> tcpdump and strace/ltrace are the ultimate tool for "I have no idea what the problem is, let me find out exactly what is happening" when troubleshooting.
And the ability to do that type of troubleshooting when the shit hits the fan is becoming more and more rare. I regularly run into devs, even so-called “senior” devs, these days who don’t know how it’s useful to look at packets or system calls and whose minds are blown that anyone would know details that far down the stack. It would be depressing if it wasn’t so good for job security.
And the ability to do that type of troubleshooting when the shit hits the fan is becoming more and more rare. I regularly run into devs, even so-called “senior” devs, these days who don’t know how it’s useful to look at packets or system calls and whose minds are blown that anyone would know details that far down the stack. It would be depressing if it wasn’t so good for job security.