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>Depends. Is the god eternal? Things that are eternal (at least, eternal into the past) don't have beginnings, and therefore don't need creators. (Same with an eternal, cyclical universe - no creator required. It just is, and always has been.)

I'd add that if "god" is/was/will be made entirely of photons (and/or other massless particles), then "god" moves at the speed of light, which means "god" doesn't experience the passage of time[0]; so no beginning, no end and no in-between, just existence outside of "time."

This is, of course, a ridiculous idea. However, it does support the fantasy of an eternal being.

Then again, "there are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy."[1]

Which isn't to say that such claptrap as I suggest is true and, based on what we know now, it seems (at least to me) a ridiculous concept.

That said, our understanding of the universe(s) is woefully incomplete.

[0] https://physics.stackexchange.com/questions/54162/how-does-a...

[1] http://www.shakespeare-online.com/quickquotes/quickquotehaml...

Edit: Used the correct conjunction.

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