I recently got out of a job where I had nothing to do, and it was soul crushing. I actually had a boss I really liked, but the company had so much red tape and bureaucracy that our team didn't have any real work to do. I didn't write a single line of work related code the entire time I was there, and it felt like I was losing momentum, like all my skills were getting duller.
You wouldn't think doing nothing would exhaust you, but not doing anything _real_ all day stressed me out a lot and I was weirdly tired at the end of the day. This meant I didn't have very much energy for job hunting or personal projects that would help me find another job.
I wanted to reply to this post in particular because it hits a point that a lot of job advice posts I see miss: a shitty enough job can make it hard to do the stuff you need to do to get another job. I don't know what advice I can give though, it's a hard problem and a lot of the stuff that makes it hard is in your head which makes it difficult to generalize.