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Ask HN: What have you created that deserves a second chance on HN?
268 points by paulgb on Jan 26, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 394 comments
We all know there’s a big luck component to breaking off the /new page. I want to see the original content that you’re proud of but flopped on HN.

https://crowdview.ai - search engine for forums and discussion sites

Like many of you, I find Google results to be full of SEO spam and have resorted to adding "site:reddit.com" or "site:news.ycombinator.com" to all my queries (since 2015!). Otherwise, it's really hard to figure out "what does a genuine, real life human think about this thing?".

But limiting my results to just Reddit isn't ideal because so much great content exists elsewhere. Lots of great information and conversations have moved elsewhere, and niche forums are still alive on the web! But it's impossible to find these places because they rank so poorly on Google. So I built a search engine across a curated list of these, making sure to remove any kind of SEO junk (blog spam, listicles, etc).

There's also a chrome extension that surfaces these results alongside Google, so you don't have to remember to keep coming back.

Please try it out and share any feedback! (and if you're interested in this topic, join the Slack)

It's very cool but then I searched for some random thing and found on the first page my very own comment about it, something I wrote some years ago. Well, that was a strange experience, the whole internet felt unexpectedly so small...

Anyway, I'm sure I'll use this again.

I tried "replacing VS Commodore gasket", expecting to see pages from justcommodores.com.au. Those are the go-to forums for anyone into Holdens (Australian cars that are no longer made).

Instead 8 out of the first 10 results were Hacker News? The other two were from from mechanics.stackexchange.com reddit.com/r/CarsAustralia, but neither were about a VS Commodore (instead they were about Nissans).

On the other hand, the very first Google result was literally a topic titled "replacing VS heads gasket" on justcommodores.com.au.

It's an awesome idea but the results definitely need some work.

This is really nice. I am always appending forums names and reddit to my searches.

For DIY stuff recently I found just putting 'forum' in the search works well

A bit tangential, but I found a bunch of links in my crawl database a while back that had titles like

> best electric razor 2022 reddit

Pretty creative. Never seen a search engine actually return results like that, but like it's worth a try I guess?

This is neat, I'm going to try using it on some searches tonight. I have two pieces of immediate feedback:

- I need a date range option. I'm searching for something about a piece of software and getting answers from around 2011, so far out of date that it's useless.

- Really need some padding on the left side of the page ;)

Wow great work! I quickly got the information I was struggling to find via DDG (and then Google).

I've added this search engine by adding "https://crowdview.ai/search?q=%s" in Firefox's search settings. I'll be trying this again.

This absolutlly blow my mind. Search results are 100% organic and 1000% more relevant than any search engine gave me. Ever. Even more relevant than payed kagi.

I just cannot add CrowdView to search engines in Firefox. Any idea how to fix that?

Been wanting this and considered building one. Will try it out. Thanks!

I like the general idea behind it but you need to increase the pool of websites you're crawling by a lot.

I did not get any results for "Kardashians"

This is genuinely great. Unlike others spamming my search results with StackOverFlow crawlers I can find actual people's posts here.

This is awesome! Thank you!

Any chance for a Firefox extension?

You mention a Slack workspace. How do I find that? (I don't use Slack outside of work much)

This is awesome! I'll be using it for sure.

Where'd you get your curated list of forums? Big search of running VBulletin instances? :)

that among others! a lot of manual work + some automated scraping (there's about ~3000 forums in the index today)

Love the site. Really great work with it. I had an idea for a similar site, but instead it would essentially be like Pinterest in which you indicate your interests/hobbies and it shows you forums related to those. There's dozens of small forums that I discovered off the 2nd/3rd/4th page of Google results that are super helpful - but hard to find.

How did you go about finding the ~3000 forums? That's my main hurdle with the idea.

Saw that best espresso machine example on the homepage was missing https://www.home-barista.com/

That's basically Mecca for us coffee geeks :-) so consider adding it.

This is great. I would love a date filter but even without, it is very useful.

What is blog spam in this context? Content farms?

Blogs that give the impression of honest reviews but are actually low quality content scraped from the product description. The purpose is to make money on the affiliate links when you buy their recommendations.

Got it, thanks.

Wow, this almost feels like the old internet and old google.

Generic results from a few corporate entities has become ubiquitous, but here you can type whatever and it seems to give a broad range of results.

Wow, this actually feels like a search engine. It’s been a while since I’ve felt this.

How do you rank the results?

thank you! results ranking is very primitive today, but a lot of users have commented that they would prefer ordering by date (latest first) so I've been looking into that


The same gameboy emulator rewritten in C++, Go, Nim, PHP, Cython, Python, Rust, and Zig (and WIP typescript); mostly to teach myself the languages and to compare and contrast their idioms.

Also, when taken with a very large grain of salt, usable as a language benchmark (As with all benchmarks, there are lots of caveats - but as far as I’m aware this is unique in being “the same code in multiple languages” and “several thousand lines of code”):

  $ ./utils/bench.py
   rs / lto    : Emulated 15763 frames in 10.00s (1576fps)
  cpp / lto    : Emulated 14737 frames in 10.00s (1474fps)
   rs / release: Emulated 13183 frames in 10.00s (1318fps)
  cpp / release: Emulated 12966 frames in 10.00s (1297fps)
  zig / release: Emulated  8792 frames in 10.00s (879fps)
  nim / speed  : Emulated  8127 frames in 10.00s (812fps)
  nim / release: Emulated  6161 frames in 10.00s (616fps)
  cpp / debug  : Emulated  5693 frames in 10.00s (569fps)
   go / release: Emulated  5040 frames in 10.00s (504fps)
  pxd / release: Emulated  3792 frames in 10.00s (379fps)
  nim / debug  : Emulated  1968 frames in 10.00s (196fps)
   rs / debug  : Emulated  1676 frames in 10.00s (168fps)
   py / mypyc  : Emulated   887 frames in 10.01s (89fps)
  php / opcache: Emulated   613 frames in 10.01s (61fps)
  php / release: Emulated   255 frames in 10.01s (25fps)
   py / release: Emulated   101 frames in 10.06s (10fps)
  zig / safe   : Emulated    40 frames in 10.00s (4fps)

Is the github language summary indicative of relative LoC between implementations, or are there other factors?

  C++ 24.9%
  Python 19.5%
  Rust 12.5% 
  PHP 9.5%
  Zig 9.4% 
  Nim 8.0%
  Other 16.2%
And very interesting! Would love to read (a post?) on how you saw the language differences.

C++ and Rust contain (incomplete attempts at) emulating the sound chip - the other languages just have an empty stub (I want to get at least one implementation working properly before using it as a reference to write the others - interestingly both of those implementations, despite being written based on the same specs, sound wrong for different reasons…)

Also I wonder how it counts “lines” - if it is literal newline characters, then probably the biggest factor there is that some languages insist on having a newline after each case in a switch statement and some don’t — so in the CPU implementation some languages are like

  case 0x42: self.PC = self.A; break;
and others are like

  case 0x42:
    self.PC = self.A;
(which adds up quite a bit when multiplied by 500 CPU instructions)

If somebody wanted to go to the effort of counting logical statements per language, I’d be interested in seeing what that looks like :)

It’s also probably worth comparing module-by-module — like for all languages, the CPU implementation does pretty much exactly the same thing in exactly the same way; but for command line argument parsing, every language is very different.

To speak entirely subjectively, nearly all of the languages felt like I was writing approximately the same amount of code - the only exceptions being C++ (where I needed to keep switching between .cpp and .h files and manually keeping them in sync, which felt like maybe 20% mental overhead), and Go (writing `if err != nil { return err }` after every line of code became very annoying very quickly, feeling like I was writing twice as many lines of code - and I still managed to forget to do error handling in a couple of places where it actually mattered, since it only forces you to handle `err` if you’re also handling some other return value...)

At least for the python percentage, it is skewed as both `py` and `pxd` contain python code.

You would probably need a much larger sample set to give a "true" indication of relative LoC between different languages. Right now it's probably a good indicator of relative LoC between languages when writing a Game Boy emulator.

Very cool! Are you open to other people contributing PRs to add other languages, or is this a learning project and prefer to do it yourself? (I'm considering adding Crystal https://crystal-lang.org/)

More languages would totally be welcome, so long as they’re following the same general source code layout so that it’s easy to see how different parts map to each other :)

Interesting! Zig release perf is respectable, but slower than Python for debug clearly leaves some room for improvement.

Yeah, I haven’t dug into what’s happening there - with the previous version of the compiler debug perf seemed to be nearly as fast as release perf :S

What's your favorite, and what do you think about Nim?

EDIT nvm, found: https://github.com/shish/rosettaboy/tree/master/nim

Really cool! What were your impressions of all the languages you've implemented this in?

For a few of the languages I’ve added a “thoughts on this language” section in the language folder’s README, but I only started doing that after a few implementations were already finished, so it’s a bit inconsistent - maybe it’d be worth making it consistent, and writing up as a single easy-to-read webpage, and submitting that to HN :P

Neat. I haven't done a deel dive on any kind of technical project in a while, where did you learn amount programming for emulation initially?

Initially I was using a fairly-well-known PDF which explained the gameboy hardware with 90% accuracy, and focussed on just getting the CPU working to a point where it could print “hello world” to the link cable port.

After that, I discovered that some people had written test ROMs - given only the most basic CPU instructions being implemented in a mostly-correct-ish way, these ROMs exercise the more exotic instructions, and edge-cases of the common instructions, and print out an error code if the emulated CPU gives results that differ from the physical CPU. (In this case the error code is just “this instruction is implemented wrong”, without saying what’s wrong about it - but with the gameboy having a fairly simple CPU where the vast majority of instructions map to a single statement in a high-level language, it’s good enough for most cases)

Third, I discovered https://gbdev.io/ which is an open source documentation project which has been bug-fixed and kept up to date and is generally much higher quality than the PDF I started from. Things would have gone much faster if I’d started here :)

In all cases the architecture of my emulator is very basic - no JIT, no worries about sub-CPU-cycle timing being accurate, etc[0]; just a loop which reads an instruction from memory, has a big `switch` statement to decide how to act upon that instruction, and then goes back to read the next instruction.

[0] I think the only place where I’ve allowed a bit of complexity in rather than sticking with the simplest implementation is the GPU - the simplest approach is to render all of the GPU memory to the screen once per frame; the slightly more accurate approach (which I do) is to render one row of pixels at a time (so that the CPU can tweak settings mid-frame to achieve parallax effects); the real hardware is quite a bit more complicated, but the medium-complexity approach works perfectly for nearly all the games I care about, and only has minor glitches for cases where it’s wrong.

I wrote a book called “Eating Glass” about the grueling emotional and psychological experience of presiding over a prolonged startup failure, coping with the aftermath, and finding my way back to health and growth.

I wrote the book I wished I’d had available to me, as I believe these experiences are common among entrepreneurs and high achievers. My “Show HN” was immediately lost downstream but I have given out free digital copies on a few occasions in response to folks posting here about similar struggles.

I have links and a lot of free excerpts at https://markdjacobsen.com/eating-glass/

Awesome! Will buy it!

PS: also because your book supports whisperSync!

I’m not buying any eBooks without that feature anymore.

> I’m not buying any eBooks without [whisperSync] anymore.

Doesn't that lock you into Amazon's DRM? It did in 2010: https://www.mobileread.com/forums/showthread.php?t=81945

I (significantly) restored Palm/HP's webOS services, include the SDK, (partial) App Catalog, and a variety of proxied, re-created back-end services to keep devices like the Palm Pre and HP Touchpad functional: https://www.webosarchive.org

Now we just need a compatibility/emulator for mobile devices. When I had a touchpad, I kept it dual booted exclusively to the ability to play Tower Wars, since there wasn't (and still isn't, afaik) any similar games around. Basically you got cards on each turn for upgrading your walls or castle, or for attacking your enemy's walls or castle, with the objective of destroying your enemy's Castle before they destroyed yours.


https://www.extremetech.com/mobile/141855-open-webos-can-now... https://www.cnet.com/tech/mobile/webos-running-as-an-android...

Its not the same thing, but I do have HP's emulator image updated for modern machines: https://www.webosarchive.org/docs/emulator/

Cool! Brings back memories...


The web tool will switch the position of latitude and longitude in text. It's a common issue in GIS industry as there's no agreement which order is the correct one (and tools/software want one or the other). The initial Show HN dicussion derailed into which order is the correct one, second-guessing why the tool could be any useful to anybody and it went downhill (well, flagged) from there.

Nicely implemented and simple.

