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a large correlative indicator of academic success is the academic success of ones parents.

Very difficult to measure 'innate smartness' (Is it even possible?)

I can theorize one "sign" of innate smartness. When I was pregnant, my hands at one point in the pregnancy came to rest on my belly, and at some point, I happened to tap on my belly, and back came the same number of kicks or punches. I thought this had to have been coincidence, so tried a different number of taps, only to have that number tapped back, and so I tried a third number, which again came mirrored right back to me. It was at this point that I became freaked out and did my best to keep my hands off my belly for the remainder of the pregnancy. I have only heard of one other woman having this experience, and she told me her child is also one with a rather high IQ.

Rolling over soon after birth might be another such indicator. Our son did this as a newborn and I've heard other mothers of high IQ children (not just one other, but several others) say their children did the same. One would think such a move would have more to do with muscle strength (and our son was born a typical 7 pounds and 6 ounces, so no football player baby) but perhaps it's more how quickly the mind can figure out how to pull off the turn, I don't know.

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