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But I used to have a walking commute, which I also miss. Certainly I wouldn't miss a commute longer than 30 minutes. And I'd probably miss it less if it were in an office park somewhere, rather than a city I could walk to lunch at various places.

But yeah, I have a remote job because that's the job I have that I'm well-suited for that was available. (And sure, ability to work from one 1 or 2 days a week or as needed would certainly be convenient regardless). But I don't actually prefer working remotely, and also think there are real losses to quality of collaborative work, as well as quality of life. I know this is heretical to say these days in these circles.

It's not like everyone is the same. Having the freedom to work from home (or anywhere) whenever you need or want to is amazing. Working in the office to brainstorm, see friends, get a change of pace or scenery is also great. Commutes are killer when they're long and you have little choice but to do it.

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