Love the irony of a whole debate when your tool isn't taking an opinion, but instead letting people navigate (pun proudly intended) those two worlds.

Not sure it's working. I keep hitting the flip button but nothing is happening.

Hitting flip simply takes the entered (or default) coords and displays two columns of info below, maps and data about the location. Hitting it again doesn’t toggle anything further. Slightly confusing at first.

Are you on mobile? There is a second column with flipped coordinates that is offscreen if the phone is in portrait mode. I suggest that you try to browse the page in landscape mode.


do you have js enabled?

Oh man, I wish I had seen this three years ago.

I love it!

Pivotuner[0]: automatic real-time pure intonation and microtonal modulation

This is an audio plugin which I've been working on over the past couple years, I've gotten input from some pretty high-profile artists like Jacob Collier! Finally released it publicly late last year.

Pivotuner is a plugin which tunes MIDI data in pure intonation in real time. Besides enabling beautiful purely-tuned chords on keyboards, this also enables many other cool things such as microtonal modulation, and unusual chord sonorities! (more info on the website, this is copy-pasted)

Besides the demos on the website, there's some stuff on YouTube[1].

I'm good to answer any questions!

[0]: https://www.dmitrivolkov.com/projects/pivotuner/ [1]: https://youtu.be/iyxaIP5VAkw?list=PLWgV6cfPuuQVsNRsXxNOicKQo...

Wow - the Baader–Meinhof phenomenon must be real.

I just created my first song using automatic real-time pure intonation and uploaded it yesterday[0]. I used a plugin called Scale Breaker[1] that connects to MPE instruments in Ableton (used Wavetable for all the synths in the song since it's MPE enabled) and set the tuning to automatic Just Intonation (12T) with 5-limit symmetric aug 5th tuning. I edited all the bass notes to trigger the correct tuning for each chord so each note is automatically microtuned to be perfectly resonant.

I make House music and noticed that not many people have been experimenting using real-time just intonation in the genre so I gave it a go to see what it sounds like - it was pretty fun to make. I believe perfectly resonant music is going to be really big in the next few years now that these automatic tuning plugins are available.

Question: does your plugin work through modulating the notes using MPE? My understanding is that this method allows for more versatility.

[0]: https://open.spotify.com/track/73r7izAfNtiG20vzoN8mCz?si=104... [1]: https://isotonikstudios.com/product/scale-breaker/

Yep, the plugin works with MPE, though I'm also planning to add support for MTS-ESP, and MIDI 2 when it has wider support.

I haven't used it, but Scale Breaker is definitely a cool plugin, I do plan on stealing some features from it. Pivotuner has a step up in that it supports microtonal modulation resulting naturally from pure intonation (which is a bit of a niche case), but Scale Breaker's ability to sync across tracks is super useful and something I am planning to add.

Thanks for sharing your track, it's always nice to hear things using pure intonation!

I listened to the Bach demo and it’s interesting that I can actually hear the “bends”. I find the sound pleasant after I the sound has stabilized and I forget about the bend, but for those few milliseconds when the bend happens, it sounds like it introduces a very small dissonance.

Not sure if it’s just because I’m so used to hearing Just Intonation all the time, I’m curious if other have the same experience.

Great product anyway! I’ll have to find a way to try it with my Romanian Kaval improvisations since my instrument is already in pure intonation from what I noticed.

Yeah, the bending itself being audible can be a bit jarring, I'm planning to add the option to interpolate the bends slowly, so hopefully that will help. Thank you for the interest!


I made a bot last summer to generate and update weekly Spotify playlists from 100 or so music subreddits based on the top submissions of that week. Update operates entirely through a GitHub action so no resource spending.

I don’t often finish my side projects so was pretty happy to have something finally usable and shareable, it’s been fun showing friends!

This is awesome, I'm already using it. Thanks so much!

A few years ago a friend and I listened to one album a week from r/hiphopheads' Essential Albums List. It got me thinking about having an "Album club" like a book club. Each week the club's playlist would get updated with a new album or songs to listen to that week.

I may use this as some inspiration to make that.

I see in the repo you mention wanting to add support for archiving. I'd really like to see a sort of master playlist for a genre. Just keep adding the songs from each weekly playlist to the master genre playlist, then the "date added" field could be used for looking at the playlist historically. You lose duplicates this way, so maybe not the best archival strategy, but with the master playlist you could have hours of music instead of an hour.

Oh, this is great, I look forward to exploring some new genres with these playlists.

Super cool! It would be great if the description field had a link to the subreddit and a link to the master list.


https://www.twitch.tv/watchmeforever - AI-generated (aside from the artwork) parody of '90s sitcoms, running forever (24/7/365).

We worked on this w/ a very small team for the past four years, in-between our day jobs. When started, OpenAI didn't have an API, and Stable Diffusion definitely wasn't a thing, so we had to come up with novel methods to thread cohesive content together. Most of the "creative" details e.g., laugh track, dialogue, frequency of dialogue, camera shots, and so on, are all tunable on a per scene basis.

We're in sort of a holding pattern right now -- no clear path to monetization for the project, and it hasn't garnered enough attention for us to probably get funding based on the technology backbone.

Hope you enjoy it! Labor of love. :)

It would be cool if you could somehow integrate twitch chat into it. Like maybe the characters mention keywords from the chat, or there could be like some screen that displays chat messages somewhere and the characters react.

We actually do scrape Twitch chat—- we have onscreen gauges, meters, etc, that the chat can interact with by saying certain things that will change what happens in the show. I just don’t have it turned on right now because our viewer volume is pretty low. :) Great suggestion though re: characters interacting to viewer chat, that would be a lot of fun.

This is really cool. Are the dialogue, etc. generated in advance or is it all being generated live for every scene?

We generate the dialogue per every scene, every 2 minutes or so. We wanted to be able to massage the narrative over time, so the show is constructed in these two minute intervals.

I love this, I think I might leave it running while I fall asleep, instead of my normal audiobook-or-podcast :)

:D, awesome! Our vision for this was actually just that — second screen content, not necessarily the primary thing you have on, so we love to hear that!

How is it animated?

It’s prefabricated 3D models, rendered through a game engine. We do some specific things to make it look how it does.

https://app.dev-esc.com/new_game/ - an online escape room for developer teams. I aimed to make a team-building experience that was a bit different. unashamedly geeky: you’ll need puzzling and some coding to solve the challenges.

Fully remote for teams of 1-8ish; free to explore. Requires a computer, although you can explore on mobile/tablet.

Originally it was free to play - I got a fair few plays off my HN post, now I have a trickle of paying customers.

Use code hackernews22 for a 40% discount

Original submission at https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=28579191

Oh I played this! I bought it to play with a friend over Discord and we had a real fun time, it was sort of the perfect niche (for us)

Personally I wish there were more of these. Having the one was nice but it's hard to play with another person when you already know the solution. And it's just fun to play more puzzles with the same friend.

Thanks for making it :3!

Thank you for this, you made my day.

I have recently made a new room for /dev/esc - my idea was that in the run-up to Christmas, plenty of dev teams would be looking for activities to do together. Full disclosure: it didn't work - I didn't get a bump of new customers.

If you can look past the festive theming, IMHO there are some good, totally original new puzzles in "Santa's Tech Disaster". (choose from drop-down when setting up a new game)

Tbh, Christmas was a heads down, stressful time for me. I'm wondering if the opposite might actually be true of dev teams around Christmas?

But thanks! I'll have to get my friend to play again. Looking forward to it

Looks like there’s a new puzzle now, give it another look!

I created Scheme for Max and Scheme for Pure Data. They are extensions to the Max/MSP, Ableton Live, and Pure Data computer music environments that embed an s7 Scheme interpreter in the host so that you can script, automate, and live code the hosts with s7, a Scheme from the CCRMA computer music center at Stanford and the same one used in the Snd editor and the Common Music 3 algorithmic composition environment. This allows you to do things like write algorithmic music tools, sequencers, and use the Ableton Live API in Scheme, including with Common Lisp style macros. It has an API for integrating with Max to share data structures, hook into the scheduler, run in the high priority thread, and so on. (The Max javascript object does not run in the high thread and so while it is similar in scope, it can't be used for accurate timing, so is no good for sequencing or live algorithmic generation.) S4M allows you to do all the goodness of high level music programming in a Lisp, without losing the ability to use modern commercial tooling and instruments. It's my thesis project for a Masters in Music Technology with Andy Schloss and George Tzanetakis at the University of Victoria, and I plan to continue to a PhD working on it. I tried submitting twice, but it never made the page, which surprised me a bit given Lisp interest here.

The github page is here: https://github.com/iainctduncan/scheme-for-max

The youtube channel with various demos is here: https://www.youtube.com/c/musicwithlisp

Once or twice a year I get a computer music itch. I've never been able to find a tool that really fits what I'm looking for, and have been entirely unsuccessful making my own tools. This looks exactly like what I've been looking for. Thanks for sharing!

hey that's great! Happy to answer any questions on either the github discussion forum or the email list.

My single-instruction (subleq) programming game:


I really thought enough people liked esolangs and zachlikes, but it failed to get a single upvote, so never even made it to the “Show” page (well, not until like a week later, at which point it was buried anyway) :(

I don't know about everyone else, but to me programming with just the "subtract and branch if less than or equal to zero" instruction sounds way, way more frustrating than something like the TIS-100. I don't play programming games to be frustrated, I play them to feel smart, and the line between is dangerously thin.

Yeah, definitely not for everyone! I found the most fun parts to be: 1) figuring out how to support indirection/pointers, and 2) optimizing solutions for memory usage (there are a lot of clever tricks, once you start looking closely).

Looks neat! From my first impression I would ease off on the green box shadow, it somewhat clashes with the retro aesthetic.

https://confluo.app - A productivity assistant app that instead of planning your day in advance dynamically suggests you tasks to pick based on the time of the day. Planning ahead never worked for me as something unexpected always came along. Hence I wanted an app that I can open, go through a list of task suggestions and pick the one I like. In addition, I included features like timer, pomodoro, and virtual co-working that helped me stay productive during the lockdowns. I also wanted to track how many hours I was working and which skill I was spending my time on, so I also those features. I shared it on HN, hoping people will like it. But it never made it to new page :(

Looks very cool, and has a ton of potential! I hope this can help me, planning in advance never works for me either.

Dollero - https://dollero.app/

I created a personal budgeting web app which doesn't store any of your financial information in the cloud. Instead your budget data is stored locally in your browser with IndexedDB and is sync'd peer to peer with your other devices using WebRTC.

Looks heavily inspired by youneedabudget (YNAB). Accurate? I assume it is, since you offer an "import" from YNAB.

Did you start creating this after YNAB launched their higher prices or what was the impetus?

I have my doubts about there not being a dedicated app on the phone. The most important feature of YNAB is being able to easily add transactions and since you are going the route of no automated import, manual transaction adding from mobile will be CRITICAL to get perfect.

YNAB's solution is really, really good in that space. How does yours compare?

Thanks for taking a look at Dollero. I've been a YNAB Classic (YNAB4) user for almost a decade but was disappointed when they moved to a SaaS cloud based model (even though I understand their motivations). I enjoyed not paying a monthly fee and that syncing was supported through Dropbox where I had full control of my data. YNAB Classic hasn't been supported for a while and I didn't want to wait around for an OS update to kill it so I created Dollero.

I enter most of my transactions on my phone and I agree that the mobile experience is key. Dollero is a responsive PWA so it can be used offline and can be installed by "Adding to home screen" on a mobile device resulting in an experience that is very similar to a native app. I'm continuing to polish and improve that part of the app.

YNAB is a great product and is ideal for people who are new to budgeting and desire an automatic bank account import.

Dollero is for people who want an envelope budgeting system, like YNAB, but are price sensitive and value their privacy. Dollero is free to use. Data syncing between devices will be a small monthly fee (currently free while in beta) making it much more affordable than YNAB, especially for folks in low income countries. Dollero respects your privacy, your data stays in your browser and is synced directly between your devices. For existing YNAB users I've added back some features that were removed from the new YNAB like multi-month view and carrying negative category balances.

This looks cool! Are you going to support multiple currencies?

Yes! I've felt some pain recently budgeting with USD/CAD and plan to add support for this.

Would be cool if it can scan your receipts and itemize them.

I would love that as well. I was thinking even adding an attachment photo/scan of a receipt could be valuable as a first step.

Yeah because you can always OCR later. Also make it a paid option so you can cook into Azure Cognitive Service or something similar.

One thing I always wanted to have is automatic consolidation of receipts with credit and debit. Then with the itemization be able to list the weight/size so you can track shrink flation. I found it too hard to do this. My bank surprisingly had this feature but got rid of it.

