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Congrats Anh-Tho and Raffi! I think this will be big

Thanks Arnon! I often keep sharing your blog post on entitlements: https://arnon.dk/why-you-should-separate-your-billing-from-e... !

This is a great answer to a question I get asked a lot. Thanks for sharing!

That's one of the reasons why we decided not to build "entitlements" ourselves, and prefer to partner with other "pure players" (or recommend to build internally if it's really specific). We've been working with Osohq.com (open source as well) as there's a great product and DNA fit: https://doc.getlago.com/docs/integrations/entitlements/oso

I saw that. I'm planning on open sourcing my business's licensing API this year (which also handles entitlements, but differently than Oso). Maybe we can chat once that happens. Would love to point customers to Lago more often (currently we recommend Lago for metering [0] when it makes sense).

Keep up the good work, regardless!

[0]: https://keygen.sh/docs/choosing-a-licensing-model/metered-li...

Sure! My email: anhtho[at]getlago.com

Congrats on the launch!

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