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First of all, that place is where the reader macros go, so the spot is already taken.

Second of all, notwithstanding interference with reader macros, then no, it isn't completely trivial unless what you're suggesting is just pointless string substitution, which would also make e.g. 1(2 3) be equal to (1 2 3).

If what you're suggesting is having an enforced hard split between lists and function/macro invocation, that pretty much just makes everything harder to do with no perceivable gain, other than looking a bit more like C-based languages. It's a bit like enforcing that any strings that are parsed as numbers somewhere in the source code must be defined using "..." while strings that aren't must use '...' instead.

The entire point is that you can manipulate code as data structures. You can rewrite the rules of the language by returning data structures. There's no reason to make this more complex.

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