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It's true that Omega was designed specifically to solve this problem well (and one of the big insights from the original Borg paper is how efficient it is to have heterogenous workloads on a single cluster). But (as a non-google person with no inside info) I think the amount of omega inspiration in kubernetes is overstated.

Until a few years ago there was very limited support for pluggable schedulers in kubernetes (I think it's gotten better recently but I'm a bit out of date). The beauty of Omega and Mesos is that schedulers were a first-level concept. How Spark thinks about job scheduling will not be the same as how Presto does, or a real-time system like Flink. Mesos provided a framework where you could create custom schedulers for each class of application you run.

For example, for a query engine you might care about scheduling latency more than anything else, and you'd be willing to accept subpar resources if you're able to get them more quickly. For a Spark job, the scheduler can introspect the actual properties of the job to figure out whether a particular resource is suitable.

For what it's worth: I didn't know if there was any Omega inspiration in K8s at all; I just know that Nomad was heavily inspired by it.

There was a ton of Omega inspiration in K8s, in the sense that Omega was mostly a failed software project, and while the scheduler potions ended up being backported, K8s mostly avoided doing the hard things and settled for good enough because of it.

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