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> Why is this? What is the ethical justification for why addressing the gender imbalance in STEM/software engineering should be such an urgent moral priority?

Probably just because $$$. Have you ever seen someone advocate for more female coal miners or truck drivers?

> Have you ever seen someone advocate for more female coal miners or truck drivers?

All the time, as they should.

They also let women be engineers, geologists, farmers, doctors, etc.

Is this surprising to you?

[1] https://www.riotinto.com/news/releases/2022/Rio-Tinto-female...

[2] https://www.macktrucks.com.au/community/blog/2017/february/m...

Considering the fact that only 4% of Australian truck drivers are female[0], you'd think there'd be more of an effort.

0. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-07-26/qld-push-for-female-t...

Not everyone embraces the long haul trucking lifestyle, there's a much higher percentage of women in fork lifts, bob cats, and the uncounted by that poll (which is freight haul trucking only) dream job - remote 100 tonne haul pak operator.

These are all closer to home, have better hours, somewhat better pay for the light machines and exceptional rates for the Haulpaks.

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