeat that at work... You would probably get repremanded, possibly fired. Holy crap dude.

Besides all the weird racial and class assumptions there... Just for your edification, from my own anecdotal experience, the black people I work with have very little in common with me, culturally, class-y, etc. We get along fine, but we do not have anywhere near the same background or experience, and I have a million times more privilege.

And besides all that, a lot of people in tech, who aren't black, don't come from an upper class or elite colleges. Maybe they do at FAANG? (If they do, I really don't wanna work there)

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