Now I just set a savings rate and withdraw it. All the apps seem to have high friction. Also shared budgets are another challenge.

Is this open sourced?

It's currently not open sourced although that is an option I'm open too someday


A macOS command-line "multi-tool" for working with Apple Photos. Allows you to export photos (along with all the metadata), batch-edit metadata such as times and timezones, explore the AI metadata Apple computes for each photo (but doesn't make available to the user) such as "well timed shot", "pleasant composition", etc, compare libraries, sync metadata between libraries, and much more! It's written in python and provides a full python API for interacting with Photos.

Fantastic! I also used patrikhson's photo-export tool to help me restore all of my lost iPhoto Events after a strange sync issue the first time I enabled iCloud Photo Library in...maybe 2016? I was able to restore all of my lost events as albums in Photos writing code based on their script.

Your tool looks incredibly useful, will def keep for some batch date fixes I need to do.

Yo this is excellent! I have many photos with bad time stamps and this might really help me out

I made a drum machine that I think is pretty cool - https://main.d28ilu31tegyi1.amplifyapp.com/ I taught myself how to program 15+ years ago because I wanted to make music software. Fast forward 15 years, and I've spent my whole career as a designer for B2B Saas. I wanted to re-learn some development stuff and going back to my original inspiration seemed like a good idea. (Still a bit in progress and sorry doesn't work on mobile, there is some Web Audio stuff I haven't figure out for mobile yet)

I also built a small app to learn my piano chords. You can play along with a MIDI keyboard. https://www.learnyourchords.com/

If you added a pattern selector and maybe a MIDI time sync, this could be really fun to use in a live setup

This is great. Is it open source?


It is, but bear with me as I'm just re-learning to code so it's a bit of a mess.

I made https://welovefreemovies.com

It's a showcase of movies that people made and released for free on YouTube (my original submission has better details). I'm pretty sure it got hit by the auto spam filter due to the name.

OG submission if you're interested: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=34288257

Looks nice. Suggestion: I'd like to see the length of each movie without first having to click on its link.

Will definitely add that! Thank you!

What are the criteria for inclusion?

If you make a movie (>40min) independently and share it on YouTube and Letterboxd and I find I'd probably add it so long as it looks like you actually tried to make something.

I don't really care if the movie is "good". The people who made and shared them clearly put a lot of work into them and were brave enough to share their art on the internet so to me I feel they deserve some nice showcase

I setup an email will@welovefreemovies.com too if you want to send me something directly


In-depth analysis of a memory allocation strategy, which allowed me to write an alternative to std::vector, which in my benchmarks performed better for all but a few workloads and on those few was competitive.

I was exhausted after finishing it. It may have been too long for some folks though. No upvotes.

It is indeed a bit too long. A few tips:

- Graphs of benchmark results would be neat to have. Remember to put the code and graphs as a sort of TL;DR in that blog post. - I skimmed the code; there's no clear instructions as to how I'd use it for my own projects. Perhaps work on a CMake / Autoconf config for a library build? - The repository itself might not have enough visibility due to being self hosted. While I do love self-hosting, maybe posting a read-only mirror on GitHub would bring in more exposure?

> Graphs of benchmark results would be neat to have. Remember to put the code and graphs as a sort of TL;DR

Thanks for the suggestion. I’ll use it when I get around to updating this page. For now though I’ll let it sit there, as I’m too tired with it at this point.

> there's no clear instructions as to how I'd use it for my own projects. Perhaps work on a CMake / Autoconf config for a library build?

It’s not meant to be used as a library. It’s only for demonstrative purposes. There are a couple choices made in this code motivated by that, like not checking for integer overflow, or hardcoding page size based on the target platform at compile time. If someone wants to use the code anyway, they should just copy it into their project and possibly modify the parts which aren’t up to snuff. That’s also what I’m doing, as I wrote a more robust version in Rust for my project. I only wrote C++ for the article, because that’s what more people are familiar with, and there are more implementations, so I got to benchmark this code against several implementations of std::vector.

As for CMake/Autotools, I think the scripts in the repo are better for my little demo, as they don’t add any dependencies beyond what’s already available on each platform, they’re more transparent and easier to use. For a big project I’d probably use CMake, but I don’t think it’s warranted here.

> The repository itself might not have enough visibility due to being self hosted. While I do love self-hosting, maybe posting a read-only mirror on GitHub would bring in more exposure?

The intended path of discovery, when it comes to the repo, is through my article. It’s not meant to be independent, so I don’t really care about the discoverability of the repo as a stand-alone thing. As for GitHub, I don’t like it for a variety of reasons and if I can help it, I’ll avoid it.


Got beat up a bit here originally- didn't have the science to share to back up our claims. Now we do, moving regularly prevents back pain & can be easy and without impacting desk work productivity. Study report: https://www.movably.com/_files/ugd/ba4f7a_ee962b83d95e4c47a4...

Going to have to keep this one on my list--signed up for the newsletter.

If it was available to ship now, I'd probably buy it immediately but the fact that it is pre-order makes me a bit nervous about the supply chain. Going to wait until it's caught up although I am in the market now and love this idea...

Maybe I'll just make a plan now for a standing desk and a boring old stool and try to implement the same idea into my current workflow

Pretty cool product, best of luck moving forward!

I made a programming puzzle game that got overwhelmingly positive reviews by the very few people who downloaded it: 42 five-star reviews over 45 total.

I think that anyone who likes hard puzzles and spending many hours/days to solve some levels will enjoy it.

Also, if one happens to be a programmer that struggles with recursion, I think the game might help with that regard, but being a programmer is not a requirement to play.

Website: https://www.kidori.com/games/recursive/

Appstore: https://apps.apple.com/app/id1550504475

Your website could really do with some screenshots or a video of the gameplay, regardless of how simple the graphics might be. The AppStore listing is better in that regard, with screenshots for every device that is supported.

Thanks, I will try to improve the website.

It rarely gets any traffic and almost all my downloads come from the App Store itself. But adding some screenshots doesn't hurt.

> It rarely gets any traffic and almost all my downloads come from the App Store itself.

This almost seems like a self-fulfilling prophecy. Perhaps a bit more love will get it some more traffic.

Yeah the graphics are a selling point, looks intriguing.

I only have android -- and from memory, android users are more into games..

Could you upload a "let's play" somewhere? it sounds interesting.

I will when I get some free time.

I added some screenshots as recommended. Thanks for your feedback.

I’m an introvert – made an app to help maintain connections with people.

Landing page is at https://communiqai.com and it's also on the Play Store at https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=dev.mtc.ga.

CommuniqAI is an intelligent tool for scheduling and automating SMS text messages, calls and email. It’ll help you stay in touch with those who mean the most to you—and it’ll be there for you through life’s many distractions.

Let’s face it, some of us are better at communicating than others. Rather than forgetting or being “too busy” to reach out to those who are important to you, CommuniqAI will cleverly send text messages of your choosing to, and smartly prompt you to call and email, the people you care about. Whether that person is a significant other, family member, friend, or even a patient, CommuniqAI will help you stay in constant contact.

Some people are, very much, against automation technology like this, but I believe that anything that can help keep communication high between loved ones is, in the long run, a good thing. CommuniqAI, by default, will not take any action and largely act as a helpful reminder.

Cool! Personally, I have set reminders to reach out to friends and family on my phone. I can therefore relate. The landing page communicates the honest intent behind this very well!

If I were to use your product, I wouldn’t want to cycle through canned messages. Do you plan on making this truly AI-powered? That would be a game changer. Let your app draft both kind messages and responses, and allow the user to review and edit before sending. Then make it learn from those edits, and boom, you’ve built a personal social assistant.

For now something more practical: as a typical user, I am not interested in my timezone. No need to show that specifically in such a large font.

I appreciate the feedback! I'm mostly using heuristics now to make determinations as my experiments found machine learning/AI to be too artificial and not very intelligent. Perhaps I just need more data to work with!

+1 for the above comment. I'd consider paying the upgrade for that feature.

I hear you loud and clear and will continue to experiment here!

I'd use this but alas I'm on iOS at the minute.

I'd love to do this for iOS! But it's unlikely Apple would approve the features of the app, though Google has.


A website to help make informed bets on the UFC. It presents a lot of relevant data if you're serious about MMA sports betting.

I made this during the pandemic and tried to promote it through Reddit and Twitter, but it mostly fell flat and ran out of steam. I only scratched the surface of what I intended here. The data on the site is a bit outdated since neither I nor anyone has used it in a while.

A bit bummed that it never caught on within the MMA capping community, but I've felt I could always come back to it if the potential expressed itself.

This is rad. I'd love to see it updated with current data. I've tried to bet on MMA with mixed results, but ultimately tried to find a data driven approach to place wagers. My approach would net me tons of open browser tabs trying to track down stats about each fighter :(

I really like what you've done.

Thanks I really appreciate that. MMA (UFC specifically) is still wide open to advantage betting because lines are often highly narrative-based. Data itself WRT to MMA is often misleading though for so many reasons (e.g., low quality of opponents presenting a skewed perception of fighter ability). However, looking at specific things is often quite useful.

The submission charts section of the site was particularly useful to me. You find that some fighters are skilled at one specific submission and that sometimes their opponents are highly vulnerable to that particular submission.

A big issue I found when trying to market the site was that, the majority of bettors have no interest in looking at data, reviewing fights, or putting any time towards making informed bets. Most people prefer to place bets naively primarily for the sake of entertainment.

I think an interesting observation here is that the very thing that makes it difficult to get adoption of this product/data is the thing that makes the product/data valuable. Without the naive/narrative/entertainment bettors it would be more difficult to find an edge.

Presumably there is a very small, niche population that would find this information very valuable. Funnily enough, those that do find it valuable are unlikely to share it - if they're acting in their own self interest they don't want other sophisticated bettors to enter the market and inadvertently help the bookies set the line more accurately.

I've done (by my own definition) quite a lot to scrape and analyze NCAAF and NFL games in order to identify trends for sports betting. I'm somewhere between your average sports bettor versus a data scientist, probably closer to the former.

Let me know if you'd ever like to connect. It would be cool to expand my network of people in this area.

I'm far from a data scientist. I'm just someone that has an interest in building UIs and saw a potential to look at data in a way I hadn't seen before. I'm not actively working on this right now, but if you'd like to drop a line for whatever reason, I still check my Twitter for messages when they come up.


Could see this applying to the upcoming market in chess betting. Good luck!

Where do you collect the data from? Accurate sports data is generally hard to come by unless you pay for it.

It's freely available on Wikipedia, UFCstats, sherdog, and tapology. You have to scrape it, but you can also find large collections of structured data if you look around.

https://icebergcharts.com/ - I'd like many people here create icebergs about technical and scientific topics

The "Cursed Computer Iceberg" (https://suricrasia.online/iceberg/) is what inspired this site, and I think there are many more to be made.


Moonjump is a server that redirects you to a random page harvested from Are.na, Hacker News, Marginalia Search, and Gossip Web. This project aims to spark curiosity and provide a portal to the vast collection of interesting material hidden by the commercial web.

The source material is aggregated with care by users of these platforms. Since this accumulation is performed by hand, pages are saved because they had an effect on the users who saved them. The goal is to find something that has an effect on you.

For Are.na, the dictionary of channels that the app pulls from is weighted by the number of pages in the channel. Channels with the most pages are more likely to be selected.

Moonjump makes a decision for you by selecting something random from a deep sea of unconventional content. Results may be peculiar, profound, or absolute nonsense. But you can always close the tab and jump again.

The search engine is powered by Marginalia. I have to admit that the existence of Marginalia is a huge inspiration for Moonjump. Search queries on Moonjump use the Marginalia API to redirect you to a random result.

The easiest way to jump is to click the large logo at the center of the homepage. You can also add https://moonjump.app/jump to your bookmarks bar.

If you are an OSX user and have hammerspoon installed, check the github repo for instructions on how to jump via a keyboard shortcut.

github: https://github.com/ya1sec/moonjump

Absolutely fantastic - thanks for sharing.

First jump -> https://cafeatlas.org/

My first 2 jumps were dead sites

1. http://i-n-c-r-e-m-e-n-t-a-l.life/

2. https://youbodaohang.com/

After that it was interesting, will have to keep trying

Yeah, some of the channels are quite old and have dead sites in them. I should add a function to re-route on a 404/500 response

Woah that one’s great - saving that to my personal list! The fun thing about this is the source material is constantly being added to so it’s pretty damn near a never ending list. Still get some repeats though, I’ll look into reducing that when I have time


https://notabase.io - a note-taking app for networked thinking.

