If a website or platform doesn't have sufficient measures, technological or otherwise, to deal with bots, spam, low effort posting, astroturfing, advertising, etc, it's the platform that shouldn't be trusted. If a platform could deal with bots entirely, or associate accounts with a real identity, it still doesn't mean that the platform or the user can be trusted, as identity and trust are not the same thing.
When millionaires, state actors, politicians, corporations, etc, switch from using bot farms to manipulate public opinion to paying influencers to do the same thing, people whose identity is inherently valued and trusted, you end up in the same position as we're currently in.
When millionaires, state actors, politicians, corporations, etc, switch from using bot farms to manipulate public opinion to paying influencers to do the same thing, people whose identity is inherently valued and trusted, you end up in the same position as we're currently in.