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Have you put out your resume on indeed.com, LinkedIn, etc, listing yourself as part time? Getting noticed by recruiters can be a way to get things done. Have you considered going back to school online? Being in school can help with Section 8 housing in the US, as can a disability. It also helps with lots of other public help. Also, you might scour for jobs that require a security clearance that are part time, as the government views disability far, far different than the private sector. Long term, government jobs, even part time, might be your answer. Even companies that have government contracts hire many more disabled folks than others. Actually, I know people who's job it is/has been to help disabled folks get jobs, even part time. Google Vocational Rehab for your area. There's probably a program near you. Sorry to not answer your questions the way you were probably looking, but I'm sharing what I do know of all this. I can probably help if you care to send more specifics.

Well, currently I am receiving both private and government disability. As soon as I start working part-time, I will assuredly lose private disability. But the nature of my condition is that it periodically and unpredictably gets much worse to the point where I can't work at all for an extended period of time. So when that happens, and I have already lost the private disability, I won't be able to get it back. But they currently pay for half of all of what I receive, so that's not an acceptable risk I can take.

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