It supports page stacking, linked references, block references, a graph view, and all that good stuff. Think of it as similar to Roam Research / Obsidian.

It's also open source so you can self-host it. Here's the code: https://github.com/churichard/notabase

I'm hoping to add support for shareable links soon. Open to other ideas or feedback!

Going to check this out for sure, Obsidian is frustrating to me with some of its quirks.

https://scipipe.org - A pipeline tool for shell commands by a declarative flow-based API in Go

Github link: https://github.com/scipipe/scipipe

There are many pipeline tools for shell commands, but a majority has one or more limitations in their API which makes certain complex pipelines impossible or really hard to write.

We were pushing the limits of all the tools we tried, so developed our own, and implemented it in Go, with a declarative API for defining the data flow dependencies, instead of inventing yet another DSL. This has allowed us great flexibility in developing also complex pipelines, e.g. combining parameter sweeps nested with cross-validation implemented as workflow constructs.

SciPipe is also unique in providing an audit report for every single output of the workflow, in a structured JSON format. A helper tool allows converting these reports to either an HTML report, a PDF, or a Bash script that will generate the one accompanying output file from scratch.

An extra cool things is that, because the audit reports live alongside output files, if you run a scipipe workflow that uses files generated by another scipipe workflow, it will pick up also all the history for the input files generated by this earlier workflow, meaning that you get a 100% complete audit report, even if your analysis spans multiple workflows!

(More on the audit/provenance report in this post: https://rillabs.com/posts/provenance-reports-in-scientific-w... )

Very interesting.

This is like snakemake but with go.

The audit trail is very interesting, especially for certified version controlled pipelines.

Is it being continually developed?

Thanks for kind words! Yes, although conceptually it is even more similar to Nextflow. That is, it is push-based and dataflow-based, whereas Snakemake is pull-based, quite similar to Luigi (well, hey, we also developed the SciLuigi plugin to make Luigi a tad bit more data flow-like, although only on the surface).

I'm maintaining and continuing to develop SciPipe, although pretty slowly at the moment, due to a day job that doesn't allow much time to spend on it.

I and a former colleague at pharmb.io who is still using it are having some plans for further features to streamline the authoring experience more though, and I'm actually looking to move to a job (e.g. in academia) that will allow me to work on it a bit more on the side.

Thanks for the reply. I'm going to look deeper at scipipe :). It's good to hear you're going to continue developing it.

What advantages does scipipe have over nextflow?

Thanks for your interest!

I should start with saying that Nextflow is a fantastic tool, with an very thriving community and lots of support and buy-in especially in the biomedical community.

But as you are asking, below are the points that I'm aware of, that motivates keeping me using and updating SciPipe:

Before going into the list though, I want to mention that at the time of publication of our paper [1], SciPipe was unique in comparison with Nextflow in allowing to create re-usable modules, which was our primary motivation for creating our own tool. Later Nextflow introduced re-usable modules in its DSL2.

Still, there are a few more factors weighing in, keeping me using and developing SciPipe:

1. SciPipe has a small and maintainable code base, between ~2k LOC last I checked. Nextflow's codebase is much larger AFAIK.

2. SciPipe has zero external dependencies, outside Go and Bash. Nextflow depends on the Java runtime, a Groovy interpreter, and the GPars library for concurrency.

3. SciPipe can compile pipelines to statically compiled binaries, for extremely simple deployment. Nextflow will always require the JVM + Nextflow to be installed.

4. SciPipe has per file audit reports. Nextflow still has per workflow reports only, AFAIK.

5. SciPipe does not require learning a new language, or installing new tooling (editors, syntax highlighting etc), apart from Go, a Go editor and related tooling.

6. SciPipe can handle more concurrent tasks. There are reports that Nextflow can not handle more than 512 concurrent tasks [2]. I have tested SciPipe with 4999 concurrent tasks (It then hit a limit of maximum subprocesses in Go, which I think might even be removed recently. Will have to test if I can go even further still).

7. Debugging SciPipe code can be done using Go debugging tools (Delve or just CGDB). Last I checked, using JVM-based debugging tools for Nextflow code was rather confusing to say the least, as you would end up deep in a stack of Groovy-parsing, and you would be pretty much left to do print-statement based debugging. I don't know if the situation has changed since then.

[1] https://doi.org/10.1093/gigascience/giz044

[2] https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-021-99288-8

IceburgCRM - https://iceburg.ca

Iceburg CRM is a metadata driven CRM that allows you to quickly prototype any CRM. The default CRM is based on a typical business CRM but the flexibility of dynamic modules, fields, subpanels allows prototyping of any number of different types of CRMs.

Features [Unlimited Relationships between any number modules without common fields]

  [Metadata creations of modules, fields, relationships, subpanels, datalets, seeding]
  [Ability to Import/Export in 6 different formats (XLSX, CSV, TSV, ODS, XLS, HTML]

  [25 different input types, Laravel field validation, Maska field masking]

  [26 themes with light and dark themes available]

  [Module based Role permissions (read, write, import, export)]

  [Audit logs, Vue3 Charts, Convertable modules, Related Fields (related to another module)]
Iceburg CRM is created with:

  Vue 3 for the frontend
  Laravel 9 for the backend
  Tailwinds with the DaisyUI plugin
  Inertia for routing

A instant tech job search engine powered by Algolia, https://jsniffer.com/

It's been an on/off side project last 2 years.

Expected people to come with strong criticism on it, since it is far from done and the way that I capture metadata is not great yet.

Instead I received no comments, which I think it was worse haha.

It actually looks pretty good to me, I'm on the hunt so I'll give it a shot lol.

Don't see a way to filter by tags. For example JavaScript only jobs.

Thanks for your feedback! I've added an option to filter by tags now.

It's not 100% done yet - the rough MVP functionality is in place - but I'd love to know what people think


Simple API controlled README "shields". Lets you update a custom badge by API - fully open source.

Lets you update the badges to say whatever you want as part of your CI process. For instance we have it show the number of build warnings the most recent build generated.

Example badge:


and example API call

    curl -X "POST" "https://api.shielded.dev" \
     -H 'Authorization: token <secret>' \
     -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8' \
     --data-urlencode 'title=Build Warnings' \
     --data-urlencode 'text=5' \
     --data-urlencode 'color=5041be'

Nice, but I'll be honest the page looks a bit drab to me. Could just be me, but I figure folks here would like feedback so I hope this helps. In general I think for a page that is promoting badges you need an appealing aesthetic.

I both appreciate the feedback and 100% agree.

You should put an example badge on the page :)

(I first looked around the page, then around the main github repo looking for an example, before eventually reading the rest of your comment and seeing one there :P)

I have plans to have a bunch of them on the homepage, demonstrating different uses.

It's not entirely ready yet - especially the landing page.

I found what I believe to be an example of AI being used to generate product images: https://www.marginalia.nu/jacket/

Feels like it would have been an interesting forum thread if there was any worthwhile forums left.

i want to buy the jacket to see what i get

For pure technical content: https://spectrum.ieee.org/contactless-ecg

I'm a contrarian, relative to HN, so on the technical/policy side: https://thebulletin.org/premium/2021-07/can-small-modular-re...


A tiny, single-header <canvas>-like 2D rasterizer for C++

More detail -- This is an STB-style single-header C++ library with no dependencies beyond the standard C++ library. In about 2300 lines of 78-column code (not counting blanks or comments), or 1300 semicolons, it implements an API based on the basic W3C <canvas> specification to draw 2D vector graphics into an image buffer:

    - Strokes and fills (with antialiasing and gamma-correct blending)
    - Linear and radial gradients
    - Patterns (with repeat modes and bi-cubic resampling)
    - Line caps and line joins (handling high curvature)
    - Dash patterns and dash offsets
    - Transforms
    - Lines, quadratic and cubic Beziers, arcs, and rectangles
    - Text (very basic, but does its own TTF font file parsing!)
    - Raster images (i.e., sprites)
    - Clipping (via masking)
    - Compositing modes (Porter-Duff)
    - Drop shadows with Gaussian blurs
I also uncovered a number of interesting browser <canvas> quirks along the way with the HTML5 port of my testing suite.


I made an RSA demonstration tool that got featured on hackaday. I never submitted it to HN, but I want to share it now.

It shows all the intermediate operations for doing RSA.

Two web apps:

https://triviarex.com/ - A combination of trivia and find the word in the maze that you can play in real time and compete with your friends

https://www.trueduedate.com/ - Use millions of historical births to better estimate when your baby will actually be born.

True Due Date is great, thank you for making it!

My wife is pregnant and, because the nearest maternity unit is 1hr45mins drive away, we're going to rent a place near it around the due date. This just gave me a confidence boost about what dates to be there. Thank you!

Thanks for the feedback!

Best wishes for a healthy pregnancy and delivery for mom and baby!

Indie Founder Bootcamp - https://nugget.one/bootcamp

This is the information I wished had existed when I started out building side projects. Unlike other similar offerings it is not all ra-ra yayy go get it. It's more like a splash of cold water and very pragmatic.

The whole idea of "just start a side project it's easy" is very rarely true and was recently discussed in this thread: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=34103896

Nothing flopped, it just never reached breakout success the way I wanted. Most things I managed to get into the top 5 of the front page of HN over the span of 8 years, whether it was a project, blog posts or products but that's just a moment in time, a few hours even, it's not success. I wish my projects had reached the point that I could have carried on working on them. The latest M3O.com, was a serverless API gateway, that honestly I thought as a product was great but never achieved the thing I set out for it to be. It was also VC funded, so even more painful that it didn't work out.

Now I'm hacking on something new, not shared it yet but let's do it.

Mu is an operating system for Life. We're addicted to the internet, we're being used by tech companies for profit, we're stuck scrolling and clicking. I want to strip it all away and redefine what an operating system is for. I don't have all the answers yet, just an idea and feeling based on 10+ years of walking on this path. Feedback welcome.


Very interesting!


It is a modular audio/video/midi environment that supports Google Docs-like multiplayer, and supports third-party plugins (a format called Web Audio Modules 2 -- like VST or AU but for the web).

One of the parts I'm most proud of is the MIDI sequencer plugin, where you can script a custom MIDI sequencer in a few hundred lines of javascript:


Still a lot to do on it, but in it's current format I've had some fun jam sessions where people sequence my hardware synthesizers over MIDI, and listen to the result over twitch.

Longer-term it will have thousands of samples, many more WAM plugins built in and templates available in the public library, integration into freesound and archive.org

I've previously made two synth-related apps for iOS (Synth Modes and Spectrum synthesizer bundle).


A daily whimsical rhyming word game that uses generative AI. We’ve got a pretty dedicated base of users by this point through other channels but it’s never really taken off on HN. A great case for generative AI augmenting rather than replacing human creativity IMO :)

It's a lot of fun!

Posted a game here I made a few months back: https://reach-100.com

It’s pretty hard. Some people have found solutions but even knowing how to solve it, it remains pretty hard to complete.

Hope you’ll enjoy it a second time :)

Cool idea.

Got to 92 on my second try but I feel like reaching 100 would take a lot of planning and would stop being fun as a game and turn into math/chess type of challenge.

This is cool! I got 70 on my first try. Are there any strategies that you recommend? With 2048, once you grok the strategy, the game becomes easy. Is this the same?

Thank you!

Apparently the strategy (not from me) is to “make the move that gives you the fewest choices for the second move” (taken from the link a shared in a response to a sibling comment). I think the statement is meant to be recursive.

Is it solvable starting from any circle? Or are some starters unsolvable?

It is solvable starting from any square. Here is link to the comment on the first post that shared the link to the explanation to why (with a solution, so don’t look if you still want to find one yourself) https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=32698737

Great game! Thanks for posting!

Thank you! Glad you liked it!

https://github.com/dsrw/enu - Enu is a 3d live programming environment for experimenting, making games, and learning to code. Kind of a Logo meets Minecraft type thing. It's written in Nim (using the Godot game engine), and also uses interpreted Nim for the in-world scripting.

I use it to teach kids to code. The released version is pretty rough and probably not fit for general consumption, but the next release (coming next month... I hope) is quite a lot better.

https://youtu.be/9e9sLsmsu_o is a demo making a simple survival game, and https://youtu.be/upg77dMBGDE is a now very outdated demo building towers and other simple structures. Thanks!


The people who use it, love it, but I’m still learning how to tell the story well.

The iOS shortcut instantly turns any recipe page into a consistent, usable cooking experience. I’m open to any feedback/ideas about how to tell that story better!

