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> You have no idea what you’re talking about and are spreading misinformation.

I actually do know what I'm talking about.

> 1. SARS-CoV-2 is not influenza. > 2. Influenza is not a coronavirus.

I know. It's a flu-like respiratory illness from a class of illnesses that humans face every season.

> 5. All developed countries highly recommend the annual Influenza vaccine even with its variable annual efficacy, as a way of lowering the intensity and spread.

No they don't. The UK does not offer flu vaccine for anyone except member of vulnerable groups, young children or medical workers.

> 6. COVID-19 has raised all cause mortality and lowers life expectancy across all age groups starting before middle age.

The all cause mortality has risen. There's every indication that this is due to the mRNA vaccines.

> Beyond this, they’ve limited additional boosters to seasonal programs for target populations that are at greater risk.

Any why are they doing that?

It's because the likelihood of hospitalisation due to a vaccine injury (1 in 800) [1] is greater than the liklihood of being spared from a hospitalisation due to COVID [2] in every age category except 70+.

[1] https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36055877/ [2] https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/...

> The vast majority of the UK population have COVID antibodies and are at far less risk than they were in 2020

The vast majority of the UK population were at minimal risk of COVID to begin with. I myself recovered from it in less than a day.

8. As with any disease vector there always is a choice to use mitigations such as masks in crowded indoor spaces, vaccinations, etc. to lower the spread. This is something other countries learned decades ago.

As the Danish mask study shows, the mask mandates were nothing more than securiy theater. The vaccines only offer fleeting protection of a few weeks, so it's not possible to keep the population on a 3-monthly treadmill of boosters.

> This is something other countries learned decades ago.

No the UK had a policy that explicitly recommended against mask mandates - especially paper and cloth masks.

Hiya, here to help. In reviewing the HN guidelines at the bottom of the page I was reminded that my initial reaction to your performance on this thread here today was uncouth, to be avoided.

Instead I'll take the high road. For an account created ten months ago it seems possible you haven't read the guidelines for commenting. Maybe it will help you understand a bit of why you've been downvoted on this thread today.


My two cents, your mind appears to be made up on this topic. It shows. It also tips your hand as to what media sources you likely consume beyond HN.

Please consider (beyond the emotional reactions associated with this thread on this day) that you could perhaps use some improvement on having constructive discourse in this sort of forum. Chiming in because I like this place and have been here since near the beginning. I'd like to see discourse not devolve into factionalism or whatever more appropriate word could take it's place in this context.

Really not uncouth. Maybe misinformed but mostly just arguing opposing viewpoint that's been getting somewhat more legitimate with all the other "dangerous misinformation" that turned out to be true.

I know the NHS is poor but not even being able to afford flu shots is pretty poor indeed.

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