The only way to reliably work around operators messing around with what you access (inserting their own client side code and such) and potentially inserting stuff into the headers like this too is to use a VPN for all Internet traffic that isn't otherwise tamper proof (i.e. HTTPS with a properly signed cert).
I use OpenVPN when I have my netbook tethered to my phone (or when I use any other "untrusted" wireless network for that matter) and route all traffic through my home fibre (I'm with an ISP that I know doesn't mess with my traffic).
There are problems with that though:
* installing OpenVPN on Android is a faf (I've still not got around to it on my device) [see and similar] - most users are not going to want to mess around like that
* there is no garantee that it will even work (or work efficiently enough) on all networks, or they could classify all encrypted traffic in the same lump as encrypted P2P connections and shape/block accordingly
* any VPN adds overheads (at least a set of headers per packet, and keep-alive packets when the connection is otherwise inactive), so if you don't have a cheap data plan that could be a consideration
You need to reboot after changing the APN + username (going into airplane mode, etc, isn't enough), then it stops sending the password, or at least did for me.
Edit: It still includes your phone number, thanks msmithstubbs.