AHK allows me to program my own eclectic mashup of emacs and vim and put it in every single app on my windows machine including VS, VS Code, Chrome, Word, outlook, everything! My brain is broken without it, it is a godsend.
For the curious, like emacs, my "command mode" is whether or not I'm holding the alt key. Like vim, my command mode navigation is based on the relative positions of different keys. I know that vim uses jkl; for the arrows. I think it is easier to use "ijkl" in much the same way you would use "wasd". But based on position, home, end, page up, page down are included as well as delete. My hands never leave the home row. Technically "alt+j" will map to "ctrl+left" so that it moves my cursor an entire word and not a single character.
I have similar keys to yours, but U and O are left/right four times, and 8 and , are up/down four times. Could make it more, I just know that 3 is to small.
I also also have a hotkey for nearly every program I use on a daily basis. Win 0-9 are used of course, but Caps+F1-F12 are also used, and I've recently added Insert+letter keys to my collection thanks to my new fancy QMK keyboard. My goal is to never alt tab again :)
I also also also have an emacs/whichkey kinda thing, which does exactly what you think:
This is, of course, extensible to any AHK command, not just running explorer. Also means I don't have to memorize every goddamn shortcut. Only weird thing is that I have to exit out of it with Alt. Escape doesn't work and I dunno why.
For the curious, like emacs, my "command mode" is whether or not I'm holding the alt key. Like vim, my command mode navigation is based on the relative positions of different keys. I know that vim uses jkl; for the arrows. I think it is easier to use "ijkl" in much the same way you would use "wasd". But based on position, home, end, page up, page down are included as well as delete. My hands never leave the home row. Technically "alt+j" will map to "ctrl+left" so that it moves my cursor an entire word and not a single character.
quick and dirty annotated map. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VWXMoh2pN7WrwC5Y2p0BNoYGOzt...