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No More Résumés, Say Some Firms (wsj.com)
108 points by bconway on Jan 24, 2012 | hide | past | favorite | 67 comments

Three points of contention, and then a pointer to more valuable advice from a fellow HNer:

1) Union Square Ventures is a leading name in this space - everyone knows Fred Wilson's blog. On top of that, they only have three "staff" listed on their site. USV can ask would-be employees to fly up to NYC to deliver resumes in person and they'll still get plenty of applicants.

2) The job openings in the article that focus on surveys and personality tests - supposedly instead of resumes - are clearly unskilled labor (e.g. social media intern). This is exactly as it was when I applied to work as a waiter at Olive Garden in 2000.

3) IGN's coding challenges are similarly suspect as a representatitve example because game dev is a glamor industry with a surfeit of naifs lining up for these underpaid jobs. Prized developers aren't going to participate in many coding-contest-as-hiring-lottery situations unless they're just really interested in the problem. Ask a YC company who's ever posted a hiring puzzle: what percentage of your correct submissions were from people who didn't even want the job?

The tactics cited above wrongheadedly invert the recruiting plan tptacek uses at Matasano: Start from the assumption that you want the best people possible and that those people will have plenty of great alternatives to working for you. Do your best to get your company's name in front of those people and to convince them that they'd have a rewarding time if they joined your team.

I trust Thomas's experience in identifying and recruiting talent far more than I do a career WSJ reporter's [1] trend spotting.

[1] http://www.linkedin.com/pub/rachel-emma-silverman/31/331/507

Prized developers aren't going to participate in many coding-contest-as-hiring-lottery situations unless they're just really interested in the problem.

For a competent developer, a "cover letter brainteaser" that takes an hour to do is essentially equivalent to a $100+ application fee (in terms of opportunity cost).

I actually haven't applied to Google specifically because they require at least 6 interviews. Maybe they wouldn't want me anyway, but we're certainly not going to find out.

Right and many disagree with the idea of paying for application (see also the similar concepts of "no spec work" and "don't pay to pitch")

> what percentage of your correct submissions were from people who didn't even want the job?

Probably pretty low. But it's not designed to have a high conversion rate. It's really just to scare off pretenders and the under-qualified. I like to solve "Cover Letter Problems" for fun, but I've never bothered to apply to a company that had them. I don't think that means they're a failure.

The applicants themselves probably benefit the most as it gives them a window into the company's dev culture. Cutesy "gotcha!" problems that are abstract and removed too far from coding are generally a warning sign that it's a shop full of people who may be smart but are perhaps mediocre developers and/or the shop has non-technical management. On the flip side, problems that explore an applicants coding style and thought process tends to be an indicator the shop wants actual coders who can get shit done in an efficient manner, and that they care about things like Code quality, their tool chain, and care just enough about process to achieve repeatable results, but not so much as to become dogmatic.

I can't get my head around why anyone would design a hiring process to "scare off" anyone. Sure, you'll chase away superficial candidates... but some fraction of all the real talent will also blow you off.

I really think the problem here is how people do outreach to candidates. I feel like too many companies haven't figured out that recruiting is a marketing problem, just like software sales. Companies get all kinds of creative addressing marketing problems --- but when it comes to hiring, they plug "reqs" into "job boards" and then try to "deflect" the "pretenders".

Calibrate your outreach so that you can safely pay individual attention to all candidates. Don't post reqs to Craigslist or Monster or Dice or whatever your HR person --- in fact don't let your HR person near recruiting --- thinks is the place you're supposed to post ads. You will still be giving "early no" responses to lots and lots of candidates, but it'll be manageable, and it'll be very unlikely for your process to cost you talented candidates.

There is a mindset amongst some of the worst sort of managers that "we only want the best people" and so they design hiring schemes or post jobs ads which over specify their needs and/or are designed to stop lesser candidates wasting management time.

The end result is often that the best people just walk on by. Honesty in the hiring process cuts both ways.

I have to agree at least partially. I had better really want (or need) that job to go through the trouble. And at the same time, I find this quite refreshing. The process of submitting resumes is quite passive and limiting. While the effort to create a video might be a more laborious task, I appreciate the opportunity to represent myself outside of bullet points and buzzwords like "spearheaded". There must be some balance here between answering the same questions with the same answers and proving you are sharp, creative, interesting, etc.

