8760 is the number of hours in a year.
(8760 * $0.24 * 170) + (8760 * $0.12 * 70) = $430,992/yr in hourly fees
($1,820 * 170) + ($910 * 70) = $373,100/yr in reservation fees
373,100 + 430,992 = 804,092 / 12 months = $67,007.67/mo
Reference for last years calculations: http://www.reddit.com/r/blog/comments/ctz7c/your_gold_dollar...
The internet is truly a wonderous thing.
8760 is the number of hours in a year.
(8760 * $0.24 * 170) + (8760 * $0.12 * 70) = $430,992/yr in hourly fees
($1,820 * 170) + ($910 * 70) = $373,100/yr in reservation fees
373,100 + 430,992 = 804,092 / 12 months = $67,007.67/mo
Reference for last years calculations: http://www.reddit.com/r/blog/comments/ctz7c/your_gold_dollar...