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We are a smaller company, only 10 users. We are in the process of fully ditching Microsoft for a full linux stack using Samba for AD (for the leprosy known as Quickbooks alone). I've blocked MS at the pihole and was expecting people to bring torches and pitchforks. The general consensus was we should have done this years ago and how did you make my computer so much faster. To hell with Microsoft and their tripe.

Nice. I've also blocked Microsoft Teams in the sense that I won't work for a company that uses it, or any of the Office suite for that matter. Always willing to "unblock" it should Microsoft have an epiphany some day and decide to invest in building good products.

PiHoling Microsoft GitHub too?


Hopefully the OP already migrated repositories elsewhere and only allows Microsoft GitHub to open merge requests to projects that have yet to institute a mirror or mailing list.

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