Are you sure ? I don't have a chance to test right now but from the brief look i had there's nothing specific for as i see it uses the git log file.
Edit: based on your profile I see you're quite anti Microsoft for some reason. I think one doth protest too much in this case though.
The GitHub Actions on only references `/github/` and is only available through the proprietary forge. The gallery only shows `$USER_ORG/$REPO_NAME`. While seemingly subtle, it's this sort of behavior, treating Microsoft GitHub as the only place projects live, that is taking the distributed nature of Git and trying to centralize it. This is the same issue with Vim plugins giving priority shorthands for plugin names or npm having some shorthands like `$FORGE:$USER_ORG/$REPO_NAME` for dependencies, but if you drop the $FORGE you get GitHub as a default. This makes folks feel as if using an alternative host or self-hosting is inferior or less supported. This leads to newcomers thinking GitHub is Git. And that's not how distributed version control is supposed to be.
Yes, this is how critical paradigms like decentralization are gradually broken by Microsoft. Things are built and people have a brief look, but don't actually test them on other platforms. Don't criticize people by looking at their comment history, it's petty and frankly seems tribal. Write about the topic being discussed.
Edit: based on your profile I see you're quite anti Microsoft for some reason. I think one doth protest too much in this case though.