I used to be a RHEL admin and was just more comfortable over there, but after the whole CentOS mess I ended up running Ubuntu LTS at home instead - I just wanted a "set it and forget it" machine so I didn't go with Fedora.
I'm currently regretting that decision, as I'm really not looking forward to devoting another weekend to rebuilding again.
I don't know about Rocky, but I updated all my CentOS systems (about a dozen desktops and a file server) to Stream and they work fine. The changeover has been pretty much a non-event.
I just rebuilt one my ceph nodes with Rocky 9. Seems they are pretty closely tracking RHEL. I think Alma is a little quicker with patches, but both are fast.
I used to be a RHEL admin and was just more comfortable over there, but after the whole CentOS mess I ended up running Ubuntu LTS at home instead - I just wanted a "set it and forget it" machine so I didn't go with Fedora.
I'm currently regretting that decision, as I'm really not looking forward to devoting another weekend to rebuilding again.