Or worse: they overspecify a development job and then expect the candidate to do helpdesk work, fix printers, diagnose NTFS-3G problems in Mac OSX Lion, where it is no longer supported, setup Skype for a secretary who won't learn her job, and become an unlicensed email therapist for a technically unsavvy supervisor who demands a 100% email delivery guarantee from a programmer with no control over email servers.

This really depends on the cost structure of the work you're doing. If you're an IT body shop then you really do want middle-of-the-road talent who can work well in a team and won't rock the boat. If you're a smaller specialty shop with a long client list and a reputation for top-notch work then you can't afford a single NNPP.

I can't get my head around why anyone would design a hiring process to "scare off" anyone. Sure, you'll chase away superficial candidates... but some fraction of all the real talent will also blow you off.

This is trivially true of any hiring method - you might scare away a few good people. The right question to ask is "what are the proportoins?"

If I can scare away 100% of the chaff and 1% of the wheat, it's probably a win. I can simply hire anyone who survives. If the ratio is less stark, it may or may not be a win, depending on my costs of hiring, how badly I need someone, etc.

I'm not saying everyone who uses this tactic is doing it right, merely that it's not a bad idea in all cases.

If it was 100/1, I'd agree with you, but these are never 100/1 processes; they're cutesy programming quizzes, or video requirements, or lengthy statements of required prior technical experience.

Any process that does not cause a cold high-quality lead to come into contact with an engaged human being almost automatically is broken.

If it's part of a hiring process, it doesn't need to be 100/1. You can chain bad filters together to get a good one - that's the basis of statistical prediction.

And incidentally, cutesy programming quizzes are often a very good filter. In my last job, I tried recruiting with one after speaking to too many people who couldn't handle fizzbuzz. The exact quote was "Instructions on where to send your resume are contained in our application (you'll need to decrypt them first)." http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=1659735

It dramatically increased the number of people who wrote to me - I actually got quite a few responses of "neat puzzle, not looking for a job, did I get it right?" And by virtue of not giving out an unencrypted email address, I didn't talk to anyone who couldn't code.

A false negative in a job filter results in a phone screen with someone who can't do fizzbuzz.

A false positive results in a candidate who can e.g. write a kernel memory allocator walking from your process because you're too much of a pain to deal with.

Too many interviews, or losing the best possible candidates. I know which one I prefer --- especially because I know when I'm getting too many interviews, and can tune other things (most notably: where I post about jobs) to adjust that. I can't know who I'm losing as a result of my recruiting process being cumbersome.

Perhaps the reverse way to look at the situation is that job adverts are so uninformative about the place where one might work, that it is the employers who should present a video about why one might want to work for them. It shouldn't be one of those glitzy HR ones, but rather one made with a cameraphone introducing the people the prospect will be working with, and some idea of what type of problem is being solved.

The other thing that jumps out at me is that instead of a cute challenge, it's probably more useful to provide a bug in 50 lines of code that you expect to "jump out" effortlessly for the qualified candidates, while less qualified might struggle a little.

You're absolutely correct. "scare off" may have been projecting my own biases onto the company based on passed experience. However, overwhelmingly I've found managers are terrified of hiring under-qualified candidates, and often do not make a concerted effort to rope in exceptional people who will obviously shine bright enough to be recognized.

Which is totally understandable if the biggest component of your recruiting pipeline is leads from job boards. The average quality of a job board candidate is so _low_ that there's a reasonable concern about defining expectations downwards, so that anyone who can talk coherently about programming and solve FizzBuzz might look artificially qualified.

The solution to this is, again, have an outreach process that gets you Glengarry Leads, at a much lower volume. Where do your best candidates congregate? What are they most interested in? What do they like to talk about? What do they have opinions about? Think about those questions and then, for God's sake, don't just pick a job board based on them.

I've solved some coding challenges I come across, but mostly because I wanted a little diversion. Generally those problems give me an excuse to practice lesser used languages or languages I want to learn. I've been contacted by companies after solving these, but I always decline.

In regard to the change in hiring practices, "social presence resumes" are just a passing trend. It may result in better candidates in the short term, but people will learn to pad these new resumes and it won't be much more effective than paper resumes.

The best hiring practice will still be tapping your employees' social network and hunting down talented people who aren't happy in their current positions. Anything else is usually a shot in the dark.

It's funny how the answer to not getting enough interest from qualified candidates is to make it more troublesome and time consuming to apply so that only unemployed people will bother.

