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I'm just as disgusted as this as most people are, but how is this illegal? In the United States, so long as the MPAA isn't directly giving money to politicians, this kind of bribery is legal. Per Citizens United vs the FEC, the MPAA can spend as much as they want on re-election campaigns.

You can only "donate" money as long as there are no strings attached. This is clearly extortion.

There are always strings attached. Let's say you give money to support a politician who opposes SOPA. When you give the money you are perfectly free to say "I'm contributing to your campaign because you are against SOPA".

Would it be extortion for you to tell a politician "If you reverse your stance and later support SOPA, I can no longer in good conscience continue to contribute to your political campaign"?

Clearly in a legal sense? Honest question.

I think the issue is getting them to look under the rug to see what has been swept under there. That's the reason why an investigation is needed.

You don't lobby that much money over that length of time without breaking a zillion laws. As it is, nobody has wanted to look because it's obvious what will be found. Hollywood has probably broken a lot of laws; far more than Megaupload ever did I'd wager.

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