Either their staff are lying to their customers in an obvious manner (not a good idea) or their internal documentation lies to their ignorant staff (not a good idea).
Either way around this is pretty much a perfect example of awful customer service.
Also, an example of the complete lack of manners. I don't know if I'm getting more sensitive to that kind of treatment or people are actually getting more aggressive, unsympathetic and losing their manners.
This is not about PayPal, this is about people that can't be nice to each other, can't help nor will try to, that can't answer a phone call without provoking an argue for no reason at all.
I see some of that kind of manners here at HN too. This makes me really sad.
I don't know about this. I've called Paypal many times and even though they sometimes weren't very helpful, they were always friendly and very respectful. Intentionally or unintentionally, the poster probably transcribed a phone call in a way that made the representative seem more blunt. I doubt it was transcribed word-for-word.
This is still ridiculous on Paypal's part, though. Good customer service isn't all about friendliness and nice words like "thanks for calling". People would appreciate it far more if Paypal omitted the pleasantries and just solved their problems.
I've rang PayPal before and been treated like an idiot. I got a notification to call and was told that the manager in charge of that issue won't be back for a few days so call back them. A far cry from the 24/7 support a few companies are starting to implement.
You've just been lucky. I've called Paypal a few times, and had almost identical responses. The most reminiscent part: the rep says something ridiculous, so you try to appeal to their sense of absurdity by saying things like "so no one at the company at all knows about this?" and then they give you a dumb response like "that's right".
Either way around this is pretty much a perfect example of awful customer service.