It's not just that I spoke my mind more often, but that I felt comfortable doing it.
I used to seldom speak, but when I did I'd let out all the stuff I was holding back (sometimes going back weeks or months of previous discussions!).
I either tended to be right about some stuff but too late for it to make a difference anymore, or wrong about some stuff and ignored. This only made my arrogance even worse thinking everyone else was dumb.
I was holding back because I was afraid of being wrong and damaging my reputation as someone who "just got things done" and "didn't complain". You see in my mind I was being a "team player" this way. It's obvious now how some bosses took advantage of this while others hated it.
I then found a slower paced job where _nobody_ is ever the hero and the meetings finally weren't a waste of time. It's not a coincidence this job that turned me around paid way better, had more reasonable schedules, and employed "senior devs" who weren't just a bunch of kids in their 20s.
Thanks for the explanation. Congratulations on figuring that out. I have similar tendencies to your old self and it definitely holds me back. I'm working on it!
Could you expand on how this helped you grow out of being a lone wolf? Was it because you just weren't participating in group discussion before?