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I use Teams on a relatively modern Intel MacBook Pro. My chief complaint is that it murders my battery -- I barely get two hours when I'm on Teams video calls. But there are other issues.

For example, sometimes the window just disappears when it's in the background. When that happens I don't get any notifications, so unless I notice that Teams has bugged out I'll miss when someone tries to contact me. And recently, video has become weirdly bugged -- I see people twitch around like I'm watching a bad horror movie, and sometimes they flash red. No idea what that's about but I can't seem to fix it. It's not going to kill me but it's uncomfortable to watch.

More minor, but search is a mess, and notifications aren't great.

Other than that I guess it's OK.

Oh, it also plays poorly with virtual desktops (or whatever the feature is called on MacOS). If I switch from the desktop with the Teams window to another desktop, then cmd-tab back to Teams, it will switch the active application to Teams but won't switch back to the desktop with the actual Teams window. This is infuriating.

It seems to have something to do with the fact that, when on a call, Teams is active in every desktop (with a stupid little video window). But it persists even when you're not on a call.

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