It's often heard that 3 page CVs are an abomination since no one has time to trawl through all that. But now, doing a video interview just to apply is OK to require, at least according to this article.

Where I work, CVs with cover letters are fine, links to web presences are fine, if someone wants to send a DVD or link to a private youtube exhortation that's also fine. Whatever works for the candidate we'll look at it.

It can be tedious to sort through all these CVs, assuming your company is able to get any relevant applications at all. But that's the price of acquiring talented people. Hiring someone for a creative job like development is as tricky as selecting a spouse to get married. It's a long term commitment that will affect both of you profoundly. It's not the same as buying a pound of hamburger.

Not to mention that I don't hae a twitter account, linked in profile of note, or really any meaningful web presence. I'm kind of busy actually making things.

I'm kind of busy actually making things.

Union Square Ventures is not looking for someone who likes to make things. They're looking for someone who likes networking and getting noticed. Or to put it another way, they're looking for someone who can find someone else who's making things.

This. I think instead of spending your time online being a blowhard on twitter or your blog or wherever, you should be making things. Github, twitter, a blog, whatever should just be artifacts created as a by-product of making things.

The ideal employer who doesn't want resumes should be able to tell the difference between these two things.

Better still to spend most of your time making amazing things and then just enough time promoting them so as to generate a bit of notoriety.

Jeremy Ashkenas, Yehuda Katz, and Zed Shaw each build great things and give them away to the community. They also blog about these great things and they show up here on Hacker News to encourage discussion of their work.

But pretty much anything anybody makes these days has a web presence. In the case of most hobby projects, there are at least pictures on flickr. Commercial projects have web presences. For me, I could say "I did version 1.0 of the software for this: http://www.lumenera.com/products/surveillance-cameras/le175c...

But pretty much anything anybody makes these days has a web presence.

I'm not sure that is true. My new years resolution of sorts was to build a web presence for things I build, because historically I have not put them out in the public eye at all, even though there probably are some interesting things in there.

Publishing isn't nearly is fun as building, so I can imagine a lot of developers are in a similar boat.


I'd love to have a blog! Doesn't mean I want to write one, though.

I would suggest github or bitbucket for code projects. bitbucket in particular supports hg, which is a mighty fine SCM.

That sounds like a rather knee-jerk reaction. Career-wise, having and promoting a personal brand can be very valuable. Have you done a basic cost/benefit analysis? Making stuff and promoting that stuff is not mutually exclusive.

Part of my long-term strategy is to make things, then tell other people about what I made.

This way I (1) get experience making, (2) get experience writing, and (3) market my competence.

I'm using Tumblr, but that's soley because I found their look and feel pleasing to the eye.

Am I the only one who sees tons of red flags the moment a job opening requires a video? It feels to me like the ivy league tradition of the in-person interview. Ivy league administrators tell themselves it's easier to judge an applicant's character and suitability in person, but in practice it turns into another way to ensure that the table tilts in favor correct ethnicity and income level.

Am I wrong to see the same thing in a video application? The more cash and connections you have, the better video you're able to create. Don't tell me the hiring manager won't notice the applicant in the $1500 suit with the professional (but not too professional) video.

Pre-recorded videos seem like a supremely silly job interview requirement. Recording a video is nothing like talking to a human being, and ability to execute videos is a learnable skill, not a marker of innate ability, so it's weird to optimize a process around it.

But USV can create any requirement they'd like, and they'll still get candidates, because a role at USV is a prestige job. They might just as well require candidates to compose a freestyle rap about their accomplishments; it wouldn't cost them candidates.

When I was unemployed and desperate for any job I could find I attended some monumentally stupid job interviews.

Being asked questions about your favorite superhero power or simpsons character or which of their list of offensive unlikable celebrities I would rather date.

I think part of the process sometimes is figuring out how far you will go to humiliate yourself for them.

Is it even legal? It seems like this would open up all sorts of discrimination issues.

Personally, I love this trend - I last updated my resume 3 years ago and haven't sent it anywhere since. I just direct people to my portfolio (link in profile) which has all the stuff I built. Much easier that way.

But in my previous life, I was an enterprise Java developer in the financial industry. None of the projects I built are online - they're all proprietary B2B applications. It's some of the best work I've ever did, yet no one will ever find out about it online. The only way for me to tell this story is through the resume.

How do people like that supposed to present themselves, in this new hot social media environment?

One option: Word of your skill travels at approximately the speed of beer. (i.e. Try traditional networking.)

