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Thomas Jefferson and the smoothening of the American mind (thespectator.com)
6 points by mdp2021 on March 5, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 1 comment

I am submitting this initially out of a quote from Henry Kissinger:

> One needs to differentiate between information, knowledge and wisdom. In the internet era they tend to get mixed up. The more time one spends simply absorbing information, the less time one has to apply wisdom. And then there’s common sense. Lord Salisbury had long periods of reflection in which he applied wisdom and common sense [ ~~~ H. Kissinger]

(The interview is at https://www.spectator.co.uk/article/henry-kissinger-intervie... )

This, the author, Douglas Murray, mentions as a reason why the promise one quarter of a century ago about an intellectually Utopian society after the democratized and exploded access to information did not happen.

One must note that there is another crucial reason to be mentioned: the paradoxical collapse of "low culture" - of the dissemination and increase of civilization through the exchange of peers.

But then, the author proceeds narrating how a different image of Thomas Jefferson has spread someplace. It is humiliating - humiliating for the framework of values that seem to be on a fight to be dominant -, considering e.g. the idea John F. Kennedy promoted when he said, in front of a group of Nobel Prize winners: «I think this is the most extraordinary collection of talent, of human knowledge, that has ever been gathered together at the White House - with the possible exception of when Thomas Jefferson dined alone».

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