I think the best way to promote it would be to write a 1000 word essay about how when you were a little kid, you just loved to hang out in the kitchen and read recipes with Grandma, and a long description of your family's Christmas traditions, a few reviews of your favorite albums, and some amateur poetry.

Put all this content at the top of the page. Intersperse several ads for kitchen products, electric shavers, and grey market Cialis.

After all this, throw a sentence at the bottom describing your product and add a link. You're sure to get thousands of hits!

Just kidding obviously. This is a fantastic idea.

This is great. Love the idea.

Finding the recipe in a blog post has become a meme at this point, so this tool is invaluable.

I tried it with my favourite sourdough recipe and it didn't handle HTML encoded apostrophes. They display as &#39;s

I imagine other HTML encoded entities might also be handled this way.

Mmm thanks for trying it out! I’m working on getting the encoding right while maintaining DB security. This is definitely an issue, though.

With regards to the story, I think you should lean heavily on how bad recipe blog posts are. They try to tell you their whole life story before getting to the actual recipe. Your tool removes all the rubbish and cruft.

I made (admittedly, the 200th) uptime monitoring service - https://onlineornot.com

I've been running the business for almost two years now (and it's now more of a status page that also monitors uptime), and it's still steadily growing!

You do post it in every one of these threads :). I respect your persistence!!

Launching is merely the beginning :)

Interesting. How's the MRR if you don't mind sharing?

I don't share MRR anymore, but growing :)

I've three things :),

1. Quart, https://quart.palletsprojects.com, an ASGI (async/await) re-implementation of the Python web MicroFramework Flask. It is now maintained alongside, by the same people, as Flask.

2. Hypercorn, https://hypercorn.readthedocs.io, an ASGI/WSGI server that supports HTTP/1, HTTP/2, and HTTP/3.

3. My book "A Blueprint for Production-Ready Web Applications", which uses both of the above and shows a beginner how to build a full stack app (React frontend) running on AWS. See https://pgjones.dev/tozo/ for details, code, and link to the example app.

Very nice ^^

FYI, the "second chance pool" might be of interest to you as well. See:


The second chance pool is great, I just wanted to give people a chance to shamelessly self-nominate their own posts.

Especially at a time when I’m interested in reading some good technical original content and /new is mostly general news.

Sounds good. I just wanted to point that out, as I'm not sure how many people even know about that.


I had an idea for a puzzle game and learned some game programming to try it out. Only made it to scratch my own curiosity and was postively surprised how fun the process was. I got some of my friends hooked but other than that of course absolutely no one saw it. World is full of casual puzzles.

This is very well made. I love that you can share links to levels. Have you thought about user-generated levels stored in base64 URLs?


No JS, and easy to self host. It’s a place to put your dotfiles. It comes with a CLI loosely based on git for editing, versioning, pushing, and pulling.

I saw this when it was originally posted. Never got around to using it, but I'll try it out


A tool primarily for musicians to set repeating loops in YouTube videos and slow it down so they can practice and learn music by ear. They can then shift the loop forward/backward keeping the same loop interval to move around bars or phrases.

I love this. Small suggestion: you should mention that pasting URLs works, too. I was getting mildly annoyed thinking that I had to extract the video ID, but turns out I don't - just pasting a URL works.

https://leaving.live - a site that tells you when other people leave the site


URLCheck, an Android app to analyze urls before opening them. With clear urls module, pattern checker module, and a few more.

It got a few points (29) when I posted the "it is now on f-droid" submission (https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=30256326) but that was it. I've been updating the app since too.

Looks useful. I currently use untrackme, unalix, and link eye (the older version for which source is no longer available, not the new one).


I've submitted some comments on GitHub, but I'll go ahead and include some more here:

- I'm not a fan of this UI; it seems both somewhat cluttered and small. I'm on tablet, fwiw. Consider a fullscreen UI with indicators for modules that can be activated by the current URL, rather than always showing all active modules. At the bottom of the screen, display either a grid or list of apps that can open this URL. This is better than hiding it away behind another tap. Perhaps have a toggle for whether the grid shows share to or open with?

- consider a list of queries that will always be automatically removed from URLs, without interaction. For example, any time I share an Amazon URL, I remove everything after the asin; it would be easier if this was automatic. However these automatically removed queries should be listed in the history, so the original URL can still be obtained.

- there's no option to remove hashes (#tag in the in-app example). Hashes are occasionally used with tracking as well, in combination with javascript.

- Only show the modules if they're able to do something. For example, if no referrers are found, don't display the settings for that. Same for labels, queries, etc.

- the pop-up goes away if I switch apps/open recents. Leaving it open would be nice.

- allow sharing URLs to the app. Not all apps make it easy to directly open URLs in another app (Firefox custom tabs, for example; I use Lynket to open custom tabs, and long-pressing a link only lets me share or copy the URL)

The UI was designed for mobile in mind, but improving the UI is something I try to make when possible (I'm bad with UIs unfortunately). Hiding a module when there is nothing to show could be a good addition, although the newer version does reduce them to a minimum for this reason. As for the grid of apps, that's a suggestion I would like to make in the future if possible.

The Url cleaner and the Patterns checker modules can be configured to apply rules automatically. They are kept in the history module as you described too!

You can create a pattern to remove hashes if you want. Making it available by default is a bad idea since hashes a usually a required part of the url. Note that the ClearURL rules does remove tracking hashes.

As explained above, they are reduced to a minimum, but I can consider hiding them entirely (or at least make it as an optional toggle).

The app is configured to not appear on the history, since it's a 'temporary step' and not a final action. I'll see if I can make it optional for example.

You should be able to, the app is registered to receive text. Isn't it available when you share text?

Wow, thank you very much! I'll reply the Github ones and will probably create the others myself if needed. I'll reply then here too afterwards.

I created a browser extension to help transition to Mastodon[0]. If you are curious about Mastodon but don't yet feel like you can leave twitter.com then it's a great way to get started. Essentially it injects Mastodon posts into your Twitter timeline, so you can retain your existing Twitter following while getting exposed to Mastodon.

I'm working on a Firefox version right now as well.

[0] - https://chirper.picheta.me/

https://trycereal.com - Membership platform for creators that want their own site.

We made Cereal to help content creators find more independence in running their own content business, by centralizing their content on their own site and offering subscription/monetization.

It's been great, creators are able to monetize their customers without being on a 3rd party platform with ridiculous fees, or base their entire income on ads.

Interesting project! You write that creators can monetize without having to be on a 3rd party platform, but on you pricing page it shows that clients have to pay extra to use their own domain - so how are you not a 3rd party platform?

Thanks! Great question, and I should have been more clear in my terminology. We're more like a site builder + hosting provider than a general platform. The difference is between us hosting them directly i.e. Squarespace, and their presence on a platform where they are in a larger pool of creators and their branding is secondary i.e. Patreon/YouTube.

The key is that even on our lowest tier there is no cross site discovery, the only presence of our branding is in the footer, and their membership list is exportable at any time. As a result the creators feel and communicate that this is entirely "their" site, if that makes sense.

I tried sharing a couple of my web apps:

- HN the way I want to read it: https://hw.leftium.com/

- Source code: https://github.com/Leftium/hckrweb

- Weather forecast compared to last two days' weather: https://github.com/Leftium/ultra-weather#readme

https://codeatlas.dev - codebase visualisation tool

It takes your git repo and generates a beautiful visual representation of the actual code that's in it. Sort of an alternative navigation tool (in addition to IDEs) for large codebases. You can run codeatlas as part of your CI with our Github Action (https://github.com/codeatlasHQ/codebase-visualizer-action).

We made this because grokking complex software projects is really difficult and we've found that a visual overview of what's in a codebase can be quite helpful to get started.

E.g. checkout https://codeatlas.dev/gallery/kubernetes/kubernetes for the generated visualisation of the Kubernetes Github repo!

We slowed down active development after our initial attempts at dissemination didn't really go anywhere (bragging about side projects on the internet, ugh), but would still love feedback on whether this is possibly useful to anyone else!

Note: The site works somewhat on mobile, but is much better on desktop!

https://ipnetdb.com/ - information on the entire internet and its structure squashed down to a 130mb-odd mmdb file. Free for personal and open source use, updated weekly.

I have a couple...

1. https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=34507046 I made a port of Xixit to the X16 [video]

It's super interesting as someone who never lived through the 80s watching someone programming an 8 bit system. Even more impressive is he is making his own "modern" 8 bit system with off the shelf parts! I'm amazed that people can make complex software in assembly. I feel like my brain can't deal with the limited abstraction

For original content, I would shamelessly plug my post from a month ago titled "The Fascinating development of AI: From ChatGPT and DALL-E to Deepfakes Part 3"

2. https://www.deusinmachina.net/p/the-fascinating-development-...

I look at the 3 main technologies that are shaping the way we create content, in text, art, and video, and talk about how we got there. If I were writing it today I'd have to include a 4th part about VALL-E which came out right after I posted it. Maybe I'll write about that later.

Excited to see what everyone else posts!

I enjoy reading and writing about unusual data structures.

Recently, I wrote a blog post on KHyperLogLog (https://pncnmnp.github.io/blogs/khyperloglog.html), which is a data structure that estimates the privacy risks of very large databases.

If you're interested in this topic, I have also written about:

* Approximate Distance Oracles (https://pncnmnp.github.io/blogs/distance-oracles.html), and

* Spectral Bloom Filters (https://pncnmnp.github.io/blogs/spectral-bloom-filters.html)

I am currently working on more blog posts. Stanford's CS166 Suggested Project Topics (https://web.stanford.edu/class/cs166/handouts/090%20Suggeste...) are a huge inspiration.

https://hubdesk.io/. Create Github issues from emails and respond to them by starting a comment with "@reply". If you've got a side project, already use Github issues, and want to manage support emails the same as bugs. Easier and cheaper than signing up for a help desk SaaS.

Do you have a longer term strategy for monetisation? $20/month does not seem like enough.

At the moment my costs are about $100/mo, so it only takes a handful of subscribers to keep it going. Beyond that it was something I wanted for myself and I'm just glad if other people find it useful. I also learned a ton from making it and have been able to carry that over to my day job.

Splink - a FOSS python library for probabilistic record linkage (fuzzy matching/entity resolution).

Splink is dramatically faster and works on much larger datasets than other open source libraries. I'm particularly proud of the fact we support multiple execution backends (at the moment, DuckDb Spark Athena and Sqlite, but additional adaptors are relatively straightforward to write).

We've had >4 million pypi downloads and it's used in government, academia and the private sector, often replacing extremely expensive proprietary solutions.


More info in blog posts here: https://www.robinlinacre.com/introducing_splink/ https://www.robinlinacre.com/splink_3/

Here is my post from last year which didn’t get much attention on HN: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=33507260

It analyzes how much sugar is in the food based on nutrition facts data scraped from Walmart. It also shows relation between amount of sugar and rating.

This is incredibly useful! Is it possible to make this into a simple (single page) shopping list? Where I type my shopping list, product recommends substitutes with lower sugar — and gives me distribution (histogram) of main ingredients for my shopping list.

That would be life changing.

This is definitely possible. I’m not sure if we’re going to have time for this as we’re occupied by work on Scraping Fish but we shared the code for scraping nutrition facts data from Walmart on github: https://github.com/pawelkobojek/scrapingfish-blog-projects/t.... Feel free to take it and build such app/website on top of it.

The only FOSS thing I've done that I think is really worth telling people about is KaithemAutomation, a home automation server in pure Python with a bit easier setup than Home Assistant, and some features aimed at commercial installs like room escape control, and some pretty decent network video recorder features.


I put 6 years or so into it, and have used it on plenty of contract projects, but so far I don't think anyone else is interested.

Possibly because it's largely UI and CRUD over existing functionality, and there's not much particularly exciting to the hacker community, few interesting algorithms, it's not minimalist at all, etc.

Plus it has a lot of dependencies that might or might not exist outside of Debian, I've never looked into how it would run on the more DIY distros since I've never used them.

It didn't flop, but awhile back I created https://findkismet.com to help introduce HN users to each other. We sure could use an influx of new users!

It's free and has cost me more to run than it has ever made in revenue.

I've been a member since when you first announced it I think. I think I got maybe one email reply from someone wanting to help me, and to be honest I've never been that motivated to reply to help anyone.

These both might be me problems rather than issues with Kismet, but there you have it.

Was there a revenue model though? It seems like it's just free?

There’s a space for a small text-based ad in the introduction emails people get. I sold a few for small amounts, but lately I’ve used the space to ask people to donate to UNICEF.

A website to help you find companies and professionals that are compatible with your professional values and interests. Think OkCupid for your professional networking: https://cupid.careers


No registration needed. Free. Open source.