You can also have a web presence about the work which does not actually include the work. Talk about an interesting sub-problem which is non-proprietary. Talk about architecture choices. Talk about the tech you used and the problems you overcame while using it. Write about how firms in the financial industry are missing opportunities to throw Java at problems and make heaps of money.

Why should I have to do that, outside of work, in order to get another job? I'm happy with my current work, and that means that I'm not trying to go out of my way to find additional projects on the side. I have hobbies I'd rather be doing outside of work that don't involve computers. I don't feel that it should be necessary to prove to any potential employer that I'm working outside of work.

It's not necessary. Exercise isn't necessary, either. It's a good idea for almost everybody, and even if you dislike the activity doing it probably improves outcomes for things you actually do like, but no one will force you to do it.

The problem is I think that it puts some people at a much bigger advantage over others.

A 20something who works at a funky startup and writes for their corporate blog and gets paid to spend 20% of his time contributing to the rails codebase or something.

vs somebody older (or maybe not) who works 60+ hours a week in a corporate (possibly non IT) organization which has strict corporate blogging policies (i.e don't blog about work) and has a family to look after.

I can see a lot of crap getting thrown up and github and mediocre blog entries written prior to interviews.

I think this article sums it up fairly well: http://teddziuba.com/2009/10/i-dont-code-in-my-free-time.htm...

This is a sales problem. You can have the best product in the world and you still won't get the customers you want without a solid pitch and some networking.

Ted's post about not favoring github et al in applicant screening is one thing, but an aspiring employee who chooses to forego some easy and visible self-promotion has only himself to blame when he doesn't get the same opportunities as someone willing to meet hiring companies at their point of need.

To hire someone you have to find them, vet them, and entice them with the right deal. People who make themselves easier to find and to vet are going to get better deals on average.

That's exactly where I am right now. Like I said, I get enough satisfaction on an intellectual and professional level from my job that I don't feel the need to find side projects. I'll do what it takes to get done with my job, working as many hours as I need to. But I simply don't feel the need to code outside of working hours.

On weekends, I'd rather be out fly fishing or playing video games.

I imagine a lot of employers wouldn't really like you discussing stuff you had done for them in any great detail on the public internet, even discussing design / architecture decisions might be controversial (or covered by an NDA).

Plus if your employer finds what you wrote you better need a justification for putting it up there that isn't "so I can apply for this job".

You don't really want to end up in legal trouble or fired.

At this point anyway your "web presence" is pretty much just going to be your resume but put online, I imagine if they explicitly don't want resumes they wouldn't want that either.

The line I used in my past life as an enterprise Java developer was that Internet participation was a necessary part of my professional development, enhancing my future value to the company without them needing to spend money on expensive training or conferences. Plus it gives me a chance to learn about some of that web stuff that your IT magazine is always talking about, boss. Imagine the TPS reports I could implement with that! (It worked. Japanese megacorps: secret hippies, I tell you.)

More broadly: fear, weakness, and lack of creativity in the face of constraint are not career-enhancing attributes. (That's not personal. Many engineers need to hear it, including me, both in the past and occasionally in the present.)

> "they're all proprietary B2B applications. It's some of the best work I've ever did, yet no one will ever find out about it online"

I used to work at Amazon on some meaty back-end-y things.

Then I had the same thought.

Now I write mobile apps, which I find to be more creatively challenging, and the amount of recruiter emails (and cold calls, really guys?) has jumped through the roof.

Another side benefit is that my parents now understand what it is I do for a living, and women apparently find my job intriguing for some reason.

It's even nicer that, if someone asks me "what have you done?" I just need to shove the phone across the table.

Hmm. I'm inclined to believe this is unfair to people who might be just as competent and productive as those whose work is "out in the open", but can't share or reveal anything for some valid reason.

This is common inside the Valley and outside it. Around here, a certain fruit-based computer company advises its employees not to reveal specifically to outsiders exactly what it is they work on. People who write code for big, technical but non-software firms (defense contractors etc) similarly have nothing to show (publicly) for their efforts.

It's nice to imagine that everyone works for some fun little startup that lets you blog and contribute to open source and has everything up on github, but the reality is that if you limit the search to those candidates, you will find the talent pool pretty insular. Some highly competent and very desirable people are locked away in big companies where they're not allowed to make a big fuss about what they're doing. For them, the traditional resumé is still very valuable.

