I think it makes a big difference having something that is domain focused. I remember being new to it, I'd open the windows menu > Autohotkey > and it had two things, I think, the manual and Windows Spy. I think that manual is one of the best I've read and easily made up for the jankyness of the syntax. And the manual instructs you to open windows spy and click anywhere on a window that you are interested in and it tells you everything you could possibly need to know to read and interface with any window control. And if you get stuck, they had an awesome forum full of people working on the same types of problems. And of course you could also embed python, c or c# (probably others, too) or you could embed autohotkey scripts in python, and so on. So, while I know that most automation can be done (if using X11) on Linux, the friction is way higher. And it's a shame because when it comes to non-gui automation GNU/Linux kills it.