Web app offering click & point best-in-class data science functions for text mining and more.

Developed with love since 2021.

Purely in Java, front-end included - have a look!

I wrote a blog post about using job post data to predict startup fundraises: https://www.coolstartupjobs.com/blog/predicting-startup-fund.... You can predict a decent chunk (~25%) of fundraises with this approach!

That was originally for a job board, but job boards are very saturated. I've pivoted to a data newsletter for startup investors to identify companies that are fundraising before you read about them on techcrunch: https://startup-spotter.beehiiv.com/

Clever pivot! I was recently thinking it would be useful to track job posts that have been open for a long time. This could be a sign that the company is struggling to make a hire. As a freelance developer, that suggests they may be open to a cold call offer for a contract until they can fill the role. The hiring manager may be more receptive since the seat has been vacant for a while, and they can end the contract when the role is finally filled.

Is that something you can build on top of your dataset?


My modern day take on domain parking. I used to have ~50 domains just sitting there doing nothing. Got sick of it. Didn't want to do ugly domain parking pages, but also didn't have time to develop them. I wanted something useful and something that still offered value.

Newsy creates an automated content aggregator (think of Reddit but automated) for your domain based on the keywords you describe. Over the years, a lot of features went in including newsletter, membership etc.

The best option for the users was providing ways to monetize - including bringing your own ads, charging for posts, paid membership etc.

I want to approach your idea with an open mind, but I’m not sure how to look at this as more than a tool to spam the web with advertisements. Do you have examples of Newsy sites that are particularly valuable to their visitors?

This is a great idea and I've set it up with one of my own "I'll eventually do something with this" domains.

Do you have any case studies on the levels of success people have with your service, especially with regards to monetisation?




Open source stuff, but I think Deno is less popular that I thought.



it's an updated take on the DOM morphing algorithm of morphdom, and it uses what i call "ID sets" to allow the morphing algorithm to "see" children in the DOM when making morphing decisions in the parents, which means you don't need to annotate the DOM with as many ids

here is a demo showing how it outperforms morphdom when ids are sparse/deep:


I helped make GlitchTip (https://GlitchTip.com) and Passit (https://passit.io) at my last job.

The latter got started and ramped up too late to contend with Bitwarden, but I still use it and enjoy it (and I trust it, because I helped build it!)

The former is still very active, and a great solution if you like Sentry clients but think Sentry is too bloated / too hard to self-host / too far from its original open source ideals.

This is not nearly as impressive (or useful) as the other posts, but when ChatGPT was released I developed this toy site almost entirely thru prompts.


I told it to gen a bunch of heartwarming messages, make a website to display them, now make it have a color gradient, now make the text fade in and out, now have the site have a button to play an audio file, etc etc etc

Spent more time hosting it via GitHub than making the site, really blew my mind in terms of the creation process.

This is fun, I like the music. Was ChatGPT able to give you the gradient animation as well? I have struggled to get ChatGPT to do anything that involves spatial reasoning.

Music I grabbed from a public source, everything else was generated iteratively - even the name!

I was a bit deflated when my submission about https://github.com/samhuk/exhibitor fell through the HN floor-boards.

Think Storybook but simpler, faster, better Typescript support, and uses esbuild by default.

...Is the aim. I'm the sole lead dev working on it at the moment up against the ~10-20 strong team who built most of Storybook, so it's a long road ahead, but it's growing into something I'm quite proud of and happy about.

Good thread to see what other devs here are building!


Working on this: a way for newsletters and blogs to grow through cross promos.

One of the hardest things imo for blogs/newsletters is getting more viewers over time. Was particularly hard for my Rust blog. I've been growing it fast through cross collabs, hence making this

If anyone's got a blog or newsletter they would like to grow faster, check it out. Happy to answer questions too

My app Quiet: https://apps.apple.com/app/apple-store/id1441525727?pt=11941...

Quiet is a content blocker for Safari on iPhone, iPad, and Mac that lets you block out all of the unwanted distractions like Facebook, Twitter, etc...

On the Mac it also acts as a network filter.

I am looking into expending this app to more systems and browsers.

My friend from time to time makes some really cool project, then he posts it on HN and gets zero traction. His submission page [1] looks so ridiculous now, that I joke that his next submission would look like “Show HN: I created a true AGI running on my analog wristwatch (3 points, 0 comments)”.

[1] https://news.ycombinator.com/submitted?id=borzunov

Petals does look interesting.

I think his descriptions need work though.

You know it got some good traction in this submission? https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=34215665

Yes, and I still don’t understand why this submission got successful while others didn’t! He tried “Show HN”, it failed. I thought that his title was too unclear, tried submitting myself as an ordinary link, it failed. Then TechCrunch wrote an article, he tried submitting TechCrunch link, it failed. And some weeks later, someone completely unrelated submitted the link, and it blew up!

There's a lot of luck involved with HN.

You really need a couple of interested people to see it at the same time and start a conversation.


My Open source site where you can record math work like you would write it on paper. Uses a quick copy and edit workflow to save some of the repetitive writing out expressions involved in solving many types of problems when you show all of your work on paper. Also has tools for a teacher to grade a class full of assignments with similar work shown in groups.

I'm a cohost of The Technium podcast. Please check us out!

It's a weekly podcast discussing the edge of technology and what we can build with it. Each week, my cohost Wil (https://news.ycombinator.com/user?id=iamwil) and I introduce a big idea in the future of computing and extrapolate the effect it will have on the world.

Wil and I started this show because we found that most tech podcasts were focused on career development or Big Tech drama. We wanted a show where we could be optimistic and excited about the future of software, especially things which were not mainstream.

Some of my favorite episodes:

- Smalltalk : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FZNqOFAhM8o

- Zig: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wie5YuzoUQI

- Generative AI models: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iOy-v2ah0Ms

We're in all the usual places:

- Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@techniumpod

- WEBSITE: https://technium.transistor.fm/

- SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/show/1ljTFMgTeRQJ69KRWAkBy7

I hope this counts as original content I created...

Data frames for Python (and some other stuff):


Comparison against dplyr and Pandas for a quick overview:


I've always wanted to make a simpler API called RowCol.

why `.slice` ?

The data frame is a Python dict and I consider that a feature so that users know how to e.g. loop through columns with .items() etc. That then means that bracket notation is reserved for column names only (i.e. dict keys). So, that's why a separate function is needed.

A few years ago (~2017) I created a tool in the biomedical domain to design peptide vaccines.


Peptide vaccines are not very efficient, but they can be easily designed to address a large number of diseases. Basically I would like that a pharmacist could use this tool with just 2 days training.

How it works? If you know that a certain protein is produced by a certain type of malign cell and only by those cells, a peptide vaccine will cause the human immune system to try to eliminate the cells that produce that protein.

The most obvious use is in the case of some cancers cells which produce a certain protein. These proteins are named "tumor specific antigen". It is an antigenic substance which is produced only by tumor cells. Tumor antigens are useful tumor markers in identifying tumor cells that are targeted by the immune system when it is primed by a peptide vaccine.

Another interesting thing is that cancerous cells evolves quickly to try to evade therapies, here it's very easy to design a new peptide vaccine, for example every week.

As the name hints at, it's a proof of concept, I designed several variations. A good thing is that you don't need a lot of CPU power to run it. I use a cheap VPS from OVH.

I have written a large documentation here:


(Access is limited to one per day per IP)

The thing below - one of the links at the bottom goes to its "Show HN" page, where people can check that only received 4 points. Many people discuss REPL tricks here, so I didn't expect it to flop so miserably...

Show HN: Eev and TikZ, or: how to learn TikZ using a REPL (twu.net)

Hi all, I made a video that at first sight is about a way to use REPLs to explore TikZ - and TikZ is a huge (La)TeX package for drawing graphics...

At second sight that video is about a series of tricks for using REPLs in Emacs, and TikZ is just an excuse to present them. As far as I know those tricks are very unusual; they implement a kind of "meta-REPL" that controls other REPLs, and they do that in a way that is much simpler, and much easier to hack, than Org's code blocks and than the cells in Jupyter notebooks.

The page has lots of screenshots and links, and it has instructions for downloading the video and its subtitles, and for reading the subtitles in plain text. I tried to make everything as accessible as possible for the people who just want to watch the the first two parts of the video - "Introduction" and "Trying it" - in super-high speed.

I'm especially interested in pointers to related work. Cheers, have fun, etc! =)

https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=33568184 (Show HN page)

http://angg.twu.net/SUBTITLES/2022-eev-tikz.lua.html (Subtitles of the video)

http://angg.twu.net/eev-tikz.html (page)

Wire RSS Reader https://apps.apple.com/us/app/wire-rss-reader/id1438331258

An RSS reader that caches webpages locally, so you can read the article in a webview with native-like performance instead of just that text that comes through in the RSS feed.

Would be useful to have a feature comparison with other iOS RSS caching apps like Lire.

Mine is Derw: https://www.derw-lang.com/

It's a programming language I created after frustration with TypeScript and Elm, in order to write better type-safe code in a functional manner. There's seemless interop between Derw and TS/JS, making it more useful for working with TS codebases than Elm. It's quite production ready though there are a few things left to implement, but so far there's features like:

- A formatter

- A test framework

- A benchmarking framework

- A web framework for writing apps

- VScode extensions

- Type checking

- Output generation for TS, JS, English, Derw and Elm

- A Gitbook: https://docs.derw-lang.com/

I also have a very active blog where I write about Derw or programming in general: https://derw.substack.com/ and the Twitter for staying up to date is https://twitter.com/derwlang

There are two such projects (both are not active anymore) that I was hoping at the time to get some feedback, good or bad

1. Centask - flexible task manager fully integrated with gmail (I am still using it)

Original post - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=21458907

Best video explainer I could came up with - https://youtu.be/RBBPbIkgWUU

2. Postwaves - social media with distributed moderation, I lately realize the algorithm is very similar to tiktok, except that for tiktok video's you vote by how long you watch a video and not by actual vote (much harder to get)

Original post - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=9461328

Video explainer - https://youtu.be/mtZKUF6lyyg

Let the crickets be heard (I know I am bad merketer)

It flopped on Show HN, but got some minor traction in a comment:

https://CubeTrek.com visualize your GPS Tracks in 3D. You upload your skiing, hiking, running GPS files and the web app creates 3D topographic models, calculates your monthly totals, automatically compares similar activities... Give it a try.

This is incredible! I have had an extremely similar idea in my head for the past two years, but I have never gotten around to actually building it. Awesome to see that I am not the only one who has had this idea! (Now I just need something else to think about when I am doing my daily runs…)

Thanks for giving it a spin.

Of course! I would love to help to make this product better in any way I can. If you are interested, please email me at gabriel dot ethan @ gmail

As a hobby project, I run Code::Stats[0]. It's a website that tracks what languages you are programming in (via editor plugins) and gives you a profile page with various statistics[1]. It's ad-supported (with EthicalAds) to deal with server costs, or you can buy a support account to remove ads. The site and all the editor plugins are open source, the site is written in Elixir (but I'm looking at integrating Gleam in the future).

Currently it's completely a free time thing; I make negative money on it. My dream would be to have enough paying users to work on it part time (even a little), but that's far away and may never happen. But I like using it myself so I'll keep running it for the foreseeable future.

[0] https://codestats.net/

[1] https://codestats.net/users/Nicd

An analogy series I'm writing about computer networks, the idea is to help people introduce computer networks to people in a friendly way. https://memo.mx/posts/understanding-computer-networks-by-ana...

A puzzle game: https://www.tripodsgame.com.

Wrote a blog post with some background and technical details too: https://www.jamieonkeys.dev/posts/tripods-html5-game.

For the past three years I have been working on a desktop app for creating step by step tutorials, guides, documentation, walkthroughs etc. It captures your workflows while you work and outputs it in one of 7 formats, such as pdf, doc, json, markdown and more.


I wrote this post about how I made atariemailarchive.org: https://vikramoberoi.com/how-i-made-atariemailarchive-org/.

The whole project was fun, but I think the story behind it is neat too.

Some of the pages on the Atari email archive are inaccessible. For example, see the untitled threads at https://atariemailarchive.org/category/humor


I've been learning video streaming tech for the last year (ffmpeg, webrtc, all the great videos available of SF Video Technology - https://www.youtube.com/@SFVideoTechnology) and I haven't been able to come up with a remotely interesting product idea. When I came across this, I thought it was the most clever SaaS video tech I've seen in a while. I'm probably dating myself but I'm certain TokBox had something similar 10 years ago. In whichever flavor markee is doing this, it was a refreshing idea to see.