Too-secret-to-blog-about work has a hefty opportunity cost and must be priced accordingly by a would-be employee.

When faced with the choice between unverifiable secret work or highly visible work (open source, name brand employer, etc.), be sure your compensation expectations are weighted to match the future marketability of the experience you stand to gain on the job.

It would be nice if prospective employers could just know that you are out there and that you are competent. Realistically they are going to prefer the safe bet presented by a known-good contributor with an impressive public portfolio.

Edit: rephrased to clarify my work sorting heuristic.

That cuts both ways. If a track record of accomplishment in open source has market value, then companies offering that benefit can provide lower salaries. If on the whole open source software roles pay less, you can expect a different demographic of developers to work in those roles.

I don't really believe that exposure to open source projects has that much market value, though. I also think it's probably very hard to run a dev hiring pipeline that expects to primarily recruit people from open source projects. There are a whole lot of very talented developers who have spent their careers doing closed-source (i.e.: normal) software development.

I don't think that dpritchett was talking about open source vs closed source work. He was talking more about NDA-covered work, which could be on open or closed source code.

For most of the "normal" closed source work, it's easy to say that you worked on X product or feature, and can talk about some of the challenges that you encountered with it.

Contrast that with defense contract work that requires classified clearance. If you're a developer on that, you will most likely never be able to talk about it to most recruiters or interviewers before you retire. There is no way to actually talk about what you've done with the general public. That can hurt a career, especially if it puts a black hole in your experience on a resume.

Ah, I didn't pick that up from the thread. Fair enough; I agree, if you can't even talk about what you're working on in a future job interview, you should price that into your comp.

It may close off an outside career, but it also opens it up within the huge company that you are doing the secret work for.

I don't know of any reqs within my company (GlobalDefenseCorp) that indicate salary is increased when you go dark. Your compensation is that you get to work on cool shit, which will likely lead to another project in the same vein.

Even at hot startups, a huge amount of work falls under dev ops, scaling, systems engineering, systems admin, data analysis, etc. Most of which has no public repo.

I really dislike this model. While it makes it extremely easy for companies to covertly use a prejudice filter on applicants, it makes it really hard for a person to have a social life on the web that's entirely different from their work ethos.

True, if you have a twitter account filled with links to pictures of yourself drunk at titty bars your potential employer might be able to find it but I don't see how it serves anybodies interests to explicitly point them to it.

Will be interesting (and scary) to see what happens as social media permeates more of our lives and makes things public.

Will we end up with a situation where employers will enforce strict rules about out of hours conduct of employees so as not to reflect badly on them, Orwellian Society?

Or will everyone have so much dirt on everyone else that it just stops to matter anymore, this could in fact lead to a more honest and liberal society.

> Or will everyone have so much dirt on everyone else that it just stops to matter anymore, this could in fact lead to a more honest and liberal society.

I think we already have that (well, at least at the medium-to-large-company level), it's called company Christmas parties.

really hard for a person to have a social life on the web that's entirely different from their work ethos.

I don't know... maybe the problem is the belief that there must be a difference between your "social life" and your "work ethos." There seems to be an assumption in this thread that having, say, "pictures of the applicant drunk at titty bars" is somehow a bad thing, something an employer (or potential employer) will take a dim view of.

Maybe the solution is to look for (or found) more open-minded organizations that don't care about shit like this. I mean, if I were hiring right now, I couldn't give a fuck less about somebody's Facebook profile pictures of them drunk and puking at a frat party, or hanging out at a strip club, or snorting coke off of a hooker's tits. As long as they can convince me that they can and will do the work that needs to be done, meeting the relevant parameters for quality, timeliness or what-have-you, I don't care about any of that jazz. Surely there have to be some other folks out there who feel the same way.

>> "pictures of the applicant drunk at titty bars" is somehow a bad thing

You are looking at this from just one perspective. What about a company that will be paying your health care insurance and knows before-hand that you have a serious medical condition but that it doesn't impede you from doing your work. Not a shy number of companies might simply turn you away for that reason alone. I've heard of recruiters that don't hire people that use motorcycles because the accident rate is so high.

What about your gender identity? A lot of people simply have to live a double life because if they depend on open-minded organizations to accept them, they would simply be unemployed for life.

What about religion? Or personal opinion? Those things usually step on some peoples toes, and it might just be the employer-to-be's toes.

