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First time? Basically any not-directly-IT domain gets talked about this way. Hell, even times where topics like Health and Nutrition come up you find a lot of wildly inaccurate statements being made here.

I think the problem is too many people see themselves as the type of generalist Intellectual when they shouldn't.

I completely agree. One fun thing about HN though, is that every once in a while an expert from an obscure domain drops in with an extraordinary comment. It is rare, but delightful when it happens.

Ah, I used to call it the “school teacher’s disease”. People spend their whole days in environments where they are indisputable experts, then they carry their patronising attitude elsewhere.

    even times where topics like Health and Nutrition come up you find a lot of wildly inaccurate statements being made
On hackernews alt-med is repackaged as "biohacking" (sic!) and suddenly injecting yourself with home-made concoctions because you've read some research that some stuff had some effect in vivo or you came up with it yourself after reading wikipedia is lauded as next frontier of medicine or transhumanism come home.

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