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Well so nobody can handle nuclear technologies, since nobody handles garbage correctly. Just look at how many stuff that can be recycled get tossed into general waste, or how much electronic waste we send to poor countries since we can't deal with it.

In reality fortunately the management of nuclear waste is completely different than everything else, it's highly regulated and controlled by international inspectors. In fact this incident doesn't prove that nuclear power is unsafe, since it didn't interest a nuclear power plant but rather a medical device with radioactive substances in them (and radiation sources are used commonly in the conventional industry, in every country, even the one that doesn't have any nuclear at all).

Where are the regulations around combat teams hiding in Nuclear Power plants? Artillery shells landing 500ft from reactors? Small quasi-accidents happening because one regime wants to 'blame it' on another? Nuclear staff being locked into the facility?

Regulations exist until someone decides they don't because they don't want to pay for something, they are lazy, incompetent.

Google 'Jamie Metzl' who is a very respected researcher who lays out the history of the establishment of Biolabs in China, and points at the very strong likelihood that COVID was created in a lab and is the result of a long series of regulatory, oversight, political and scientific failures.

Biolabs are 'safe' until the host country decides to screw the regulators because they want to save money on construction, or some person installs substandard materials because somewhere down the long globalized value chain, someone replaced one thing with another, on purpose or by accident, and it compromises the entire system.

Those are the kinds of systemic risks that exist with things like viruses and Nuclear tech that normal thinking doesn't account for.

Likely we need an approach that works even if humans fail completely, or, that can be maintained in more stable systems.

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