I really used to value the internet as a "third space" like a bar, or a club. I don't really want it to become an extension of my work persona. I will adapt I suppose, I have started to make a conscious effort to build a presence under my real name. But honestly, how much management of my online presence must should I really be expected to do?

Probably the best reason to forsake the traditional resume is to keep incompetent "headhunter" agencies away. I annihilated my linkedin profile a couple years ago, and keep just a tar.gz of a HAML formatted resume on my site.

A resume is helpful, but reputation is paramount. Their decision reflects an already existing pattern:

code -> git repository

design -> portfolio

investment analysis -> written opinion & prediction

Engineering Manager?

As an owner of a software company, handing me or anyone else at the company a resume is actually a (slight) negative. It means you're handing it out to anyone who will take it, and you haven't done the research on our company.

One can certainly overcome such a tiny black mark, though, since we definitely forgive ignorance in the strange ways we sometimes do things.

It's a very interesting topic. I've worked at a company where we would get a stack of applications (about 1500) over night (right before the deadline of course) and the crappy tracker system we used would crash. Even worse I searched for a reasonable alternative, but simply couldn't find one that was SIMPLE. Sure there're plenty of bloated CRMs out there, and even some honest efforts like jobvite and interview street. But I couldn't find the right balance of simple tracking and review/screening features. So, as PG once suggested, I went and built my own.

It's still in dev mode but we've gotten pretty good responses from potential customers so far. Some of the issues we've tried to tackle has been the resume "problem" as discussed here. The thing is, resumes are much more than the content they hold. The design of the page, the choosing of words and descriptions, how to weight the important stuff etc. You can tell a lot about a person by looking at their 'paper' resume. It's almost like judging a person by their handwriting, though this metric is sort of skewed since everyone I know, myself included, has developed crummy handwriting ever since spending 10+ hours/day communicating via a keyboard.

An interesting point-of-view I've seen a lot of places is the obvious, yet under-prioritized factoring of values and soft skills. Personally, I think it's naïve to think you can attract "the best, the top 1%" of coders, managers, product devs and so on. What would be far more valuable in terms of hiring would be to find those people that would actually fit the company culture and team the best. Skills can be learned, but personal values and interests can't. So a silly manager might ask for someone under 30 with 15 years of experience in C#, Java, Ruby, and some html/css for good measure. Yet, this is the skewed metric to evaluate on. Instead, they should find the person who finds the problem they're meant to solve interesting and someone who would fit well into the company and the team. If the candidate 'only' knows C++ and Python, it's far easier for them to get up-to-date on the company program running on Ruby than trying to force the 'ideal hard skill candidate' into a culture he/she's not comfortable in. Prioritizing candidates in terms of soft skills and values are actually one of the pillars of the program I'm working on. It's a tough nut to crack..

Another issue we've talked about is how to evaluate someone with a minimum of screening bias? There's so much bias going into an evaluation of a person, and it's a well-known issue that we tend to look for people similar to ourselves - even though it might not be what the company is actually looking for. So, if the application tracker could enable "blind" mode and switch off certain information like pictures, names, tests scores etc. it could potentially negate some of the bias involved in screening. Even letting multiple people rate a candidate could negate some of it, yet the work flow used in most HR departments simply don't allow for this kind of flexibility.

Long rant, interesting topic.

A large part of it is unrealistic expectations.

I just went through another useless gig interview,was in fact upfront about that I ask for 50% advance on project dev costs and get miss-directed when I ask directly if they understand that its not a suggestion.

Depends on the scale of the project. Something small, sure. But if it's a 6-month project, it's unreasonable (should do deposit/retainer along with regular payments).

Using Twitter, Tumblr, and Linkdin to determine suitability is like asking Dick Chaney if he's a nice guy.

The results can and are easily stacked through bogus accounts.

If a company thinks that professionals use those sites for professional reasons, then I question the professionalism of the company.

But would you want to work for news corp some of us have standards and working for known hackers and serious criminals like NI is probably going to be a black mark.

Hacking a retired SIS officers pc is far more serious than VMB'ing some poor murdered girls phone for example.

We are trying to solve this exact problem at GitHire. See http://www.githire.com/about for more about our process.

There are a lot of problems with resumes that have been brought up again and again. Many companies we are working with welcome the change.

For those of you who still want to play the resume game, and don't want to spend your off-work hours contributing to open source, or building a web presence, don't worry. There will be plenty of job openings for you at companies who like to do things the old way.

So want people to blow off NDAs for your karma? Fail.

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