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You're missing why oil companies are good targets for that sort of thing - people have little choice but to buy their products, prices to consumers are rising so the companies are unpopular and they are directly or indirectly responsible for shed loads of environmental damage.

That's not the case with Apple, Google, MS or other tech companies.

To the beast in DC, it has absolutely nothing to do with the arguments you posit. You're talking about logic; it doesn't apply to their decision making.

It's about the money. That's why big oil has always been a target, it has been the most profitable enterprise in America since Rockefeller formed Standard Oil.

News flash: they also didn't target big tobacco because cigarettes are bad for you (that was merely the excuse they needed), or to pay for healthcare bills. They targeted them to steal / fleece a golden goose, and then divert the stolen money to other projects. Which is exactly what they did.

The public don't like taxes of any sort on anything, however targeting specific taxes is far easier to sell if they're levelled at companies seen to be bad hence tobacco and alcohol taxes, banking taxes, oil and so on.

Walmart are massively profitable and are by many measures the biggest company in the world yet remain untargeted. If what you say is true why is this?

As you say, it's the excuse they need but if they don't have an excuse then the won't/can't do it.

I agree with you. Its just getting to be too tempting. Plus government would be the last one to worry if they destroy something.

They could look very deep into the "made in china" "issue". Lookup "Kluska" - owner of company Optimus in Poland. One of the richest man in 90s. Basically, CBS imprisoned him for months after he allegedly broke the law by exporting parts to foreign countries where PCs were assembled and brought back to Poland. The issue was that he did not pay tax out of the assembly. After years of litigation (bail denied), he was free man, while his company went bankrupt and he was left in debt after fighting with Government. Polish IRS (Urzad Skarbowy) did not even apologize.

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