I have no affiliation to this product or engineering team.


A web-based retro gaming platform

Looks great! Do you have stats about which games are played by most people, longest per player, etc?

I build https://ironarachne.com in my free time.

It's a site full of content generators for tabletop role-playing games. Some are more technically complex than others - the GLSL-based planet generator, for example.


IPyflow is a new Python kernel for JupyterLab that understands how variables and cells depend on each other, making it easier to reason about notebook state. It adds opt-in reactivity, so that pressing ctrl+shift+enter triggers execution of all cells that depend (recursively) on the current cell. Furthermore, with its `code` function, you can see exactly what code is needed to reproduce a given variable. I started working on it after watching the famous talk "I Don't Like Notebooks" by Joel Grus, and, anecdotally, I like notebooks just a little more when I use this kernel :)

I have a Substack about books and writing. Topics include rhythm, suspension of disbelief, lessons from reading over a hundred short stories, as well as the analysis of several novels.

There is an occasional short story or piece of serialized fiction as well, usually horror, fantasy, supernatural, literary, or “other.”


Eg, an analysis of Less Than Zero by the author of American Psycho https://barbariangrunge.substack.com/p/notes-on-less-than-ze...


I don't think I made it clear the last couple of submits that it's a purely solo effort which upon reflection is one of the more interesting things about it!

Nicely designed site! Some unsolicited feedback/idea: I like the examples page but it's a few too many clicks away for the average internet attention span. Could you have a couple interactive examples directly in the hero on the front page? With a button to see "More examples". I'm imagining something like how https://tailwindui.com/ presents their front page.

Thanks for the feedback! I agree the examples page is dated and, aside from the examples actually not being that useful, the list is too long and too far away. I'll update it soon and will definitely use that example as inspo!

"color pallet" didn't look right. Maybe "colour palette", though it's hard to be sure whether both halves are just American.

Thanks and good eye, you're right - lord knows how long that's been incorrect for!

I made a Sudoku game last month for fun:


Just wanted to see if I could figure out how to generate a working Sudoku board on the fly quickly. My target was under 1 second. After the board is built where all the numbers are random, then the code removes numbers also randomly in order to play the game. That randomness turned out to be a nice little challenge :-)

It seems to work okay for the most part. Myself and other family members play it often now.. which is really cool. There are no scores. If you guess wrong there is no penalty. Just low key, low stress game.

Civet: a new programming language that transpiles to TypeScript.

Some have called it the ghost of CoffeeScript.

I think it should do a lot better on HN now that it has a better website with tons of examples.


Really clean! Looks awesome!

Does anyone know why there are so many dead posts on /shownew? Maybe a fifth of all posts end up dead for no obvious reason. They seem just like any other Show HN thread, and nothing is clearly wrong with the posting accounts either.

"The post was killed by software, user flags, or moderators. [...] If you see a [dead] post that shouldn't be dead, you can vouch for it. Click on its timestamp to go to its page, then click 'vouch' at the top. When enough users do this, the post is restored. There's a small karma threshold before vouch links appear." [0]

[0] https://news.ycombinator.com/newsfaq.html

Right, but that doesn't really answer my question. The stories appear harmless and so many are flagged it has to be automated. So presumably it's software driven. But - why? With political or contentious topics it's usually obvious why stories go dead but for /shownew it's not.

The "killed by software" is my best guess. Probably more of a strict filtering algo and not as many users trying to reverse the process.

https://demotime.com - the best way to follow-up after a software demo.

Automatically edits each meeting recording into highlight-reel video.

E.g. it sends a 90 second highlight-reel after a 40 min demo.

https://github.com/firebuild/firebuild : A caching build accelerator like ccache, but for any compiler or random script.

There is a short intro: https://balintreczey.hu/blog/how-to-speed-up-your-next-build...

It did not get to the first page in the first round: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=34355759

A blog post on how to make your Bash history more useful: https://excessivelyadequate.com/posts/history.html


Simple way to track time spent on projects that is resilient to user forgetfulness. Much better than collecting timestamps from git commits. Could be interesting to merge with git history and measure how productivity (some combo of bash activity and git activity and lines-of-code/Kolmogorov-complexity) change with time-of-day, season, weather, etc.

# store timestamps


# append immediately (affects timestamps?)


# do not limit .bash_history file size


# append mode (collect from multiple shells)

shopt -s histappend

# multi-line commands as single record

shopt -s cmdhist

https://littr.me a link aggregator and discussion platform based on ActivityPub.

It's still in progress, but the basic functionality that one would expect should be there.


You can halve[0] the carbon footprint of your electricity use (eg EV charging, heating/cooling) simply by using at the right time of day. GreenForecast.au uses simple-but-effective ML to predict the next 7 days of Greenness with good temporal stability, allowing you to plan loads for you or your business.

It also predicts wholesale power prices across that time.

I would be pleased to provide API access.

[0] Depending on state, time of year, etc. Scroll down for details in Q&A. Where I live, yesterday's worst time was 85% fossil fuels and best was 40%.

I wrote a book about adult ADHD that has been well received by many HN oriented folks, but never quite took off as its own post.

Here: https://adhdpro.xyz/


Simple arcade-style game. I ran out of steam developing this. The gameplay and UI need work, but I thought the graphics were interesting. All the units are rendered as Mandelbrot and Julia sets on the GPU. Parameters are varied in real time to make the fractals look like they are moving and swimming. Another fun thing is the audio effects were made with an electric guitar. Thanks for reading :D

You might get some more eyes on your game if you released it on Itch. It seems to me that it would fit better with the gamejam scene than general consumption.

With my amateur game design hat on (discard if you please):

I think that the game could be much improved with a drum track to make playing the game feel more zen. I get the vibe that it isn't a game that you "play" but more of a time killer.

It would be extra cool if the audio effects could play in time with the drum track, too. The player could be composing a song as they play.

Thanks! great advice, totally agree. I did want more of a musical experience.


A multitenant library for .NET Core:


In the .NET Core 2 era the older multitenant libraries like Saaskit ceased working with changes to the ASP.NET Core runtime. Finbuckle.MultiTenant fills this gap and isn't limited to ASP.NET Core use cases. It emphasizes the Options pattern instead of separate app pipelines per tenant. Also includes components for per-tenant data isolation with EF Core without having to pollute your code with a bunch of "where" conditions.

I landed on this in the past! Nice

https://destroycovidgame.com/ - a quarantine friendly cooperative board game I developed with a friend of mine

The idea was to make a board game you can play with your friends during the quarantine period even if you are not in the same place. Unfortunately it only works with 4 players and because it is an "escape room" like game you can only play it once. We developed an app for it in Flutter. It was the most fun project I have ever worked on, too bad nobody wanted to buy it :)

I think these are a couple of cool serverless ML apps, recently built with new open-source models:

- Trascribe any podcast in 1 minute with OpenAI Whisperhttps://modal-labs--whisper-pod-transcriber-fastapi-app.moda...

- Generate Pokémon cards with fine-tuned StableDiffusionhttps://modal-labs-example-text-to-pokemon-fastapi-app.modal...

https://apps.apple.com/us/app/epiphany-workflow-ii/id1508000... ADHD is a problem for many people in high tech. Epiphany Workflow is a mac program for very bright college students who are in academic trouble caused by ADHD. E provides help organizing and sustaining a directed academic effort. It's particularly good for organizing research papers and compiling class notes into a study guide.

I didn’t tried your app yet, but I think your idea is great, and that this niche is underexploited.

I hope you won’t mind a little feedback. There is one screenshot on the app page, it looks fine in general, but I was a bit frustrated by the center-aligned text. Because of alignment, it was hard to read.

Wish you luck!

Thanks. I'll redo the screenshot.

https://github.com/schappim/macOCR - macOCR is a command line app that enables you to turn any text on your screen into text on your clipboard. When you envoke the ocr command, a "screen capture" like cursor is shown. Any text within the bounds will be converted to text.

You could invoke the app using the likes of Alfred.app, LaunchBar, Hammerspoon, Quicksilver, Raycast etc.

I like to pump the content into an OpenAI large language model (for example, grabbing receipt data).

I posted about my app Neucards that lets you share contact info with others using end-to-end encryption to protect your privacy. With data breaches, robocalls, identity theft, and scams on the rise, giving your contact details out should be under your control and even the people facilitating the exchange should not have access. Available on iOS at https://apps.apple.com/us/app/neucards/id1599851881

https://log-store.com - Going for a low-cost alternative to Splunk. Everyone seems to love Splunk, except for the price. My goal is to replicate 75% or so of the most-used features, but at a dramatically reduced price (currently free). I tried asking on here what those features are, but it flopped: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=34412176

Disclaimer: I am friends with the author of log-store and have been occasionally helping test the software.

I've been using log-store at work for some time. It has an awesome 'admin' UX. The sysadmin/ops overhead associated with getting something useful out of log aggregation and analysis is so much lower than tools like splunk and elasticsearch.

If you're interested in getting some kind of log analysis/aggregation spun up quickly and don't need all the complexity associated with things like ES and splunk, definitely give it a test drive.

EventReduce - An algorithm to optimize database queries that run multiple times


Video Hub App - https://videohubapp.com/ - Browse, search, and organize your videos (Win, Mac, Linux).

I sell it for $5.00 but $3.50 goes to the cost-effective charity Against Malaria Foundation. I recommend more people give to cost-effective charities (see GiveWell.org for info).

It's also MIT open source: https://github.com/whyboris/Video-Hub-App

I made a retirement simulator: https://thetortoise.io

I was frustrated by the simplicity black-box style of other tools, so I built this as a hobby and then decided to publish it.

I think The Tortoise gives users the most control over the simulation, though it may have a bit of a steep learning curve. It also has the ability to quickly compare different scenarios, and is able to condense the results into some fairly easy to digest charts.

AutoPTT [1] lets you use voice activation instead of push-to-talk in games and apps where voice activation is not officially supported. I posted about it a few times [2] but I guess it's a bit too niche.

[1] https://wibe.gumroad.com/l/autoptt

[2] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=32566011

I tried with my web app https://collanon.com and didn't get much traction on HN(maybe bad timing).

It's on its 3rd year of development/improvement and it's about making and sharing easily private discussions and confrontations(1vs1) with temporary/total anonymity in mind without relying on any big tech service or cloud providers to keep the data more private.

I'm on a path to a big upgrade soon too.

https://visits.cloud - “Analytics for Cloudflare” is a native app for iPhone, iPad & Mac to monitor your Cloudflare Analytics data wherever you go.

Download on the App Store: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/analytics-for-cloudflare/id166...


It’s a reactive computing canvas to build internal reports / apps.

I was surprised nobody gave a shit!

I've launched a Windows app on the Microsoft Store a bit over a month ago. Didn't get any traction here (as windows closed source apps rarely do) but feel free to check it out at https://lumotray.com

I have already got a few downloads from the MS store though. "Advertising" was basically just a post here, a couple of posts on reddit and some links sent to friends.

I assume its written in C#? Can I ask which .NET framework/library you used?

Of course. It is indeed a C# (WPF) application that started as .NET6 during development but eventually migrated to .NET7 as it came out shortly before I published it.

1- Minimalist Nvidia jetson image https://github.com/pythops/jetson-nano-image

2- Open vision API https://github.com/openvisionapi

3- Ask me anaything GPT3 https://github.com/pythops/amagpt3

https://nodablock.com/nft/ - An "NFT visualiser" to see how NFT Tokens are transferred between wallets.

Can see a contract activity, but also see if some weird interactions are going on.On the side it creates a dashboard with some statistics. Probably not ready for prime yet, but my chance to test the idea and get feedbacks

https://uxwizz.com - Self-hosted analytics platform (like a self-hosted Hotjar + Google Analytics combined)

I initially made it for webmasters to use it, but it seems more popular within web agencies (to offer it to their own clients). In both cases, it at least achieves the goal of reducing data centralization and data sharing with 3rd parties.


I wanted a no-nonsense single-binary alternative to pi-hole (based on CoreDNS).

Been using this as my home DNS server for a year now without issue. Recently added support for reading a directory of block lists, so now it's easy to keep things organized in blocking sites with huge numbers of domains.


I built an interactive viewer/editor for time series. that can load data from text files.

In my previous job, I spent a lot of time dealing with time series collected from various simulations and measurements, so I wrote a desktop app. When I quit I was missing the tool so I partially rebuilt it in the browser!

I've created VegLog, an iOS app that helps me track my vegetable growing. I wanted an app that would let me compare my harvest over time, and look for patterns in growing conditions to help me maximise growth.


