You missed my point. Arbeit Macht Frei was a nazi slogan, you aren't supposed to parse it. Similarly "It's OK to be white" is a white supremacist slogan. In both cases, if you're familiar with the slogan, then you respond to the signal, not the meaning of the words. It's a sort of inverse dog-whistle.
It's not a dog-whistle, there's no meaning behind the statement besides eliciting a certain reaction. They predicted that progressives would object to such an anodyne statement, and make themselves look like racists - after all, is it not okay to be white? But apparently they were right, people really did object to the statement "it's okay to be white. I doubt that random people being polled by Rasmussen are intimately familiar with 4chan trolling topics.
Don't take the bait - even if you know the trolling campaign behind the phrase. Especially if you know, taking the bait when you know it's bait is even more stupid.
When a white supremacist says “it’s okay to be white” what they mean is “it’s only okay to be white”. It’s not an anodyne statement if you know this, so why would you agree with it in any context? This isn’t a “we can all be who we are and that’s okay” self empowerment kind of sentiment.
Do you know or interact with any white supremacists? They are not very accepting people.
They're telling you this to troll you into sounding racist: you're falling for their trick and making yourself look like a racist by objecting to such an anodyne statement. You're falling for the bait hook line and sinker.
So I live in some backwards world where white supremacists are not racists but in fact trolls, and I’m the one whose racist for taking them at their word. Okay.
This is an objective fact. The entire premise of the phrase is to bait people, the threads where this campaign was devised are archived and it's well known that the intended goal of the trolls was to get people to object to the phrase:
> The phrase “It’s Okay To Be White” is a slogan popularized in late 2017 as a trolling campaign by members of the controversial discussion forum 4chan. The original idea behind the campaign was to choose an ostensibly innocuous and inoffensive slogan, put that slogan on fliers bereft of any other words or imagery, then place the fliers in public locations. Originators assumed that “liberals” would react negatively to such fliers and condemn them or take them down, thus “proving” that liberals did not even think it was “okay" to be white.
What you’ve posted here and what I’ve said are mutually exclusive. It’s entirely coherent for white supremacists to believe that it’s only okay to be white, and for them to troll people with the phrase “it’s okay to be white”. That’s what makes it a troll. They get people who aren’t savvy to spread their message, while making people who are savvy sound unreasonable. Then they sit back and watch how many people defend them (you) and how many people get angry (me) and feel like they’ve won either way.
But to be clear, the only way to win against a white supremacist is to push back. Scott Adams isn’t winning today. Watching the general response in news and media, it seems most people see right through this little troll stunt, because most people know it’s okay to be white, so the nature of the question is just a huge red flag. Except Scott Adams and the credulous posters here.
In the end though, you’re the one downplaying white supremacists as mere trolls, while casting me as looking like a racist for calling them out on their shit. So really I’m wondering why you’re trying very hard to convince hard that white supremacists are just trolls and don’t actually believe the white race is supreme over all others.
It's amusing that so many folks here are putting forth these "plausible" "explanations" but never make the favor going the other way, i.e. that "blacks" responded the way they did because they think it's actually "great" to be white, or "fantastic", or "much better than ok" but you are making these obviously credulous assumptions for Adams!