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Logs are one option, I've been increasingly leaning toward various canaries / telltales myself, which ... it looks as if you're doing through email at last in part, and credit card numbers, which would of course have been my next suggestion. Variant spellings of your name, or if you're ambitious, different postal mailing addresses, would be another option.

(Curiously, a lot of the methods for tracking surveillance ... are also used by marketing entities to track campaign effectiveness and such.)

On top of these, unused and obscured URLs might also be used.

I'd especially like to see what dot-connecting capabilities various entities have, and am thinking of how these might be tested, e.g., by having two not-directly-linked tokens used and seeing whether or not there's plausibly been a connection made between the two.

I'm realising that there's actually a substantial site and project behind your work, I'm going to take a look at that before I say too many more stupid things ;-)

NB: As one who read economics at Uni, I'm developing a much-belated mad respect for sociology.

Yes, I regularly use unusual spellings, different postal addresses, pseudonyms, CC's, the whole nine yards.


If you happen to know of any good references / sources on methods --- for both individuals and organisations --- or even just the right keywords to use for researching the literature, I'd appreciate it. That's information which could stand to be more widely known.

(My search-fu is usually pretty good. There are times when I'm stymied simply not knowing the language / terminology used within research / technology areas.)

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