I’ve tried sharing my robotics newsletter (https://www.weeklyrobotics.com/) on HN on numerous occasions and sometimes content that I found interesting but it never seemed to get too much attention. I figured I’m either unlucky or the community is not that interested in robotics.

[link redacted]

MIT Reality Hack 2023: Team Amadeus

Amadeus is an interactive application that teaches you about waveforms via a repurposed Guitar Hero controller and an ESP32 connected to Unity via Bluetooth. Looking into the VR glasses, the Quest 2, you are immersed in a sea of particles visualizing the transformations of modulated waveforms (made with Csound).

This was my first Reality Hack and I loved it.

Skills and experience testing for AI models

Explanation: http://marble.onl/managing_ml.html

Code: https://github.com/rbitr/pytkml

I didn't explain it well; this is an area that's becoming increasingly important

I’m developing https://travelermap.net with my brother. It’s a map of National Parks all over the world and more detailed map with other kinds of parks in US.

We started adding photos and more content to US parks but planing to cover more countries.

Built with Elixir/Phoenix, Typescript and Maplibre.

MapLibre board member here. Really cool map! I also just love seeing MapLibre random places on the internet. :)


Free alternative to Kudoboard

A small little toy: https://particles.johncs.com

An annotated live TLS 1.3 connection, via a proof-of-concept pure TypeScript (SubtleCrypto) TLS 1.3 client.

https://subtls.pages.dev/ and https://github.com/jawj/subtls


Streak Share - let's you share a live link to any email thread in your inbox. Useful to share with others without forwarding, embedding into google docs/notion or sharing on slack.


Create and design your own website. No coding skills required. With a built-in webshop, blog, and forms. Also comes with cool social functions based on a microblog/timeline, an RSS reader and webring/blogroll.


Lead generation focused chatbot for your website. Takes a min to setup, no conversational flow building required. Performs way better than traditional lead-capture forms by asking targeted and dynamic questions.

PlaylistAI: https://playlistai.app/

DALL-E/ChatGPT for music playlists on Spotify and Apple Music.

Enter a prompt like "chill electronic coding music" or upload a photo of a music festival lineup and it'll make a playlist

https://prinillus.ch/ A crypto webtrader

you first have to register at either coinbase, kraken or binance. Then, with the api, the trader can automate the trades for you. You only have to specify a strategy with an asset.

Flat eye (PC) https://store.steampowered.com/app/1358840/Flat_Eye/

A video game about technology and its impact on our lives. Very inspired by stories from here.

If you enjoy remembering song lyrics like I do, you might enjoy my browser game I created a few years back: https://thatsyourjam.com.

I've been recently working again to get the database fully up to date with recent songs.


API first designed document management system that deploys to AWS. Makes it easy to run standalone or to add Document Management functionality to existing applications.


Learn Yugoslavian with flashcards for free! Really, free! This is something I threw together pretty quickly, and I'd love to get some feedback.

Almost gave up this tool to build FPS immersion visits. From photos. In 2021-22 had only little traction.



Argh, here's some honest feedback: that webpage looks a bit amateurish, the intro "slide" of the video is 90's Microsoft WordArt, and the example pages are the most amateurish part of it all... "Try the Example 1/2/3"? Why not give them names like "Hallway at [location name]", or "Kitchen of [whoever's kitchen it is]".

The rest of the website is in English but the video narrations are in French, and in Example 2 it's been recorded using, as the joke goes, "a potato".

2 more things: everyone knows WASD nowadays, and I keep ending on "Example 1" because when I go to the menu, I click on it hoping it would appear, but clicking on it actually takes me back/reloads the page of Example 1... but not before the dropdown opens and letting me click Example 2/3.


Sorry HN, nothing sophisticated or fancy. Life is really busy last few years (family :), day job, building house).

Next time it will be some great tool from me, I promise. :)

Ha, this is fun but I definitely thought it was going to be making up countries

Well, with this AI thing going on right now. Maybe it is not bad idea to try with making up countries.

"Hey AI, generate some random country name, flag, capital city and borders. Oh yes, and few pictures of country."

https://derby.ist - Up-to-date match calendar of football (soccer) derbies and rivalries

Super simple and only interesting to soccer fans, but I find it very useful and I haven’t found anything else like it out there.

My friend and I made a product mapping tool with Square inventory integration. We just introduced a beta for service area providers to outline their service bounds, (plumbers, lawyers, etc).


https://hypeevents.app/ - work in progress but a social event search engine.

Our goal is to find, and display events based on the user’s interest regardless of the platform the event is hosted on.

My Ask HN: How could Chile implement Cybersyn in 2022? https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=31703552 You know, cybernetics of production & logistics..

Having a difficult time marketing my tool since launching it last year. It’s a Feedback widget for any site and free for now. Why not to try?… http://zelement.com/feedback

I made an infinite canvas specialized editor for poets because I was frustrated with the painful workflow for submitting poetry to magazines: https://koodpad.com/venba.


Crowdsourced rate sharing, like Glassdoor or levels.fyi, but for freelancers.

Launch was meh, but fortunately have been getting a lot of usage through other channels.


Globemallow - Sustainable web development and design best practice reports.

Analytics & Ad Blocker - A simple to understand analytics & 3rd party advertisements blocker.

Not sure it deserves a second chance but since we are already here: https://datum.alwaysdata.net

"Quora" meets "Our World In Data" meets "hypothes.is" .

ts-liveview: https://github.com/beenotung/ts-liveview

A lightweight implementation of the “fullstack liveview” in Typescript. You can do initial contentful rendering and realtime DOM updates from the server over http and websocket with only 6.5K of js minified (22x smaller than react, 2.6x smaller than svelte).

It was inspired from the Phoenix Liveview but evolved to adopt TSX with explicit DOM updates with querySelectors (without vdom diff-ing).

Unlike most js frameworks, it is a starter template, not a package. So you’re free to modify and extend / trim it to better fit your need.

I made an app that stops Macs from bridging wired and wireless networks, preventing attackers from moving laterally.


https://prodbump.com/ - sell digital products, memberships and more in less than one minute.

You keep 99% of sales after payment processing fees. No monthly fees either.

Cool idea, took a minute for me to realise though why the video on the homepage was paused (it is a bit awkward when viewing on a large 4k screen).

How do you plan to capture the 1% fee? Is the idea that you'd charge their card at the start of the next billing cycle?

I imagine it might get a little tricky if you also help deal with refunds.

https://github.com/lawxls/HackerNews-Alerts-Bot - telegram bot for keyword alerts from Hacker News (comments, stories or both)

I journal my computer and startup ideas in the open since 2013.

My first batch of ideas hit the front page on HN


Since then I wrote 3 more editions

https://GitHub.com/samsquire/ideas2 https://GitHub.com/samsquire/ideas3 https://GitHub.com/samsquire/ideas4

These all flopped since I triggered the self promotion filter

I had a try at thinking of business ideas https://GitHub.com/samsquire/startups

Ideas4 is what I'm working on today. I enjoy ideas4 more than the first edition.

My niche machine code / assembly language hacking game:


I thought it would appeal to programmers and hackers here, but it never got any attention.

A simple, understandable text editor. No dependencies, easy to understand and tweak yourself (in Golang). https://github.com/Jeadie/gram


An image editor that lets you run custom filters and blend equations to an stack of images.

QueryFirst. I'm seething with the injustice. Use SQL as a language in C# projects. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QkJDccYSw8A

UI Drafter

Prototyping for domain experts.

No Code. No Graphic Design.


Live version: https://free.uidrafter.com

We recently released GPT powered features for our research assistant https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FcqL5l8Illw

A friend of mine built https://capacities.io/ - an awesome personal knowledge management and note taking tool

https://bauns.net A dashboard for SES reporting, giving fine grained metrics rather than just a failure %

https://ptol.github.io/hexyzland/ - creative coding with hexagons

http://zelement.com/feedback - visitor feedback + stats + reports. Free for now.

I made (am making) an email inbox for your entire domain - https://pretzelbox.cc. Great for solopreneurs and small teams who need use case specific emails like leads@domain or support@domain but don’t want to keep buying email inboxes.

Here are a few cool things you can do with it -

1. Reply as anyone @your-domain

2. Comes with a built-in blog you can post to from your email much like world.hey.com

3. You can share emails as hyperlinks - great for sending reminders to people on WhatsApp/Messenger to tell them to take some action on an older email and to bookmark useful emails

I have a few Chartered Accountant and small law firms practices using it but I thought it would take off in a much bigger way in the indie hacker community than it actually did.

A UCI chess client for the terminal (uchess).



Language-agnostic API mocking and testing utility

I've had some blog posts make it, but I don't think my product ever did:


canSnippet (cansnippet.com), an advanced snippet/clipboard manager. I sold a dozen copies of the app without any marketing and then moved away from it. It's a tool I still use every day and feel it's a pity that I couldn't put more effort on it as I believe it has a huge potential!



CLI tool to send blogs, bundle of blogs or ebooks to your reader. Not just kindle.


It's a freemium subscription service to the algorithmic trading models / hedging systems I've been developing over the last few years. 2022 performance:

SPX (benchmark): -18.77%

Free models:

TA - Mean Reversion Basic (https://grizzlybulls.com/models/ta-mr-basic): -9.93%

TA - Trend Basic (https://grizzlybulls.com/models/ta-trend-basic): -17.79%

Vix Basic (https://grizzlybulls.com/models/vix-basic): -20.45%

Premium models:

Vix Advanced (https://grizzlybulls.com/models/vix-advanced): -17.9%

Vix - TA Advanced (https://grizzlybulls.com/models/vix-ta-advanced): -16.14%

Vix - TA Macro Advanced (https://grizzlybulls.com/models/vix-ta-macro-advanced): -3.15%

Vix - TA Macro Monetary Policy Extreme (https://grizzlybulls.com/models/vix-ta-macro-mp-extreme): +0.56%

The models use no leverage and are always either 100% long the S&P 500 or 0% long (in cash). These are not HFT, averaging one trade per 2-4 weeks on average depending on the model. You can see active signals for the free models by checking the site frequently, or if you subscribe to one of the premium plans you'll get email or text notifications as well.

In 2022, all but one of the models beat the SPX on an absolute performance basis, some substantially so with the top model returning positive absolute returns with a +19.33% outperformance gap. However, it was still a much worse year than 2021 as the unprecedented reversal of Fed policy in response to 40 year high inflation proved to make a challenging backdrop.

Full 2022 performance report: https://grizzlybulls.com/blog/models-performance-update-q4-2...

My take on the EMH, in short I believe in the 95% EMH, but that 5% makes all the difference and perfectly explains how legendary traders like RenTech, TwoSigma and David E Shaw have been able to outperform the market consistently for decades: https://grizzlybulls.com/blog/time-in-the-market-vs-timing-t...

Do you have some suggestions for how to get into the basics of algorithmic trading from first principles without spending months or years?

I would start with learning the basics about the primary forces that move markets (examples are earnings expectations, macroeconomic health indicators, and sentiment measurement via VIX and TA). The hard part is identifying legitimate leading indicators / patterns of combinations of these that have lasting and tradeable impact, i.e. building your trading strategy with as little overfitting of noise as possible. Actually automating that strategy is the relative easy part, though still a pain the ass because brokerage APIs are garbage and often you'll find no API exists for a particular set of data you want so you have to settle for brittle scraping. I would also check out videos from a couple respectable algotraders on Youtube such as Kevin Davey and Jacob Amaral.

Interesting. What are the premium features of the service?

Mostly access to the live signals of the model unlocked by that premium tier, with varying levels of notifications to real time signal changes (email, text, API and full automation option)

a fast alternative to bat for syntax highlighting in the command line (eg for fzf preview window)


About 8 years ago I created a GIMP plugin to read Terry Davis' (creator of TempleOS) custom image files to convert them to bitmaps, and vice-versa. I didn't know anything about the .bmp file format, or how to create a GIMP plugin. I wrote a blog post detailing the creation and discovery process. I contacted Terry Davis throughout to ask for help and feedback, and he was helpful and appreciative. It was interesting and rewarding to interact with him and learn a bit about his operating system. I was sad when he passed.


https://text-generator.io an API compatible alternative to OpenAI GPT, it's more affordable and also researches linked web pages and analyses image content, also reads images with text in them so it can do extra things like explain about receipts or how people respond to emojis or images etc.

It also does speech to text over 8x cheaper than Google Cloud, there's a nice free teir, I'm surprised more people aren't taking advantage of it

OpenAI is doing well recently so the next step is to do more things they don't do and let people self Host etc.

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