As someone with a mvn-built Spark Streaming to Delta Lake project in Scala open in IDEA right this moment I find this article hugely depressing. I love every single technology I just mentioned but the sheer proposed scope makes me think it ain't gonna happen. The momentum is lost completely.
* IDEA works for Scala just fine but I wouldn't object to more refactoring features ported from the Java world
* the Akka debacle was enormous and made me think Scala is not viable anymore outside of the Spark/Flink/Kafka circles
* mvn needs a newer frontend/DSL but it's light years ahead of the SBTs/Gradles of the world otherwise
* WAScalaM seems to be the only alternative platform that is forward-looking enough to make sense
* FP has its place but the multi-year emphasis on it has damaged real-life adoption disproportionately
* IDEA works for Scala just fine but I wouldn't object to more refactoring features ported from the Java world
* the Akka debacle was enormous and made me think Scala is not viable anymore outside of the Spark/Flink/Kafka circles
* mvn needs a newer frontend/DSL but it's light years ahead of the SBTs/Gradles of the world otherwise
* WAScalaM seems to be the only alternative platform that is forward-looking enough to make sense
* FP has its place but the multi-year emphasis on it has damaged real-life adoption disproportionately