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OpenFrameworks[0] is quite popular for creative coding even though it's written in C++ - framework is actually pleasant to use. If you want to do some creative coding on both iOS and Android you don't have many options. If you want to use sensors (cameras, microphones, gyroscope, accelerometer, etc) and e.g. process video stream at 120fps you have even less choices.

Sadly OpenFrameworks development seems kind of stalled. Nannou + Rust could be a good or even better alternative:

1) painless cross-compilation to different platforms

2) plugins installation via cargo

3) more up-to-date plugins as tiny wrappers around CPAL [1] (audio I/O), nokhwa [2] (video i/o), opencv-rust[3] (video I/O and processing), rust-sdl2 [4](IMU sensors + game controllers), egui [5] (immediate mode gui + plotting)

4) better errors and more modern language

[0] https://openframeworks.cc/ [1] https://github.com/RustAudio/cpal/ [2] https://github.com/l1npengtul/nokhwa [3] https://github.com/twistedfall/opencv-rust [4] https://github.com/Rust-SDL2/rust-sdl2 [5] https://github.com/emilk/egui

Nanou still has quite a bit to catch up with openFrameworks API surface though.

Also those "plugins" are kind of limited to compile time, not really what plugin infrastructure is about. Nothing that can be dynamically loaded into an existing installation.

At very least I would expect something like DAWs or COM make available.

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