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Stripe Pricing Changes
11 points by thematt on March 8, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments
Per Stripe:

We’re letting you know about Stripe pricing changes for international card transactions, disputes, and sales tax, starting June 1, 2023.

- Over the past few years, card networks have increased the total fees that Stripe pays for card processing. Because of these costs, starting June 1, Stripe’s additional fee for international card transactions will change from 1.0% to 1.5%. There’s no change to our standard 2.9% + $0.30 pricing for US card transactions.

- Whether you win or lose a dispute, card networks charge Stripe a fee in either case. To cover these costs, starting June 1, Stripe will no longer return the $15 dispute fee for successfully contested disputes. The dispute fee itself is not changing.

- Some US states require us to collect sales tax on certain Stripe products. On June 1, we’ll begin collecting sales tax where applicable based on your business location, which you can review in the dashboard. Payment processing fees are generally not subject to sales tax.


- We’ve decided to make two payment optimization features free for you starting June 1. Adaptive Acceptance and network tokens have increased revenue for businesses on Stripe by an average of 1.2%. There’s nothing you need to do: we’ll turn them on for your account if they aren’t on already.

- Whether you win or lose a dispute, card networks charge Stripe a fee in either case. To cover these costs, starting June 1, Stripe will no longer return the $15 dispute fee for successfully contested disputes. The dispute fee itself is not changing.

Wow.... So if your product is under $15, it no longer makes sense to fight a dispute and let the customer lie to their card issuer?

Yeah, this aspect of credit card billing is the worst, and this new change is quite shocking really.

In February Stripe annouced it similar for Euro/Europe starting April https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=34609182

"Stripe will no longer return the $15 dispute fee"

omg. Are you kidding? worst decision ever.

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