Unfortunately so. There are some egregious ones up there like that, but also if you step one block off of any major thoroughfare the sidewalk ends, yet there is still consistent traffic. This includes streets that connect schools, libraries, parks, etc. There were 271 pedestrian injuries in Seattle last year, 17 were fatal. Source: https://remoteapps.wsdot.wa.gov/highwaysafety/collision/data...
> There are some egregious ones up there like that, but also if you step one block off of any major thoroughfare the sidewalk ends, yet there is still consistent traffic.
Sure, but again, those streets by and large did not feel unsafe to me (on foot).
> There were 271 pedestrian injuries in Seattle last year, 17 were fatal.
This datapoint is just not responsive to the discussion, unless you're saying those injuries happened specifically on non-sidewalked streets in north Seattle? I suspect most were in the street or crosswalks in busier parts of town.
> Sure, but again, those streets by and large did not feel unsafe to me (on foot).
Iām not sure about you or your situation but feelings of safety vary wildly among people. As a parent of young children, sharing a street with cars does not instill a feeling of safety unless visibility is astoundingly good.