Based on the page it looks like you can install Cloudflare's CLI and then run `cloudflared tunnel --url http://localhost:3000`, and you'll get back a URL to visit such as Looks like it supports being able to associate it with a custom domain too so you can have repeatable URLs.
Not quite the same thing. Setting up a Tailscale network and installing/running the VPN client on your laptop takes an order of magnitude more work and system access than just running a script to open a local HTTP port (which is how ngrok, pgrok, Cloudflare Tunnels etc operate). The use cases are very different.
running tailscaled agent in proxy mode requires significantly less "installation" than installing the full tailscale "VPN" experience.
sure, it could be streamlined even more (currently it requires that you run "tailscaled -tun userspace-networking", possibly with a custom unix domain socket path, and then also run "tailscale up" to activate it)
it's only free for websites. if you are primarily an API, you have to pay (or wait for them to terminate your account) and it is EXPENSIVE.
the free tier also has subpar networking in many parts of the world. make sure you don't care about those markets.
edit: here are the terms of use:
2.8 Limitation on Serving Non-HTML Content
The Services are offered primarily as a platform to cache and serve web pages and websites. Unless explicitly included as part of a Paid Service purchased by you, you agree to use the Services solely for the purpose of (i) serving web pages as viewed through a web browser or other functionally equivalent applications, including rendering Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) or other functional equivalents, and (ii) serving web APIs subject to the restrictions set forth in this Section 2.8. Use of the Services for serving video or a disproportionate percentage of pictures, audio files, or other non-HTML content is prohibited, unless purchased separately as part of a Paid Service or expressly allowed under our Supplemental Terms for a specific Service. If we determine you have breached this Section 2.8, we may immediately suspend or restrict your use of the Services, or limit End User access to certain of your resources through the Services.
I can't find any information about the API/website pricing differences on Cloudflare's website, but I'd like to know more - do you have a link or know where I should look?
I guess the biggest (and only?) drawback is that it (presumably) requires a Cloudflare account to use. So if you're living in Iran, Syria, Lebanon (and some more) you're out of luck as you cannot have an account with Cloudflare then.
It doesn't appear to require an account. I just gave it a try, installed the deb, typed that one line command and it just worked. No idea if it would work in those countries though, I only tried it in a US location.
Based on the page it looks like you can install Cloudflare's CLI and then run `cloudflared tunnel --url http://localhost:3000`, and you'll get back a URL to visit such as Looks like it supports being able to associate it with a custom domain too so you can have repeatable URLs.